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Network Stack Configuration

Use this submenu to set network stack configuration parameters.

Submenu itemOptionsDescription
Network Stack
Ipv4 PXE Support

Disable | Enable

Enable or disable IPv4 PXE boot support.

The default option is Enable.

IPv4 HTTP Support

Disable | Enable

Enable or disable IPv4 HTTP boot support.

When it is enabled, booting *.efi executables is supported, but booting disk image files is not.

The default option is Disable.

IPv6 PXE Support

Disable | Enable

Enable or disable IPv6 PXE boot support.

The default option is Enable.

IPv6 HTTP Support

Disable | Enable

Enable or disable IPv6 HTTP boot support.

When it is enabled, booting *.efi executables is supported, but booting disk image files is not.

The default option is Disable.

PXE Boot wait timeN/A

Wait time in seconds to press ESC key to abort the PXE boot. Use either +/- or numeric keys to set the value.

Media detect countN/A

Number of times the presence of media will be checked. Use either +/- or number keys to set the value.

Global Network Settings N/A

Global Network Settings