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Blade server and workstation blade installation worksheet

Use this worksheet to describe each blade server and workstation blade that you plan to install in the BladeCenter S system. Fill out one worksheet for each blade server that you will install.

The following factors drive the choices you make when filling out a blade server worksheet:
  • What applications will this server provide?
  • Which operating system will the server use?
  • What are the redundancy requirements for this server? Redundancy is handled at multiple levels:
    • Blade server level - a mirror image blade server that resides in the same BladeCenter S chassis or in a different BladeCenter S chassis.
    • BladeCenter S system level - a mirror image BladeCenter S system that resides in the same rack or in a different rack.
    • Rack level - a set of BladeCenter S systems in a rack that mirrors a set of BladeCenter S systems in a different rack.
  • What are the network connectivity requirements for this server, including physical connectivity for a redundant path?
How to fill out this worksheet:
  1. Record the name and purpose of this server.
  2. Record the operating system on the worksheet.
  3. Select an installation option for the operating system.
  4. Record the applications for this server.
  5. Chose the I/O module bay that this server uses to communicate with an Ethernet switch module; circle 1, 2, 3 , or 4.
    • I/O module bays 3 and 4 require a SAS expansion card option in the blade server.
    • I/O module bay 2 requires an expansion card option, such as the 2/4 Port Ethernet Expansion Card
  6. Select Automatic through DHCP server or Static and record the IP address information. (The host name can be up to 63 characters.)
Table 1. BladeCenter HC10 workstation blade worksheet

Workstation blade model: ________________
Workstation blade name: ________________
Note: Blade name has a maximum of 20 characters.

Workstation blade purpose: __________________________________

Operating system: ____________________
OS installation option:
     ☐ Preloaded
     ☐ Deployed through network management
     ☐ Manual install with product CD.

Workstation blade IP information:
☐ Automatic through DHCP server
☐ Static:
      Host name        _______________________
      Subnet mask      ______.______.___.______
      IP address        ______.______.___.______
      Gateway address  ______.______.___.______

Connects to I/O module
I/O bay 1 _____________
I/O bay 2 ______________
I/O bay 3 ______________
I/O bay 4 ______________  

Boot sequence:  
___ Internal hard disk drive
___ Integrated storage drive
___ CD-ROM
___ Network  

1. ___________________________  
2. ___________________________
3. ___________________________  

BladeCenter S chassis blade bay location 1 2  3  4  5  6  

ComponentQuantityDetailsBase or optional feature

Workstation blade

1Workstation blade with Intel™ Xeon processorBase
Video graphics adapter1

☐ NVIDIA Quadro
    FX 1600M
☐ NVIDIA Quadro
    NVS 120M
☐ Video pass-through

Memory slots 1 and 22

☐ 512 MB
☐ 1 GB
☐ 2 GB

Memory slots 3 and 42

☐ 512 MB
☐ 1 GB
☐ 2 GB

SATA internal hard disk drive1

☐ 60 GB

Table 2. BladeCenter HS12 blade server worksheet

Blade server model: ________________
Workstation blade name: ________________
Note: Blade name has a maximum of 20 characters.

Blade server purpose: __________________________________

Operating system: ____________________
OS installation option:
     ☐ Preloaded
     ☐ Deployed through network management
     ☐ Manual install with product CD.

Blade server IP information:
☐ Automatic through DHCP server
☐ Static:
      Host name        _______________________
      Subnet mask      ______.______.___.______
      IP address        ______.______.___.______
      Gateway address  ______.______.___.______

Connects to I/O module
I/O bay 1 _____________
I/O bay 2 ______________
I/O bay 3 ______________
I/O bay 4 ______________  

Boot sequence:  
___ Internal hard disk drive
___ Integrated storage drive
___ CD-ROM
___ Network  

1. ___________________________  
2. ___________________________
3. ___________________________  

BladeCenter S chassis blade bay location 1 2  3  4  5  6  

ComponentQuantityDetailsBase or optional feature

Blade server

1Blade server with Intel™ Xeon processorBase
Memory slot 11

☐ 512 MB
☐ 1 GB
☐ 2 GB
☐ 4 GB

Memory slots 2–65

☐ 512 MB
☐ 1 GB
☐ 2 GB
☐ 4 GB

cKVM feature ☐ cKVM cardOptional
Internal hard disk drives2

☐ 15.8 GB Solid State
☐ 31.4 GB Solid State

I/O Expansion cards1

☐  Ethernet
☐  Fibre Channel
☐  SAS

Make sure that the type of switch modules used in I/O bays 3 and 4 match the type of I/O expansion cards that you choose.
PCI I/O Expansion Unit1PCI I/O Expansion Unit 3eOptional
Table 3. BladeCenter HS20 blade server worksheet

Blade server model: ________________
Workstation blade name: ________________
Note: Blade name has a maximum of 20 characters.

