Disassembling a scalable blade complex
Use this information to disassemble a scalable blade complex.
If you are going to disassemble a blade server complex and use both blade servers as independent, stand-alone servers, you must make sure that you have the following components for each blade server:
- A blade server coverNoteYou need a blade server cover for the secondary blade server only if you intend to remove the scalability tray. You do not need to remove the scalability tray if you are installing both blade servers in adjacent blade server bays of the same chassis.
- A 1-node speed burst card or a scalability filler
- A hypervisor key for each of the blade servers that you will use in a virtualized environment, if required
If you do not have these components for each blade server, make sure that you order them before you disassemble a scalable blade complex.
To disassemble a scalable blade complex, complete the following steps.
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