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Discovering and managing the BMC through LXCA

If Lenovo XClarity Administrator is available, and ESXi servers have already been managed by Lenovo XClarity Administrator, users do not need to discover or manage the servers in Lenovo XClarity Integrator. Users can just register the Lenovo XClarity Administrator to Lenovo XClarity Integrator, and Lenovo XClarity Integrator will discover and manage BMC automatically through Lenovo XClarity Administrator. See Configuring Lenovo XClarity Administrator on how to register Lenovo XClarity Administrator.
When registering LXCA to LXCI, ensure that the LXCA account has the privilege to manage all the target servers managed with LXCI. These servers should be managed by Managed Authentication instead of Local Authenitication in LXCA. For more information, refer to