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Microprocessor problems

  • Follow the suggested actions in the order in which they are listed in the Action column until the problem is solved.
  • If an action step is preceded by '(Trained technician only)', that step must be performed only by a Trained technician.
  • Go to the IBM support website at the Lenovo Support Portal to check for technical information, hints, tips, and new device drivers or to submit a request for information.
Table 1. Microprocessor's symptoms and actions. The microprocessor's symptoms and actions table with one level of row and column headers.
The server goes directly to the POST Event Viewer when it is turned on.
  1. Correct any errors that are indicated by the light path diagnostics LEDs (see Light path diagnostics).
  2. Make sure that the server supports all the microprocessors and that the microprocessors match in speed and cache size. To view the microprocessor information, run the Setup utility and select System Information > System Summary > Processor Details.
  3. (Trained technician only) Reseat microprocessor 1
  4. (Trained technician only) If there is no indication of which microprocessor has failed, isolate the error by testing with one microprocessor at a time.
  5. Replace the following components one at a time, in the order shown, restarting the server each time:
    1. (Trained technician only) Microprocessor 2
    2. (Trained technician only) System board
  6. (Trained technician only) If multiple error codes or light path diagnostics LEDs indicate a microprocessor error, reverse the locations of two microprocessors to determine whether the error is associated with a microprocessor or with a microprocessor socket.
    • If the error is associated with a microprocessor, replace the microprocessor.
    • If the error is associated with a microprocessor socket, replace the system board.