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Retrieving update metadata from the Lenovo Web site

The following procedure describes how to retrieve the update metadata for a specific machine type from the Lenovo Web site.

Before you begin

This task requires a network connection to the Internet. You can use an HTTP Proxy to access the Internet or directly connect to the Internet.

There are two options for retrieving update metadata from the Lenovo Web site:
  • To retrieve the latest update metadata from Lenovo, click Retrieve metadata from Lenovo Latest version.
  • To retrieve all available update metadata from Lenovo, click Retrieve metadata from Lenovo – All versions.


  1. Click the Actions menu, and select Retrieve metadata from Lenovo Latest version or Retrieve metadata from Lenovo – All versions.
    This action retrieves the update metadata related to the specific machine type on the Lenovo Web site. This process may take several minutes to finish.
  2. After the Retrieve Metadata process is finished, the updates will be listed in the update view. If the payload is not downloaded, Not downloaded will be displayed in the status column.
    UXSP will be displayed under category Update Bundle automatically.