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Operating Modes

SR250 V3, ST50 V3 and ST250 V3 do not support some functions in this section.
Select the operating mode based on your preference.
Table 1. Operating Modes
Choose Operating Mode
  • Minimal Power

  • Efficiency – Favor Power

  • Efficiency – Favor Performance (Default)

  • Custom Mode

  • Maximum Performance

You can select the operating mode based on your preference.

Power savings and performance are heavily dependent on the hardware and the software running on the system.

Acoustic Mode
  • Disabled (Default)

  • Mode 1

  • Mode 2

Optimizes the responses of system fan for acoustics and limits the speed of system fan.

[Mode 2] reduces the acoustics more aggressively than [Mode 1].

When this feature is set to [Disabled], limits of system fan speed are not applicable.

Throttling may momentarily occur when Acoustic Mode is enabled. To reduce performance impacts, the fan limits in Acoustic Mode are de-asserted to ensure that adequate system airflow during throttle events, fan failures, or high ambient temperatures (>30C).

SR630 V3, SR650 V3 and ST650 V3 do not support this function.
Memory Speed
  • Minimal Power

  • Balanced

  • Max Performance (Default)

You can select the desired memory speed.

[Maximum performance] maximizes the performance.

[Balanced] offers a balance between performance and power.

[Minimal power] maximizes power savings.

When a preset mode is selected, the low-level settings are not changeable and will be grayed out. To change the settings, choose System Settings > Operating Modes > Choose Operating Mode > Custom Mode.

Memory Power Management
  • Automatic

  • Disabled


[Automatic] is suitable for most applications.

[Disabled] provides maximum performance but minimum power savings.

When a preset mode is selected, the low-level settings are not changeable and will be grayed out. To change the settings, choose System Settings > Operating Modes > Choose Operating Mode >Custom Mode.

This function is only applicable for SR250 V3, ST50 V3 and ST250 V3.
CPU P-state Control
  • None

  • Legacy

  • Autonomous (Default)

  • Cooperative without Legacy

  • Cooperative with Legacy

You can select to control CPU P-states (performance states).

[None]: Disables all P-states and processors work either at rated frequency or in Turbo Mode (if Turbo Mode is enabled).

[Legacy]: CPU P-states will be presented to the OS and the OS power management (OSPM) will directly control which P-state is selected.

[Autonomous]: P-states are fully controlled by system hardware. No P-state support is required in the OS or VM.

[Cooperative] is a combination of [Legacy] and [Autonomous]. P-states are still controlled by hardware but the OS can provide hints to the hardware for P-state limits, indicating the desired setting.

When a preset mode is selected, the low-level settings are not changeable and will be grayed out. To change the settings, choose System Settings > Operating Modes > Choose Operating Mode > Custom Mode.

C1 Enhanced Mode
  • Enabled (Default)

  • Disabled

[Enabled]: Saves power by halting processor cores that are idle.

Using this feature requires an operating system that supports C1E state. Changes take effect after the system rebooted.

When a preset mode is selected, the low-level settings are not changeable and will be grayed out. To change the settings, choose System Settings > Operating Modes > Choose Operating Mode > Custom Mode > C-States > [Legacy]/[Disabled] .

C1E status is changeable only when C-states is not set to [Autonomous].
UPI Link Frequency
  • Minimal Power

  • Balanced

  • Maximum Performance (Default)

You can select the desired UPI link frequency.

[Maximum performance] maximizes the performance.

[Balanced] offers a balance between performance and power.

[Minimal power] maximizes power savings.

When a preset mode is selected, the low-level settings are not changeable and will be grayed out. To change the settings, choose System Settings > Operating Modes > Choose Operating Mode > Custom Mode.

UPI is available only when two or more processors are installed.
UPI Link Disable
  • Enabled All Links (Default)

  • Minimum Number of Links Enabled

Limiting the QPI/UPI connections to the minimum number can save power. If maximum performance is desired, all QPI links should be left enabled.

When a preset mode is selected, the low-level settings are not changeable and will be grayed out. To change the settings, choose System Settings > Operating Modes > Choose Operating Mode > Custom Mode.

UPI is available only when two or more processors are installed.
Turbo Mode
  • Enabled (Default)

  • Disabled

[Enabled] improves the overall processor performance when all processor cores are not being fully utilized. A processor core can run above its rated frequency for a short period of time when it is in turbo mode.

When a preset mode is selected, the low-level settings are not changeable and will be grayed out. To change the settings, choose System Settings > Operating Modes > Choose Operating Mode > Custom Mode.

Energy Efficient Turbo
  • Enabled (Default)

  • Disabled

[Enabled]: The optimal turbo frequency of processors can be adjusted dynamically based on processor utilization. This feature is also influenced by Power/Performance Bias.

When a preset mode is selected, the low-level settings are not changeable and will be grayed out. To change the settings, choose System Settings > Operating Modes > Choose Operating Mode > Custom Mode > Turbo Mode > [Enabled]

  • Legacy

  • Disabled

C-states reduces power consumption during the idle time.

[Legacy]: The operating system initiates the C-state transitions. For E5/E7 processors, ACPI C1/C2/C3 map to Intel C1/C3/C6. For 6500/7500 processors, ACPI C1/C3 map to Intel C1/C3 (ACPI C2 is not available). Some OS may defeat the ACPI mapping (e.g., Intel idle driver).

When a preset mode is selected, the low-level settings are not changeable and will be grayed out. To change the settings, choose System Settings > Operating Modes > Choose Operating Mode > Custom Mode.

Power/Performance Bias
  • Platform Controlled (Default)

  • OS Controlled

Power/Performance Bias determines how the power management of the processor is controlled.

[Platform Controlled]: The system controls the setting.

[OS Controlled]: The operating system controls the setting.

Not all operating systems support this feature.

When a preset mode is selected, the low-level settings are not changeable and will be grayed out. To change the settings, choose System Settings > Operating Modes > Choose Operating Mode > Custom Mode.

Platform Controlled Type
  • Maximum Performance

  • Efficiency - Favor Performance (Default)

  • Efficiency - Favor Power

  • Minimal Power

[Maximum Performance] allows the most aggressive use of turbo and power management functions are disabled, thereby increasing power consumption.

Turbo mode can be engaged opportunistically before it is requested and uncore power management features (Memory, UPI, C-state demotion, I/O bandwidth limit and UFS) are aggressively disabled

[Minimal Power] disables turbo and maximizes the use of power management features.

When a preset mode is selected, the low-level settings are not changeable and will be grayed out. To change the settings, choose System Settings > Operating Modes > Choose Operating Mode > Custom Mode.

Page Policy
  • Adaptive

  • Closed (Default)

[Adaptive] improves the performance of applications with a highly localized memory access pattern.

[Closed] benefits applications that access memory more randomly.

  • Enabled (Default)

  • Disabled

MONITOR/MWAIT instructions are used to engage C-states. Some operating systems re-enable C-states even when they are disabled in setup. To prevent this, do the following:
  1. Disable MONNITOR/MWAIT.

    1. Choose System Settings > Operating Modes > Choose Operating Mode > Custom Mode.
    2. Choose System Settings > C-States > Disabled.

UPI Power Management


You can set the desired power management level for the UPI interface. L1 saves the most power but has longer latency compared to L0p or [Disabled].

When a preset mode is selected, the low-level settings are not changeable and will be grayed out. To change the settings, choose System Settings > Operating Modes > Choose Operating Mode > Custom Mode.

UPI is available only when two or more processors are installed.