This cmdlet applies one or more firmware updates to a target system with or without the compliance policy comparison result for the target system.
Install-LXCAUpdatePackage [-Connection LXCAConnection]
-Compliance SystemCompliance
-UpdateRule String
-ActivationMode String
-OnErrorMode String
[-Schedule ScheduleObject]
Install-LXCAUpdatePackage [-Connection LXCAConnection]
-Compliances SystemCompliance[]
-UpdateRule String
-ActivationMode String
-OnErrorMode String
[-Schedule ScheduleObject]
Install-LXCAUpdatePackage [-Connection LXCAConnection]
-Compliance SystemCompliance
-FixId String[]
-ActivationMode String
-OnErrorMode String
[-Schedule ScheduleObject]
Install-LXCAUpdatePackage [-Connection LXCAConnection]
-Uuid String
-SystemType SystemType
-ComponentName String[]
-FixId String[]
-ActivationMode String
-OnErrorMode String
[-Schedule ScheduleObject]
Install-LXCAUpdatePackage [-Connection LXCAConnection]
-Compliance SystemCompliance
[-Schedule ScheduleObject]
Install-LXCAUpdatePackage [-Connection LXCAConnection]
-Compliances SystemCompliance[]
[-Schedule ScheduleObject]
- -Connection LXCAConnection
- Specifies the connection to the Lenovo XClarity Administrator server. If no connection is specified, the result from the last Connect-LXCA cmdlet is used.
- -applyBundle
- If specified, this cmdlet applies firmware updates to all components of specified ThinkSystem SR635 and SR655 devices according to the assigned firmware-compliance policy using a bundled image that contain all applicable firmware packages.AttentionBefore using the bundled-update function, review important information regarding ThinkSystem SR635 and SR655 devices and the bundle-update function limitations (see
Firmware update considerations). - -Compliance SystemCompliance
- Specifies the firmware compliance-check results.
- -Compliances SystemCompliance[]
- Specifies one or more the firmware compliance-check results.
- -UpdateRule String
- Specifies which firmware updates in the firmware compliance-check result are to be applied to target device. You can specify one of the following values:
- All. All firmware updates in the compliance-check result are applied. To also apply to firmware updates that are in compliance, specify the -ForceUpdate parameter.
- NotCompliantOnly. Only those firmware updates in the compliance-check result that are not compliant are applied.
- -Uuid String
- Specifies the UUID of the target system.
- -SystemType SystemType
- Specifies the type of the target system. The type can be one of the following values:
Chassis. The specified device is a chassis and includes all CMMs, FlexSystem switches, and compute nodes in the chassis.
CMM. The specified device is a CMM.
ComputeNode. The specified device is a Flex System compute node.
EdgeServer. The specified device is an edge server.
IOSwitch. The specified device is a Flex System switch.
RackServer. The specified device is a rack or tower server.
RackSwitch. The specified device is a RackSwitch switch.
Storage. The specified device is a storage device.
- -ComponentName String[]
- Specifies the component name to be applied to the target device. The component name can be retrieved from cmdlet Get-LXCAUpdatePackage.
The component name must be a one-to-one match to the FixId in the same order.
- -FixId String[]
- Specifies the ID of one or more firmware updates to be applied to target device. The component name can be retrieved from cmdlet Get-LXCAUpdatePackage.
- -ActivationMode String
- Specifies when to restart the target device to activate new firmware. You can specify one of the following:
- Immediate. During the update process, the target device might be automatically restarted multiple times until the entire process is complete. Ensure that you quiesce all applications on the target device before you proceed.
- Delayed. Some but not all update operations are performed. The target device must be restarted manually to continue the update process. Additional restarts are then performed automatically until the update operation completes. This rule is supported only for servers and rack switches.
- Prioritized. Firmware updates on the baseboard management controller are activated immediately; all other firmware updates are firmware updates are activated the next time the device is restarted. Additional restarts are then performed until the update operation completes. This rule is supported only for servers.
- -OnErrorMode String
- Specifies how to handle an update error. You can specify one of the following values:
- StopAllUpdatesOnError. If an error occurs while updating any of the components in a target device (such as an adapter or baseboard management controller firmware), the firmware-updates process stops for all targeted devices in the current firmware-update job. In this case, none of the updates in the firmware-updates package for the device are activated. The current firmware that is installed on all targeted devices remains in effect.
- ContinueOnError. If an error occurs while updating one of the components in a target device (such as an adapter or management controller firmware), the firmware-updates process does not update the firmware for that specific component. However, the firmware-updates process continues to update other components for the device and continues with all other updates in the current update job.
