Password considerations
For security reasons, it is recommended that you use a strong password that cannot be easily compromised.
The System Setup Utility passwords are case sensitive.
The server supports System Setup Utility passwords that consist of up to twenty characters.
To set a strong password, use the following guidelines:
The password can only contain the following characters (no white-space characters allowed): A-Z, a-z, 0-9, ~`!@#$%^&*()-+={}[]|:;"'<>,?/.\_
Contain at least one alphabetic character and one numeric character
- Contain at least two of the following combinations:
At least one upper-case letter
At least one lower-case letter
At least one special character
No more than two consecutive occurrences of the same character
Must be at least eight characters if it does not select other value in “Minimum password length” option.
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