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This cmdlet modifies global-configuration settings for ThinkAgile and ThinkSystem servers.

You cannot pipe objects to this cmdlet.


Set-LXCAServersGlobalSettings [-Connection LXCAConnection] 
[-SMARTDataRetrieval String]
[-BatchSize Integer]


-Connection LXCAConnection
Specifies the connection to the Lenovo XClarity Administrator server. If no connection is specified, the result from the last Connect-LXCA cmdlet is used.
-SMARTDataRetrieval String
Specifies if the collection of SMART data for ThinkAgile and ThinkSystem servers will be enabled or not. This can be one of the following values.
  • enable. SMART data collection will be enabled.

  • disable. SMART data collection will be disabled.

-BatchSize Integer
Specifies the maximum number of servers on which the secure-erase operation can be performed at one time. This value can be from 3100.
This cmdlet supports the following common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -WarningAction, -WarningVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -OutVariable. For detailed information about each common parameter, see the Microsoft PowerShell Common Parameters webpage.



The following example enables the SMARTData retrieval and sets the maximum number of servers on which the secure-erase operation can be performed at one time to 15.

$cred = Get-Credential
Connect-LXCA -Host "" -Credential $Cred -SkipCertificateCheck

$result = Set-LXCAServersGlobalSettings -SMARTDataRetrieval enable -BatchSize 15

#Disconnect from LXCA