Blade server purpose:      __________________________________  

Operating system: ____________________
OS installation option:
     ☐ Preloaded
     ☐ Deployed through network management
     ☐ Manual install with product CD.

Blade server IP information:
☐ Automatic through DHCP server
☐ Static:
      Host name        _______________________
      Subnet mask      ______.______.___.______
      IP address        ______.______.___.______
      Gateway address  ______.______.___.______

Connects to I/O module
I/O bay 1 _____________
I/O bay 2 ______________
I/O bay 3 ______________
I/O bay 4 ______________  

Boot sequence:  
___ Internal hard disk drive
___ Integrated storage drive
___ CD-ROM
___ Network  

1. ___________________________  
2. ___________________________
3. ___________________________  

BladeCenter S chassis blade bay location 1 2  3  4  5  6  

ComponentQuantityDetailsBase or optional feature

Blade server

1Blade server with Intel™ Xeon processorBase with either two 256 or 512 MB memories
Second processor1Xeon DPOptional
Memory slots 1 and 22

☐ 256 MB
☐ 512 MB
☐ 1 GB
☐2 GB

Optional memory choices for slots 3 and 42

☐ 512 MB
☐ 1 GB
☐ 2 GB

Two 256 or 512 MB base memory
EIDE hard disk drives1 or 240 GB ATA 100; 5400 RPMOptional (not supported for NEBS environment)
IDE Flash disk drive1 or 2

☐ 1 GB
☐ 2 GB
☐ 4 GB

I/O Expansion option1

☐  Ethernet
☐  Fibre Channel
☐  SAS

SCSI Storage Expansion option1Supports two additional hot-swapped SCSI hard disk drivesOptional
SCSI hard disk drive1 or 2 Optional
PCI I/O Expansion option1Supports two PCI-X adaptersOptional
PCI-X adapter 1  Optional
PCI-X adapter 2  Optional
Table 4. BladeCenter HS21 blade server worksheet

Blade server model: ________________
Workstation blade name: ________________
Note: Blade name has a maximum of 20 characters.

Blade server purpose: __________________________________

Operating system: ____________________
OS installation option:
     ☐ Preloaded
     ☐ Deployed through network management
     ☐ Manual install with product CD.

Blade server IP information:
☐ Automatic through DHCP server
☐ Static:
      Host name        _______________________
      Subnet mask      ______.______.___.______
      IP address        ______.______.___.______
      Gateway address  ______.______.___.______

Connects to I/O module
I/O bay 1 _____________
I/O bay 2 ______________
I/O bay 3 ______________
I/O bay 4 ______________  

Boot sequence:  
___ Internal hard disk drive
___ Integrated storage drive
___ CD-ROM
___ Network  

1. ___________________________  
2. ___________________________
3. ___________________________  

BladeCenter S chassis blade bay location 1 2  3  4  5  6  

ComponentQuantityDetailsBase or optional feature

Blade server

1Blade server with Intel™ Xeon processorBase
Second processor1Xeon processorOptional
Memory slots 1 and 22

☐ 512 MB
☐ 1 GB
☐ 2 GB
☐ 4 GB

Optional memory choices slots 3 and 42

☐ 512 MB
☐ 1 GB
☐ 2 GB
☐ 4 GB

cKVM feature ☐ cKVM cardOptional
Internal hard disk drive2

☐ 36 GB SAS
☐ 73 GB SAS
☐ 146 GB SAS
☐ 15.8 GB Solid State
☐ 31.4 GB Solid State

Storage and I/O Expansion blade1

☐ PCI I/O Expansion
    Unit 3e
☐ Storage and I/O
    Expansion Blade

I/O Expansion option1

☐  Ethernet
☐  Fibre Channel
☐  SAS

Table 5. BladeCenter HS21 XM blade server worksheet

Blade server model: ________________
Workstation blade name: ________________
Note: Blade name has a maximum of 20 characters.

Blade server purpose: __________________________________

Operating system: ____________________
OS installation option:
     ☐ Preloaded
     ☐ Deployed through network management
     ☐ Manual install with product CD.

