Advanced management module user profile settings
You can specify up to 12 login profiles that can access the advanced management module.
For each login profile, specify:
- Login ID.
- Password.
- Role or Authority level. The role or authority level defines the command areas that a user can access, based on the access scope defined for that user. You can specify one of the following for each login ID:
- Supervisor
- Operator
- Custom
- Access scope. The access scope defines where the role or user authority defined for a user is valid, such as a specific BladeCenter S chassis or a group of blade servers.
In addition, you can specify an SNMP v3 profile for each user profile that includes the following information:
- Name of the context in which this SNMP v3 user is working
- Authentication protocol used
- Privacy protocol used
- Privacy password to be used
- Access type (Get, Set, or Trap)
- Hostname/IP address for traps
Security settings
There are three levels of account security, which is set globally and applies to all user profiles:
- Legacy security. This level of security has the following settings:
- No password is required.
- No password expiration.
- No restrictions on reusing passwords.
- No password change frequency restrictions.
- User accounts are locked for two minutes after five login failures.
- Passwords must adhere to simple password rules.
- No account inactivity monitoring.
- High security. This level of security has the following settings:
- A Password is required.
- The password for the factory default USERID must be changed on next login.
- The password for all user IDs must be changed on first login, and passwords expire in 90 days.
- There are restrictions on reusing passwords (last 5 passwords kept in history).
- There is a minimum interval of 24 hours between password changes.
- Account is locked for 60 minutes after five login failures.
- Passwords must adhere to complex password rules (at least two degrees of difference from previous password).
- An alert is issued on account inactivity after 120 days.
- Accounts disabled after 180 days of inactivity.
- Custom security. With this level of security, you can specify the following:
- Whether a user login password required.
- Password expiration period.
- Minimum password reuse cycle.
- Minimum password change interval.
- Maximum number of login failures.
- Lockout period after maximum login failures.
- Complex password rules.
- Minimum different characters in passwords.
- Whether the factory default 'USERID' account password must be changed on next login.
- Whether to force users to change their password on the first login.
- Inactivity alert period.
- Inactivity alert and disable period.
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