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HTTP Boot Configuration

HTTP Boot Configuration

  • When you enable Network -> Network Stack Setting -> IPv4 HTTP Support or IPv6 HTTP support, HTTP Boot Configuration is displayed in Network page.

  • When the network adapter is installed in the system, you will see the submenu, or nothing will be displayed in HTTP Boot Configuration form.

Table 1. HTTP Boot Configuration

List of NICs in the system

e. g., MAC:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX HTTP Boot Configuration


Configures HTTP Boot parameters. (MAC: XXXXXXXXXXXX).

MAC:xxxxxxxxxxxx-HTTP Boot Configuration


After you input some information to create the new HTTP boot option, you need to save it from the front-page -System Configuration and Boot Management -> Save Settings, then you will see the boot option in Start Options.

Table 2. MAC:xxxxxxxxxxxx-HTTP Boot Configuration
Input the description


Default value is UEFI HTTP.

Internet Protocol
  • IPv4

  • IPv6

Selects version of the Internet Protocol.

Boot URI


A new Boot Option will be created according to the Boot URI.