Blade server IP information:
☐ Automatic through DHCP server
☐ Static:
      Host name        _______________________
      Subnet mask      ______.______.___.______
      IP address        ______.______.___.______
      Gateway address  ______.______.___.______

Connects to I/O module
I/O bay 1 _____________
I/O bay 2 ______________
I/O bay 3 ______________
I/O bay 4 ______________  

Boot sequence:  
___ Internal hard disk drive
___ Integrated storage drive
___ CD-ROM
___ Network  

1. ___________________________  
2. ___________________________
3. ___________________________  

BladeCenter S chassis blade bay location 1 2  3  4  5  6  

ComponentQuantityDetailsBase or optional feature

Blade server

1Blade server with Intel™ Xeon processorBase
Second processor1Xeon processorOptional
Memory slots 1 and 22

☐ 512 MB       ☐ 2 GB
☐ 1 GB           ☐ 4 GB

Optional memory choices slots 3 and 42

☐ 512 MB       ☐ 2 GB
☐ 1 GB           ☐ 4 GB

Optional Memory slots 5 and 62

☐ 512 MB       ☐ 2 GB
☐ 1 GB           ☐ 4 GB

Optional memory choices slots 7 and 82

☐ 512 MB       ☐ 2 GB
☐ 1 GB           ☐ 4 GB

cKVM feature ☐ cKVM cardOptional
Modular flash drive (USB compact flash)1

☐ 4 GB           ☐ 8 GB

Internal hard disk drive1

☐ 36 GB SAS
☐ 73 GB SAS
☐ 146 GB SAS
☐ 15.8 GB Solid State
☐ 31.4 GB Solid State

Storage and I/O Expansion blade1

☐ PCI I/O Expansion
    Unit 3e
☐ Storage and I/O
    Expansion Blade

I/O Expansion option1

☐  Ethernet
☐  Fibre Channel
☐  SAS

Table 6. BladeCenter JS12 blade server worksheet

Blade server model: ________________
Workstation blade name: ________________
Note: Blade name has a maximum of 20 characters.

Blade server purpose: __________________________________

Operating system: ____________________
OS installation option:
     ☐ Preloaded
     ☐ Deployed through network management
     ☐ Manual install with product CD.

Blade server IP information:
☐ Automatic through DHCP server
☐ Static:
      Host name        _______________________
      Subnet mask      ______.______.___.______
      IP address        ______.______.___.______
      Gateway address  ______.______.___.______

Connects to I/O module
I/O bay 1 _____________
I/O bay 2 ______________
I/O bay 3 ______________
I/O bay 4 ______________  

Boot sequence:  
___ Internal hard disk drive
___ Integrated storage drive
___ CD-ROM
___ Network  

1. ___________________________  
2. ___________________________
3. ___________________________  

BladeCenter S chassis blade bay location 1 2  3  4  5  6  

ComponentQuantityDetailsBase or optional feature

8844 blade server

1Two single-core, 64-bit, IBM PowerPC® 970MP microprocessors (2.7 GHz in BladeCenter H unit, 2.6 GHz in other BladeCenter units) or two dual-core, 64-bit, IBM PowerPC 970MP microprocessors (2.5 GHz in BladeCenter H unit, 2.3 GHz in other BladeCenter units)Base with two 1 GB dual inline memory modules (DIMMs) standard with 2-core (two single-core processors); two 2 GB DIMMs with 4-core (two dual-core processors).
Memory slots 1 and 3. Select a memory size. (Optional)2

☐ 512 MB
☐ 1 GB
☐ 2 GB
☐ 4 GB

Optional; Second pair of DIMMs must match speed of first pair of DIMMs, but can vary in size, type, technology, and physical design.
Optional memory choices for slots 2 and 4 (Base)2

☐ 1 GB
☐ 2 GB

Each DIMM in this pair must be the same size, speed, type, technology, and physical design.
Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) hard disk drive1 or 273.4 GB SAS 10 K RPMOptional; Support for two internal small-form-factor SAS drives; Optional 146 GB SFF SAS drive available
Networking expansion card options:

SFF Gb Ethernet
CFFv Gb Ethernet
CFFh InfiniBand
SFF/PCIE high-speed


☐  Ethernet
☐  Fibre Channel
☐  InfiniBand


1 GB Ethernet Dual Port Expansion Card, CFF/PCIX

Combo 4 GB Fibre Channel/1GB E'Net Expansion Card, CFF/PCIE, (QLogic)

