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Shutting down or restarting Lenovo XClarity Integrator

Users can shut down or restart Lenovo XClarity Integrator. However, Lenovo XClarity Integrator will be disconnected after being shut down or restarted, so users should re-connect it after this process.

Before you begin

Ensure that no job is running. All running jobs will be canceled when shutting down or restarting Lenovo XClarity Integrator.


Complete the following steps to shut down or restart Lenovo XClarity Integrator:

  1. On the Lenovo XClarity Integrator for VMware vCenter page, click Power Control on the top right corner. A confirmation dialog with a list of jobs that are running will be prompt.
  2. Click Shut down or Restart. Lenovo XClarity Integrator will be shut down or restarted, and all running jobs will be canceled.