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LXCA receives events from different types of managed resources. It transforms them into a common format so that the log output from XClarity Administrator looks similar. The general format is:

<Severity code><Date/Time stamp> [appl=LXCA service=<serviceability> severity=<log severity> class=<type of event> appladdr=<IPaddress of LXCA> src=<type of endpoint> uuid=<unique identifier> sn=<serial number> seq=<sequence number> EventID=<event ID>] <Message>


  • <Severity code> depicts the code specifying the error, warning, or information.

  • <Date/Time stamp> depicts the date and time when the message was surfaced.

  • appl=LXCA depicts that the event came from an XClarity Administrator.

  • service=<serviceability> depicts if this is a Serviceable event or not.

  • severity=<log severity> depicts Error, Warning, or Informational.

  • class=<type of event> depicts categorization of the type of endpoint.

  • appladdr=<IPaddress of LXCA> depicts the IP address of the XClarity Administrator.

  • src=<type of endpoint> depicts the general type of endpoint.

  • uuid=<unique identifier> depicts a unique identifier for the managed endpoint.

  • sn=<serial number> depicts the serial number of the managed endpoint

  • seq=<sequence number> depicts the sequence number of the event from the endpoint. You can use this number to determine if an event is missing.

  • EventID=<event ID> depicts the Event ID.

  • <Message> depicts the text describing the specific event that occurred.

Here is an example for LXCA:

<84> Sat May 08 06:59:25 EDT 2021 [appl=LXCA service=NONE severity=WARNING class=SYSTEM appladdr= user=UNKNOWN src=ManagementServer uuid=B994D4378E2C40419EA81B372371B2D4 sn=UNKNOWN resourceIP=UNKNOWN systemName=MM5CF3FC25D87B : Power Supply 04 : Bay 4 seq=449948 EventID=FQXHMDM0165G

CommonEventID=FQXHMDM0165G The device health state changed from normal to warning.

Here is an example for LXCO:

978<2021-06-07T11:59:44.438771 {​​​​​​​​'groups': [], 'acls': [], 'local': None, 'eventID': 'FQXHMJM0002I', 'severity': 'Informational', 'sourceID': 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF', 'componentID': 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF', 'msg': 'Job 889 was updated.', 'description': 'A job was updated.', 'userAction': 'N/A', 'recoveryURL': None, 'flags': ['Hidden'], 'userid': None, 'action': 'None', 'eventClass': 'System', 'args': ['889'], 'service': 'None', 'lxcaUUID': None, 'managerID': None, 'failFRUNumbers': None, 'failFRUSNs': None, 'failFRUUUIDs': '[FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF]', 'msgID': None, 'timeStamp': '2021-06-07T11:59:55Z', 'eventDate': '2021-06-07T11:59:55Z', 'commonEventID': 'FQXHMJM0002I', 'sequenceNumber': None, 'details': None, 'device': {​​​​​​​​'name': None, 'mtm': None, 'serialNumber': None}​​​​​​​​, 'resourceType': None, 'componentType': None, 'sourceType': 'Management', 'resourceName': 'Not Available', 'fruType': 'other', 'ipAddress': '', 'appl': 'LXCO'}​​​​​​​​