Myricom Myrinet Cluster Expansion Card, LFF/PCIX (InfiniBand)

4X InfiniBand Dual Port Expansion Card, SFF/PCIE, (Cisco)

SCSI storage expansion option1Supports two additional hot-swapped SCSI hard disk drivesOptional;

QLogic iSCSI Expansion Card for IBM eServer BladeCenter

Fibre Channel storage expansion card options:

CFFv controller
SFF controller
CFFh controller

1Supports two adaptersOptional;

QLogic 4Gb SFF Fibre Channel Expansion Card for IBM eServer BladeCenter

QLogic 4Gb Fibre Channel Expansion Card (CFFv) for IBM BladeCenter

4 GB Fibre Channel Dual Port Expansion Card, SFF/PCIX (Emulex)

Table 7. BladeCenter JS21 blade server worksheet

Blade server model: ________________
Workstation blade name: ________________
Note: Blade name has a maximum of 20 characters.

Blade server purpose: __________________________________

Operating system: ____________________
OS installation option:
     ☐ Preloaded
     ☐ Deployed through network management
     ☐ Manual install with product CD.

Blade server IP information:
☐ Automatic through DHCP server
☐ Static:
      Host name        _______________________
      Subnet mask      ______.______.___.______
      IP address        ______.______.___.______
      Gateway address  ______.______.___.______

Connects to I/O module
I/O bay 1 _____________
I/O bay 2 ______________
I/O bay 3 ______________
I/O bay 4 ______________  

Boot sequence:  
___ Internal hard disk drive
___ Integrated storage drive
___ CD-ROM
___ Network  

1. ___________________________  
2. ___________________________
3. ___________________________  

BladeCenter S chassis blade bay location 1 2  3  4  5  6  

ComponentQuantityDetailsBase or optional feature

8844 blade server

1Two single-core, 64-bit, IBM PowerPC® 970MP microprocessors (2.7 GHz in BladeCenter H unit, 2.6 GHz in other BladeCenter units) or two dual-core, 64-bit, IBM PowerPC 970MP microprocessors (2.5 GHz in BladeCenter H unit, 2.3 GHz in other BladeCenter units)Base with two 1 GB dual inline memory modules (DIMMs) standard with 2-core (two single-core processors); two 2 GB DIMMs with 4-core (two dual-core processors).
Memory slots 1 and 3. Select a memory size. (Optional)2

☐ 512 MB
☐ 1 GB
☐ 2 GB
☐ 4 GB

Optional; Second pair of DIMMs must match speed of first pair of DIMMs, but can vary in size, type, technology, and physical design.
Optional memory choices for slots 2 and 4 (Base)2

☐ 1 GB
☐ 2 GB

Each DIMM in this pair must be the same size, speed, type, technology, and physical design.
Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) hard disk drive1 or 273.4 GB SAS 10 K RPMOptional; Support for two internal small-form-factor SAS drives; Optional 146 GB SFF SAS drive available
Networking expansion card options:

SFF Gb Ethernet
CFFv Gb Ethernet
CFFh InfiniBand
SFF/PCIE high-speed


☐  Ethernet
☐  Fibre Channel
☐  InfiniBand


1 GB Ethernet Dual Port Expansion Card, CFF/PCIX

Combo 4 GB Fibre Channel/1GB E'Net Expansion Card, CFF/PCIE, (QLogic)

Myricom Myrinet Cluster Expansion Card, LFF/PCIX (InfiniBand)

4X InfiniBand Dual Port Expansion Card, SFF/PCIE, (Cisco)

SCSI storage expansion option1Supports two additional hot-swapped SCSI hard disk drivesOptional;

QLogic iSCSI Expansion Card for IBM eServer BladeCenter

Fibre Channel storage expansion card options:

CFFv controller
SFF controller
CFFh controller

1Supports two adaptersOptional;

QLogic 4Gb SFF Fibre Channel Expansion Card for IBM eServer BladeCenter

QLogic 4Gb Fibre Channel Expansion Card (CFFv) for IBM BladeCenter

4 GB Fibre Channel Dual Port Expansion Card, SFF/PCIX (Emulex)

Table 8. BladeCenter JS22 blade server worksheet

Blade server model: ________________
Workstation blade name: ________________
Note: Blade name has a maximum of 20 characters.

Blade server purpose: __________________________________

Operating system: ____________________
OS installation option:
     ☐ Preloaded
     ☐ Deployed through network management
     ☐ Manual install with product CD.

