Use this cmdlet to retrieve information about all Lenovo XClarity Administrator backups or export (download) an XClarity Administrator backup (.tar file) to the local system.
Get-LXCABackups [-Connection LXCAConnection]
Get-LXCABackups [-Connection LXCAConnection]
-Uuid String
[-Destination String]
- -Connection LXCAConnection
- Specifies the connection to the Lenovo XClarity Administrator server. If no connection is specified, the result from the last Connect-LXCA cmdlet is used.
- -Destination String
- Specifies the directory and file name where the backup is to be saved on the local system.
If you specify a directory but not a file name (in other words, if the string ends with a back slash "\"), the file name that is returned by the XClarity Administrator is used.
If you specify a string that does not end with a backslash "\", the name after the last backslash "\" is used as the file name.
If the directory does not exist, it is automatically created.
- -Overwrite
- When specified, if the file already exists in the specified directory, the file is overwritten. The default value is false.
If not specified, and the file already exists in the specified directory, the file is not overwritten, and the System.IO.IOException: The _full_file_path_ file already exists exception is thrown.
- -Uuid String
- UUID of the backup to be downloaded.
- CommonParameters
- This cmdlet supports the following common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -WarningAction, -WarningVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -OutVariable. For detailed information about each common parameter, see the Microsoft PowerShell Common Parameters webpage.
When the -Uuid parameter is specified, this cmdlet returns a Lenovo.SysMgmt.LXCA.Integration.Data.LXCAFileDownloadResult object, which contains the full path of the downloaded backup file on the local system.
When the -Uuid parameter is not specified, this cmdlet returns a Lenovo.SysMgmt.LXCA.Integration.Data.LXCABackupsInfo object that contains information about all XClarity Administrator backups.
$cred = Get-Credential
Connect-LXCA -Host "" -Credential $Cred -SkipCertificateCheck
# Get information about existing backups
$backups = Get-LXCABackups
# Show all the information about the request, including result value, message (if any), and brief
# description of each backup (if any)
# Show detailed information about the existing backups.
$cred = Get-Credential
Connect-LXCA -Host "" -Credential $Cred -SkipCertificateCheck
# Get information about existing backups
$backups = Get-LXCABackups
# Use the UUID of the first backup in the BackupInfos
$file = Get-LXCABackups -Uuid $backups.BackupInfos[0].Uuid -Destination C:\LXCA\ -Overwrite
Connect-LXCA -Host -Credential $cred