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Lenovo XClarity Administrator

Lenovo XClarity Administrator is a centralized, resource-management solution that simplifies infrastructure management, speeds responses, and enhances the availability of Lenovo® server systems and solutions. It runs as a virtual appliance that automates discovery, inventory, tracking, monitoring, and provisioning for Lenovo servers, Flex System servers, and RackSwitch switches in a secure environment.

Lenovo XClarity Administrator provides a central interface to perform the following functions for all managed endpoints.

  • Hardware management

    Lenovo XClarity Administrator provides agent-free hardware management. It can automatically discover manageable endpoints, including Flex System chassis and components, System x, NeXtScale, and ThinkServer servers, and RackSwitch switches. Inventory of the discovered endpoints is also gathered, so an at-a-glance view of the managed hardware inventory and status is possible.

  • Hardware monitoring

    Lenovo XClarity Administrator provides a centralized view of all events and alerts that are generated from the managed endpoints. When a CMM or IMM detects an issue, an alert or event is passed to the Lenovo XClarity Administrator and is displayed in the events or alerts log. A summary of all alerts and events is visible from the Dashboard and the Status bar. Events and alerts for a specific endpoint are available from the Alerts and Events detail page for that endpoint.

  • Service and support

    Lenovo XClarity Administrator can be set up to collect and send diagnostic files automatically to your preferred service provider when certain serviceable events occur in Lenovo XClarity Administrator and the managed endpoints. You can choose to send diagnostic files to Lenovo Support using call home or to another service provider using SFTP. You can also manually collect diagnostic files, open a problem record, and send diagnostic files to the Lenovo Support Center.

  • Task automation using scripts

    Lenovo XClarity Administrator can be integrated into external, higher-level management and automation platforms through open REST application programming interfaces (APIs). Using the REST APIs, Lenovo XClarity Administrator can easily integrate with your existing management infrastructure. You can also run Lenovo XClarity cmdlets in a Microsoft PowerShell session to automate certain management functions. The cmdlets use Lenovo XClarity Administrator REST APIs and can automate functions

  • Integration with other management software

    Lenovo XClarity Administrator is available stand-alone or as a bundled offering that is known asLenovo XClarity Pro. Lenovo XClarity Pro is composed of the base Administrator product plus two Lenovo XClarity Integrator modules that provide integration into Microsoft Systems Center or VMware vCenter. Together, these tools provide discovery, monitoring, configuration, and management functions to reduce the cost and complexity of routine system administration for System x, NeXtScale, and Flex System endpoints.

More information about Lenovo XClarity Administrator is available at the Lenovo XClarity website.

1 Racks are measured in vertical increments of 4.45 cm (1.75 inches) each. Each increment is called a "U." A 1-U-high device is 1.75 inches tall