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Advanced Settings for BMC Ethernet

Table 1. Advanced Settings for BMC Ethernet
  • No

  • Yes

  • If auto-negotiation is 'No', you can manually choose the data rate and duplex mode.

  • If auto-negotiation is 'Yes', there is no manual configuration needed.

Data rate
  • 100 Mb (Ethernet)

  • 10 Mb (Ethernet)

Amount of data to be transferred per second over LAN connection.

  • Half

  • Full

Type of communication channel used in your network.

[Full]: Allow data to be transferred in both directions at once.

[Half]: Allow data to be transferred in either one direction or the other, but not both at the same time.

Maximum Transmission Unit


Specify the maximum size of a packet (in bytes) for the network interface.

For IPv4-only networks, the valid MTU range is 68 – 1500.

For networks that implement IPv6, the valid MTU range is 1280 – 1500.


ERROR > Invalid Input Range > Ok

Note: Changes will be valid after saving network settings in previous page.