- ContinueToNextSystemOnError. If an error occurs while updating one of the components in a target device (such as an adapter or management controller firmware), the firmware-updates process stops attempting to update the firmware for that specific device. The current firmware that is installed on that device remains in effect. However, if you have selected multiple devices as part of the current firmware-update job, the management server continues to update the firmware for the remaining devices selected as part of the current job.
- -ForceUpdate
- If specified, this cmdlet applies firmware updates to the specified devices even if the firmware is in compliance. Otherwise, if the firmware is already compliant, this cmdlet skips the firmware updates on the specified devices.
- -AsJob
- If specified, the cmdlet runs as background job and returns a Job object immediately.
- -Schedule ScheduleObject
- Creates a scheduled job (task) for this cmdlet on the XClarity Administrator server.
- CommonParameters
- This cmdlet supports the following common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -WarningAction, -WarningVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -OutVariable. For detailed information about each common parameter, see the Microsoft PowerShell Common Parameters webpage.
If you specify the -Asjob parameter, this cmdlet returns a Job object. You can retrieve the UpdateResult object from Job.Output when the job is complete. You can retrieve the SubJob from Job.GetSubJobStatus() to get the status of each update.
If you do not specify the -Asjob parameter, this cmdlet returns an UpdateResult object.
- The following example retrieves a compliance-check result from a Flex System compute node and then applies all non-compliant firmware updates to that compute node.
$cred = Get-Credential
Connect-LXCA -Host -Port 443 -Credential $cred
$complianceResult = Get-LXCASystemCompliance -SystemUuid AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA`
-SystemType ComputeNode
$updateResult = Install-LXCAUpdatePackage -Compliance $complianceResult -UpdateRule NotCompliantOnly`
-ActivationMode Immediate -OnErrorMode StopOnError -AsJob
Disconnect-LXCA - The following example retrieves compliance-check results for a list of rack servers and then applies firmware updates to those servers.
$cred = Get-Credential
Connect-LXCA -Host -Port 443 -Credential $cred
$complianceResults = Get-LXCASystemCompliance -Uuids $nodes -SystemType RackServer
$updateResult = Install-LXCAUpdatePackage -Compliance $complianceResults -UpdateRule NotCompliantOnly`
-ActivationMode Immediate -OnErrorMode StopOnError -AsJob
Disconnect-LXCA - The following example retrieves a compliance-check result from a Flex System compute node and then applies a firmware update to that compute node even if the firmware is already compliant.
$cred = Get-Credential
Connect-LXCA -Host -Port 443 -Credential $cred
$complianceResult = Get-LXCASystemCompliance -SystemUuid $node -SystemType ComputeNode
$updateResult = Install-LXCAUpdatePackage -Compliance $complianceResult -ActivationMode Immediate`
-FixId $complianceResult.Firmwares[0].ComponentName`
-OnErrorMode StopOnError -ForceUpdate -AsJob
Disconnect-LXCA - The following example retrieves the compliance policy from a Flex System compute node and assigns it to another compute node to get the compliance-check result. The example then applies all available firmware updates to the compute node as a job that runs in the background.
$cred = Get-Credential
Connect-LXCA -Host -Credential $cred
$policy= Get-LXCAUpdateCompliancePolicy -SystemUuid $node -SystemType ComputeNode
$complianceResult = Join-LXCAUpdateCompliancePolicy -Policy $policy -SystemUuid $node
-SystemType ComputeNode
$job = Install-LXCAUpdatePackage -Compliance $complianceResult -UpdateRule All -ForceUpdate`
-ActivationMode Immediate -OnErrorMode StopOnError -AsJob
while ($job.State -eq "Running")
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
$updateResult = $job.Output
Disconnect-LXCA - The following example creates a scheduled job (task) to apply two firmware updates to the target device, without a firmware compliance policy.
$cred = Get-Credential
Connect-LXCA -Host -Credential $cred
$fixid = "lnvgy_fw_uefi_tce123i-2.10_anyos_32-64","lnvgy_fw_dsa_dsyt98i-9.03_anyos_32-64"
$schedule = New-LXCAScheduleObj -JobName $name -OccurrenceDate ('2017-12-22 4:35 PM')
$ret = Install-LXCAUpdatePackage -Uuid $node -SystemType RackServer -OnErrorMode ContinueOnError`
-ComponentName "UEFI","Diagnostics" -FixId $fixid -ActivationMode Delayed`
-Schedule $schedule