Event Log
Event log tab allow users to view SEL (System Event Log).
SEL (System event log) records enclosure level info/warning/critical events so that user can learn what happened in the enclosure. A maximum number of 4090 event entries can be logged.
By default, the latest entry is at the last page as events are sorted by occurring order from earliest in time to the latest. Click on Date/Time to reorder the sorting from latest to earliest event.

- Refresh: SEL is never automatically refreshed. Click on Refresh to acquire the latest entries when the log is full.
- Save Log: SEL data will be saved as .csv file and exported.
- Clear Log: SEL data will be cleared.
- Severity: SEL data entries will be listed in the order based on severity.
: Indicates Information type of events
: Indicates Warning type of event
: Indicates Critical type of events. Critical event lits ‘Error’ LED.
Following is a list of all the possible events:
Message String | Message Description | Severity | Assert | Deassert |
PS% 12V OC Fault | PSU Over-Current | Critical | PSU Fault Indicator: On | NA |
PS% 12V OV Fault | PSU 12V Over-Voltage | Critical | PSU Fault Indicator: On | NA |
PS% 12V UV Fault | PSU 12V Under-Voltage | Critical | PSU Fault Indicator: On | NA |
PS% 12V AUX OC Fault | PSU 12V AUX Over-Current | Critical | PSU AC Good Indicator: Off | NA |
PS% 12V AUX OV Fault | PSU 12V AUX Over-Voltage | Critical | PSU AC Good Indicator: Off | NA |
PS% 12V AUX UV Fault | PSU 12V AUX Under-Voltage | Critical | PSU AC Good Indicator: Off | NA |
PS% IIN OC Fault | PSU IIN Over-Current | Critical | PSU DC Good Indicator: Off | NA |
PS% VIN OV Fault | PSU VIN Over-Voltage | Critical | PSU Fault Indicator: On | NA |
PS% VIN UV Fault | PSU VIN Under-Voltage | Critical | PSU Fault Indicator: On | NA |
PS% 12V OC Warning | PSU 12V Over-Current | Warning | NA | NA |
PS% IIN OC Warning | PSU IIN Over-Current | Warning | NA | NA |
PS% VIN OV Warning | PSU VIN Over-Voltage | Warning | NA | NA |
PS% VIN UV Warning | PSU VIN Under-Voltage | Warning | NA | NA |
PS% Thermal Fault | PSU Thermal Fail | Critical | PSU Fault Indicator: On | NA |
PS% FAN Fault | PSU FAN Fail | Critical | PSU Fault Indicator: On | NA |
PS% Thermal Warning | PSU Thermal Warning | Warning | NA | NA |
PS% OVERSUBSCRIPTION FAULT | Power supply shutdown due to THROTTLE assertion over 3 seconds | Critical | PSU Fault Indicator: On | NA |
PS% iShare Warning | PSU Current Share Warning | Warning | NA | NA |
PS% EPOW Assert | PSU AC Lost | Critical | PSU AC Good Indicator: Off | PSU AC Good Indicator: On |
PS% VIN UV Insufficient Power Fault | PSU VIN Under-Voltage Insufficient Power | Critical | PSU Fault Indicator: On | NA |
PS% AC Low Line | This PSU is plugged in lower than 170V AC | Info | No LED | No LED |
PS% Internal OC Fault | Any of PSU internal fault-caused over current condition | Critical | PSU Fault Indicator: On | NA |
PS% Intermittent Fault | Any of undefined PSU internal faults take place and PSU may either shutdown or still attempt to operate | Critical | PSU Fault Indicator: On | NA |
PS% Not Support | Asserted when non-support PSU is installed | Critical | Error LED: On | Error LED: Off |
PS Type mismatch | Asserted when PSU type mismatch | Warning | No LED | No LED |
FAN% Not Present | Fan module is not present | Critical | Error LED: On Fan Fault LED: On | Error LED: Off Fan Fault LED: Off |
FAN Tach %%: Fan sensor, failure event was asserted, reading value : %RPM (Threshold : 1472RPM) | when Fan Tach sensor reading is less than threshold RPM | Critical | Error LED: On Fan Fault LED: On | Error LED: Off Fan Fault LED: Off |
FAN FFS | System fan in full speed | Warning | No LED | No LED |
PSU FFS | PSU fan in full speed | Warning | No LED | No LED |
NODE%_PRESENT | Node is installed in the indicated slot | Info | No LED | No LED |
NODE%_DC_OFF | Node is turned off (DC-Off) | Info | No LED | No LED |
NODE%_RESEAT | User perform virtual reseat, whole node has been AC cycle * Trying to reseat a powered on node is not allowed, SMM will block the request | Info | No LED | No LED |
NODE%_RESET | User perform reset, the BMC on node has been reset | Info | No LED | No LED |
NODE%_1ST_NOPERM | BMC fail to get the power permission to power on the node | Warning | No LED | No LED |
NODE%_2ND_NOPERM | Client OS fail to get the power permission to power on | Warning | No LED | No LED |
NODE%_CAP_LOW | The restored capping value is lower than current capping boundary | Critical | Error LED: On | No LED |
NODE%_CAP_FAIL | Fail to set capping value to XCC | Critical | Error LED: On | No LED |
