PATCH – Change PAM Configurations
PATCH https://{{ip}}/redfish/v1/AccountService/Oem/Ami/Configurations
Content-Type: application/json
Request example
"PAMEnabled": true,
"PAMOrder": [
PAMOrder can change only when PAMEnabled in true.
RADIUS should be kept as last in the PAMOrder. If the position of RADIUS is changed from last in the PAMOrder, the request will be responded with an appropriate error message.
If the PATCH is completely succeful without any extended information, the status code will be 204.
A message will be included in the response when the lighttpd web server needs to be restarted and if there is some extended info.
On error, the response status will be 400 and the body will contain the response error.
For Error Responses, please refer to Error Response.
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