This cmdlet retrieves information about one or more tasks (jobs) from the Lenovo XClarity Administrator server.
You cannot pipe objects to this cmdlet.
Get-LXCATask [-Connection LXCAConnection]
Get-LXCATask [-Connection LXCAConnection]
-TaskUIDs String[]
Get-LXCATask [-Connection LXCAConnection]
[-TargetUUIDs String[]]
[-Category String[]]
[-State String[]]
- -Connection LXCAConnection
- Specifies the connection to the Lenovo XClarity Administrator server. If no connection is specified, the result from the last Connect-LXCA cmdlet is used.
- -TaskUIDs String[]
- Specifies one or more task IDs.
- -TargetUUIDs String[]
- Specifies one or more UUIDs of the components to which the task belongs.
- -Category String[]
- Specifies the categories to which the task belongs. You can specify one or more of the following values, separated by a comma.
- Backup
- Configuration
- Custom
- Firmware
- Health
- Inventory
- Management
- OsDeployment
- OsDriverUpdates
- OsImport
- OsProfileExport
- Power
- RemoteAccess
- SelfMaintenance
- Service
- SwitchConfiguration
- SystemID
- Unknown
- -State String[]
- Specifies the current states of the task. You can specify one or more of the following values, separated by a comma.
- Aborted
- Blocked
- Cancelled
- CancelledWithError
- CancelledWithWarning
- Cancelling
- Complete
- CompleteWithError
- CompleteWithWarning
- Expired
- Initializing
- Interrupted
- InterruptedWithError
- InterruptedWithWarning
- Investigating
- Pending
- Resolved
- Running
- RunningWithError
- RunningWithWarning
- Skipped
- Stopped
- StoppedWithError
- StoppedWithWarning
- Unknown
- Uploading
- Validating
- Waiting
- CommonParameters
- This cmdlet supports the following common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -WarningAction, -WarningVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -OutVariable. For detailed information about each common parameter, see the Microsoft PowerShell Common Parameters webpage.
This cmdlet returns Lenovo.SysMgmt.LXCA.Integration.Data.LxcaJob array that contains information about all the jobs in XClarity Administrator, all jobs with specified UIDs, or jobs that are filtered by target UUID, state and category.
The following example retrieves all tasks that are currently running.
$cred = Get-Credential
Connect-LXCA -Host -Credential $cred
$tasks = Get-LXCATask -State Running,RunningWithError,RunningWithWarning
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