Importing devices
You may import devices with or without hierarchy information to Energy Manager. To import devices, you need to compile an Excel file which contains device and hierarchy information. Depending on device type, some columns are required. For example: Name, type, and address would be required for any IPMI based servers. Other columns would be optional.
A downloadable Excel file template (hierarchy_template_for_import. xls) can be found on the website with the LXEM package.
Item | Description |
name | Entity display name. It is a required column for any devices. |
type | Supported protocol types include IPMI, SNMPv1v2c, SNMPv3, WS-MAN, SSH, HTTPS, and INBAND_PROTOCOL. For unmanaged device, it should be ’Unmanaged server’, ’Unmanaged network device’, or ’Unmanaged storage device’. It is a required column for any devices. |
address | IP address |
username | Username to communicate with the device |
password | Password to communicate with the device |
snmpcommunitystring | Community string for accessing the SNMP-based platform via the SNMP V1 protocol |
snmpencryptionpassword | The password for encryption for the SNMP-based platform |
snmpauthenticationprotocol | The authentication protocol for an SNMP v3 based device. It can be one of below options: AuthMD5 AuthSHA1 AuthHMAC128SHA224 AuthHMAC192SHA256 AuthHMAC256SHA384 AuthHMAC384-SHA512 |
snmpencryptionprotocol | The encryption protocol for an SNMP v3 based device. It can be one of below options: PrivDES Priv3DES PrivAES128 PrivAES192 PrivAES256 |
httpsport | The HTTPS port for the device |
sshport | The SSH port for the entity |
distinguishedname | The UCS DN of the entity (used for identifying and discriminating UCS devices in Energy Manager) |
key | The IPMI key for the device |
de-ratedpower | De-rated power for managed or unmanaged devices |
size | Size of the device |
location | Physical location of the device in a rack |
authenticateentity | To decide whether to authenticate the Dell CMC device in WS-MAN connection. Valid value is either '‘rue’ or ‘false’ |
model | Device model for unmanaged devices |
ostype | OS type for IPMI devices. Valid values include Windows, Linux, Xen, and ESX |
osaddress | OS IP address |
osusername | OS user name |
ospassword | OS password |
typicalpower | Typical power used for power estimation with a static value |
idlepower | Idle power used in utilization-based power estimation |
peakpower | Peak power used in utilization-based power estimation |
gridx | The x axis of a rack in the room layout coordinate |
gridy | The y axis of a rack in the room layout coordinate |
width | The width of a chassis / blade (number of grids) |
height | The height of a chassis / blade (number of grids) |
start_x | The start position (in x-axle) of a blade in a chassis (start from 1) |
start_y | The start position (in y-axle) of a blade in a chassis (start from 1) |
dc | Data center |
room | The room that the device belongs to |
row | The row that the device belongs to |
rack | The rack that the device belongs to |
enclosure | The enclosure containing the blade server |
group | Group that an entity belongs to |
You may start to import device by clicking the ‘Add Import Task’ button in the ‘Discovery and Import’ page or the ‘Import’ button in the ‘Devices and Racks’ page. Whatever the button you click, you will go through the same importing progress.
The devices without hierarchy information would be imported into the ‘Device List’.
Update the passwords on your managed devices.
Fill the new passwords in the hierarchy file. The hierarchy file can be exported from the current Energy Manager. You may also write your own hierarchy file according to the format.
Import this hierarchy file and then the device passwords saved in Energy Manager will be updated.
Sometimes the password is updated in the device, but the password saved in Energy Manager is not updated. If the communication between Energy Manager and the managed device is unexpectedly broken, Energy Manager creates the connection to the device with the out-of-date password. It may trigger the device security mechanism and the possible behavior may be that the device access is locked for some time. For this case, you may still update the device password saved in Energy Manager with ‘Import’ feature. When the device access is recovered, Energy Manager will create the session with the new password and the monitoring will work again.