Blade server IP information:
☐ Automatic through DHCP server
☐ Static:
      Host name        _______________________
      Subnet mask      ______.______.___.______
      IP address        ______.______.___.______
      Gateway address  ______.______.___.______

Connects to I/O module
I/O bay 1 _____________
I/O bay 2 ______________
I/O bay 3 ______________
I/O bay 4 ______________  

Boot sequence:  
___ Internal hard disk drive
___ Integrated storage drive
___ CD-ROM
___ Network  

1. ___________________________  
2. ___________________________
3. ___________________________  

BladeCenter S chassis blade bay location 1 2  3  4  5  6  

ComponentQuantityDetailsBase or optional feature

8844 blade server

1Two single-core, 64-bit, IBM PowerPC® 970MP microprocessors (2.7 GHz in BladeCenter H unit, 2.6 GHz in other BladeCenter units) or two dual-core, 64-bit, IBM PowerPC 970MP microprocessors (2.5 GHz in BladeCenter H unit, 2.3 GHz in other BladeCenter units)Base with two 1 GB dual inline memory modules (DIMMs) standard with 2-core (two single-core processors); two 2 GB DIMMs with 4-core (two dual-core processors).
Memory slots 1 and 3. Select a memory size. (Optional)2

☐ 512 MB
☐ 1 GB
☐ 2 GB
☐ 4 GB

Optional; Second pair of DIMMs must match speed of first pair of DIMMs, but can vary in size, type, technology, and physical design.
Optional memory choices for slots 2 and 4 (Base)2

☐ 1 GB
☐ 2 GB

Each DIMM in this pair must be the same size, speed, type, technology, and physical design.
Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) hard disk drive1 or 273.4 GB SAS 10 K RPMOptional; Support for two internal small-form-factor SAS drives; Optional 146 GB SFF SAS drive available
Networking expansion card options:

SFF Gb Ethernet
CFFv Gb Ethernet
CFFh InfiniBand
SFF/PCIE high-speed


☐  Ethernet
☐  Fibre Channel
☐  InfiniBand


1 GB Ethernet Dual Port Expansion Card, CFF/PCIX

Combo 4 GB Fibre Channel/1GB E'Net Expansion Card, CFF/PCIE, (QLogic)

Myricom Myrinet Cluster Expansion Card, LFF/PCIX (InfiniBand)

4X InfiniBand Dual Port Expansion Card, SFF/PCIE, (Cisco)

SCSI storage expansion option1Supports two additional hot-swapped SCSI hard disk drivesOptional;

QLogic iSCSI Expansion Card for IBM eServer BladeCenter

Fibre Channel storage expansion card options:

CFFv controller
SFF controller
CFFh controller

1Supports two adaptersOptional;

QLogic 4Gb SFF Fibre Channel Expansion Card for IBM eServer BladeCenter

QLogic 4Gb Fibre Channel Expansion Card (CFFv) for IBM BladeCenter

4 GB Fibre Channel Dual Port Expansion Card, SFF/PCIX (Emulex)

Table 9. BladeCenter LS20 blade server worksheet

Blade server model: ________________
Workstation blade name: ________________
Note: Blade name has a maximum of 20 characters.

Blade server purpose: __________________________________

Operating system: ____________________
OS installation option:
     ☐ Preloaded
     ☐ Deployed through network management
     ☐ Manual install with product CD.

Blade server IP information:
☐ Automatic through DHCP server
☐ Static:
      Host name        _______________________
      Subnet mask      ______.______.___.______
      IP address        ______.______.___.______
      Gateway address  ______.______.___.______

Connects to I/O module
I/O bay 1 _____________
I/O bay 2 ______________
I/O bay 3 ______________
I/O bay 4 ______________  

Boot sequence:  
___ Internal hard disk drive
___ Integrated storage drive
___ CD-ROM
___ Network  

1. ___________________________  
2. ___________________________
3. ___________________________  

BladeCenter S chassis blade bay location 1 2  3  4  5  6  

ComponentQuantityDetailsBase or optional feature

Blade server

1Blade server with AMD Opteron processorBase
Second processor1AMD Opteron processorOptional
Memory slots 1 and 22

☐ 512 MB
☐ 1 GB
☐ 2 GB
☐ 4 GB

Optional memory choices slots 3 and 42

☐ 512 MB
☐ 1 GB
☐ 2 GB
☐ 4 GB

SCSI internal hard disk drive1 or 2

☐ 36 GB
☐ 73 GB

I/O Expansion option1

☐  Ethernet
☐  Fibre Channel
☐  SAS

Table 10. BladeCenter LS21 blade server worksheet

Blade server model: ________________
Workstation blade name: ________________
Note: Blade name has a maximum of 20 characters.

