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PATCH – Account Service


PATCH https://{{ip}}/redfish/v1/AccountService
Content-Type: application/json

Request body

Please refer to the properties that are patchable in Account Service Property for which ReadOnly is False that can be sent as Request body in JSON format.

Request example



  1. Account Service attributes like LDAP and Active Directory involve IPMI operations whereas the remaining attributes involve RedisDB operations alone.

  2. The Response Status Code and the Response Body depend on the Request Body being patched and thus can be classified into the below-mentioned scenarios:
    1. If the Request Body contains attributes, which needs both IPMI operations and RedisDB operations or IPMI operations alone, then the Response Status Code will be 200 OK and the Response Body contains an additional ExtendedInfo Message as below, in addition to the existing response body:
      "@Message.ExtendedInfo": [
      "Message":"Modifying the values.It may take a few seconds for the changes to reflect",
      "Resolution":"Wait a few seconds before sending additional requests to this resource."
    2. If the Request Body contains attributes (Other than LDAP and AD attributes), which needs RedisDB operations alone, then the Response Status Code will be 204 No Content with no Response Body.

    3. If there is a request for LDAP OEM properties, the response will return 200 with body in JSON format with the Odata properties.

  3. For Error Responses, please refer to Error Response.