NODE%_XCC_FAULT | The BMC of indicated node has no response after power on | Critical | Error LED: On | No LED |
NODE%_NO_COMM | The BMC of indicated node has no response over 1 minutes, system fans are ramped up to prevent node from potential thermal condition | Warning | No LED | No LED |
NODE%_FS_NORESP | The BMC of indicated node has no response over 5 minutes and no further action owing to OS run-time | Critical | Error LED: On | No LED |
NODE%_RESEAT_SMM | The BMC of indicated node has no response over 7 minutes and enter 2nd stage of failsafe action * The node which is already powered on does not be reseated by Fail-Safe task. | Warning | No LED | No LED |
NODE%_FS_NOPERM | The BMC of indicated node has no response over 14 minutes and into final stage of failsafe, the power budget will be recycled and the power permission will be rejected | Critical | Error LED: On | No LED |
NODE%_PMIN_2_BIG | For the power cap boundary PMax and PMin XCC send to SMM, PMin is greater than PMax | Critical | Error LED: On | No LED |
Enclosure No Perm | Power permission is denied for the whole Enclosure if FAN not present happened. | Warning | No LED | No LED |
ENCL_CAP_LOW | The restored enclosure capping value is lower than current capping boundary | Critical | Error LED: On | No LED |
ENCL_CAP_FAIL | Fail to set enclosure capping value | Critical | Error LED: On | No LED |
ENCL_PMAX_2_BIG | The summary of PMax of all nodes has exceed the total power bank | Critical | Error LED: On | No LED |
ENCL_PMIN_2_BIG | The summary of PMin of all nodes has exceed the total power bank | Critical | Error LED: On | No LED |
HI_PCI_NOACSTIC | Acoustic mode 1 - 4 is disabled due to GPU node installed or, high power or thermal demanding PCIe card is installed on node. | Info | No LED | No LED |
NODE%_HI_PCI | High power or thermal demanding PCIe card is installed in this node. Enclosure acoustic mode cannot be applied so that enough air flow is maintained for this node | Info | No LED | No LED |
Enclosure Right PIOR 3.3V Sense | SMM sense Shuttle power fault if 3.3V Aux PWRGD low | Critical | Error LED: On | Error LED: Off |
Enclosure Left PIOR 3.3V Sense | SMM sense Shuttle power fault if 3.3V Aux PWRGD low | Critical | Error LED: On | Error LED: Off |
Enclosure Right PIOR fault | The Shuttle right PIOR not exist or fail | Critical | Error LED: On | Error LED: Off |
Enclosure Left PIOR fault | The Shuttle left PIOR not exist or fail | Critical | Error LED: On | Error LED: Off |
Enclosure Event Log Disable: Event Logging Disabled sensor, Log Area Reset/Cleared was asserted | SMM SEL is cleared | Info | No LED | No LED |
Enclosure Event Log Disable: Event Logging Disabled sensor SEL 75% was asserted | SMM assert Warning when SEL is at least 75% capacity | Warning (75%) | No LED | No LED |
Enclosure Event Log Disable: Event Logging Disabled sensor SEL Full was asserted | SMM assert Error when SEL is 100% full. | Critical (Full) | No LED | No LED |
SMM 12V Sense | When voltage sensed on 12V power rail is lower than lower critical threshold (10.816V) or higher than upper critical threshold (13.248 V) | Critical | Error LED: On | Error LED: Off |
SMM 5V Sense | When voltage sensed on 5V power rail is lower than lower critical threshold (4.563 V) or higher than upper critical threshold (5.589 V) | Critical | Error LED: On | Error LED: Off |
SMM 3.3V Sense | When voltage sensed on 3.3V power rail is lower than lower critical threshold (2.975 V) or higher than upper critical threshold (3.623 V) | Critical | Error LED: On | Error LED: Off |
SMM 2.5V Sense | When voltage sensed on 2.5V power rail is lower than lower critical threshold (2.36 V) or higher than upper critical threshold (2.62 V) | Critical | Error LED: On | Error LED: Off |
SMM 1.2V Sense | When voltage sensed on 1.2V power rail is lower than lower critical threshold (1.12 V) or higher than upper critical threshold (1.28 V) | Critical | Error LED: On | Error LED: Off |
SMM 1.15V Sense | When voltage sensed on 1.2V power rail is lower than lower critical threshold (1.078 V) or higher than upper critical threshold (1.21 V) | Critical | Error LED: On | Error LED: Off |
VBAT Sense | When voltage sensed on coin battery output voltage is lower than lower critical threshold (1.795V) | Critical | Error LED: On | Error LED: Off |
PIOR R Fault | Right PIOR card not exist or fail | Critical | Error LED: On | NA |
PIOR L Fault | Left PIOR card not exist or fail | Critical | Error LED: On | NA |
EIOM not present | EIOM card not present | Info | No LED | No LED |
P BOOT Fault | Primary bank boot fail | Warning | Error LED: Off | Error LED: Off |