Blade server purpose: __________________________________

Operating system: ____________________
OS installation option:
     ☐ Preloaded
     ☐ Deployed through network management
     ☐ Manual install with product CD.

Blade server IP information:
☐ Automatic through DHCP server
☐ Static:
      Host name        _______________________
      Subnet mask      ______.______.___.______
      IP address        ______.______.___.______
      Gateway address  ______.______.___.______

Connects to I/O module
I/O bay 1 _____________
I/O bay 2 ______________
I/O bay 3 ______________
I/O bay 4 ______________  

Boot sequence:  
___ Internal hard disk drive
___ Integrated storage drive
___ CD-ROM
___ Network  

1. ___________________________  
2. ___________________________
3. ___________________________  

BladeCenter S chassis blade bay location 1 2  3  4  5  6  

ComponentQuantityDetailsBase or optional feature

Blade server

1Blade server with AMD Opteron processorBase
Second processor1AMD Opteron processorOptional
Memory slots 1 and 22

☐ 512 MB       ☐ 2 GB
☐ 1 GB           ☐ 4 GB

Optional memory choices slots 3 and 42

☐ 512 MB       ☐ 2 GB
☐ 1 GB           ☐ 4 GB

Memory slots 5 and 62

☐ 512 MB       ☐ 2 GB
☐ 1 GB           ☐ 4 GB

Optional memory choices slots 7 and 82

☐ 512 MB       ☐ 2 GB
☐ 1 GB           ☐ 4 GB

cKVM feature ☐ cKVM cardOptional
Internal hard disk drive1

☐ 36 GB SAS
☐ 73 GB SAS
☐ 146 GB SAS
☐ 15.8 GB Solid State
☐ 31.4 GB Solid State

Storage and I/O Expansion blade1

☐ PCI I/O Expansion
    Unit 3e
☐ Storage and I/O  
    Expansion Blade

I/O Expansion option1

☐  Ethernet
☐  Fibre Channel
☐  SAS

Table 11. BladeCenter LS41 blade server worksheet

Blade server model: ________________
Workstation blade name: ________________
Note: Blade name has a maximum of 20 characters.

Blade server purpose: __________________________________

Operating system: ____________________
OS installation option:
     ☐ Preloaded
     ☐ Deployed through network management
     ☐ Manual install with product CD.

Blade server IP information:
☐ Automatic through DHCP server
☐ Static:
      Host name        _______________________
      Subnet mask      ______.______.___.______
      IP address        ______.______.___.______
      Gateway address  ______.______.___.______

Connects to I/O module
I/O bay 1 _____________
I/O bay 2 ______________
I/O bay 3 ______________
I/O bay 4 ______________  

Boot sequence:  
___ Internal hard disk drive
___ Integrated storage drive
___ CD-ROM
___ Network  

1. ___________________________  
2. ___________________________
3. ___________________________  

BladeCenter S chassis blade bay location 1 2  3  4  5  6  

ComponentQuantityDetailsBase or optional feature

Blade server

1Blade server with AMD Opteron processorBase
Second processor1AMD Opteron processorOptional
Memory slots 1 and 22

☐ 512 MB       ☐ 2 GB
☐ 1 GB           ☐ 4 GB

Optional memory choices slots 3 and 42

☐ 512 MB       ☐ 2 GB
☐ 1 GB           ☐ 4 GB

Memory slots 5 and 62

☐ 512 MB       ☐ 2 GB
☐ 1 GB           ☐ 4 GB

Optional memory choices slots 7 and 82

☐ 512 MB       ☐ 2 GB
☐ 1 GB           ☐ 4 GB

cKVM feature ☐ cKVM cardOptional
Internal hard disk drive1

☐ 36 GB SAS
☐ 73 GB SAS
☐ 146 GB SAS
☐ 15.8 GB Solid State
☐ 31.4 GB Solid State

Storage and I/O Expansion blade1

☐ Multiprocessor
    Expansion Unit
☐ PCI I/O Expansion
    Unit 3e
☐ Storage and I/O
    Expansion Blade

I/O Expansion option1

☐  Ethernet
☐  Fibre Channel
☐  SAS
