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This cmdlet modifies the IP interface configuration of a chassis, server, or Flex switch. You can specify settings such as DHCP mode, gateway, and address.

You cannot pipe objects to this cmdlet.


Set-LXCASystemIPInterface [-Connection LXCAConnection]
-CMMUuid String
-InterfaceName String
[-IPv4Address String]
[-IPv4DHCPMmode String]
[-IPv4Gateway String]
[-IPv4Subnet String]
[-IPv6DHCPEnabled Boolean]
[-IPv6StatelessEnabled Boolean]
[-IPv6StaticEnabled Boolean]
[-StaticIPv6Address String]
[-StaticIPv6Gateway String]
[-StaticIPv6Prefix Int]

Set-LXCASystemIPInterface [-Connection LXCAConnection]
-ServerUuid String
-InterfaceName String
[-IPv4Address String]
[-IPv4DHCPMmode String]
[-IPv4Gateway String]
[-IPv4Subnet String]
[-IPv6DHCPEnabled Boolean]
[-IPv6StatelessEnabled Boolean]
[-IPv6StaticEnabled Boolean]
[-StaticIPv6Address String]
[-StaticIPv6Gateway String]
[-StaticIPv6Prefix Int]

Set-LXCASystemIPInterface [-Connection LXCAConnection]
-SwitchUuid String
-InterfaceName String
[-IPv4Address String]
[-IPv4DHCPMmode String]
[-IPv4Gateway String]
[-IPv4Subnet String]
[-IPv6DHCPEnabled Boolean]
[-IPv6StatelessEnabled Boolean]
[-IPv6StaticEnabled Boolean]
[-StaticIPv6Address String]
[-StaticIPv6Gateway String]
[-StaticIPv6Prefix Int]


-Connection LXCAConnection
Specifies the connection to the Lenovo XClarity Administrator server. If no connection is specified, the result from the last Connect-LXCA cmdlet is used.
-CMMUuid String
Specifies the UUID of a primary CMM for which you want to set the IP interface.
-ServerUuid String
Specifies the UUID of a server for which you want to set the IP interface.
The -RackServerUuid and -ComputeNodeUuid aliases are supported for backward compatibility.
-SwitchUuid String
Specifies the UUID of a Flex switch for which you want to set IP interface.
-InterfaceName String
Specifies the name of the IP interface to be modified (for example, eth0 or eth1).
Use a device inventory cmdlet to retrieve the current interface name, such as Get-LXCAChassisInventory or Get-LXCARackServer.
-IPv4DHCPMode String
Specifies the IPv4 DHCP mode. You can specify one of the following values:
  • DHCP_only. Obtain the IP address from a DHCP server only.
  • DHCP_then_Static. Attempt to obtain the IP address from a DHCP server. If not successful, use a static IP configuration.
  • Static. Use a static IP configuration.
-IPv4Subnet String
Specifies the IPv4 subnet mask to be used when DHCP mode is set to Static or DHCP_then_Static.
-IPv4Gateway String
Specifies the IPv4 gateway address to be used when DHCP mode is set to Static or DHCP_then_Static.
-IPv4Address String
Specifies the IPv4 address to be used when DHCP mode is set to Static or DHCP_then_Static.
-IPv6DHCPenabled Boolean
Specifies whether to use stateful address configuration (DHCPv6).
-IPv6StatelessEnabled Boolean
Specifies to use stateless address auto-configuration.
-IPv6StaticEnabled Boolean
Specifies whether to use a statically assigned IP address.
-StaticIPv6Address String
Specifies the IPv6 address to be used when IPv6StaticEnabled is set to true.
-StaticIPv6Gateway String
Specifies the IPv6 gateway address to be used when -IPv6StaticEnabled is set to true.
-StaticIPv6Prefix Int
Specifies the IPv6 prefix length to be used when -IPv6StaticEnabled is set to true.
This cmdlet supports the following common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -WarningAction, -WarningVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -OutVariable. For detailed information about each common parameter, see the Microsoft PowerShell Common Parameters webpage.


This cmdlet modifies the IP address configuration. No object is returned.


The following example modifies the static IPv4 configuration for a rack server.

$cred = Get-Credential
Connect-LXCA -Host -Credential $cred

Set-LXCASystemIPInterface -RackServerUuid AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA -InterfaceName eth0`
-IPv4DHCPmode Static -IPv4Subnet -IPv4Gateway`
