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BMC DNS Configuration

Use this submenu to set the BMC DNS Configuration parameters.

Submenu itemOptionsDescription
BMC DNS Configuration
To ChangeNo | Yes

To Change BMC DNS Configuration.

The default option is No.

Domain Name Serivce Configuration
DNS ServiceEnable | Disable

Enable or disable DNS Service.

The default option is Enable.

Host Configuration
Host SettingsManual | Automatic

The default option is Automatic.

Host NameN/A

Display the host name.

Register BMC
eth0Enable | Disable

The default option is Enable.

Register MethodNsupdate | DHCP Client FQDN | Hostname

The default option is Nsupdate.

eth1Enable | Disable

The default option is Enable.

Register MethodNsupdate | DHCP Client FQDN | Hostname

The default option is Nsupdate.

Domain Name Configuration
Domain SettingsManual | eth0_v4 | eth0_v6 | eth1_v4 | eth1_v6

The default option is eth1_v4.

Domain NameN/A

Display the domain name.

Domain Name Server Configuration
DNS Server SettingsManual | eth0 | eth1

The default option is eth1.

IP PriorityIPv4 | IPv6

The default option is IPv4.

DNS Server1N/ADisplay the DNS Server1.
DNS Server2N/ADisplay the DNS Server2.
DNS Server3N/ADisplay the DNS Server3.