POST /chassis
Use this method to return the properties for a large number of specific Flex System chassis and chassis resources.
If you choose formatType=csv, this request creates a file in CSV format and returns the filename in the request header. You can use to download the file using GET /chassis/{file_name}.csv.
Authentication with username and password is required.
Request URL
POST https://{management_server_IP}/chassis
Query parameters
Request body
Attributes | Required / Optional | Type | Description | ||
formatType | Optional | String | Returns information in the specified format. This can be one of the following values.
| ||
uuids | Required | String | List of device UUIDs, separated by a comma |
"formatType": "csv",
Response codes
Code | Description | Comments |
200 | OK | The request completed successfully. |
400 | Bad Request | A query parameter or request attribute is missing or not valid, or the operation is not supported. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body. |
401 | Unauthorized | The user cannot be authenticated. Authentication has not been provided or has failed. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body. |
404 | Not found | A specified resource cannot be found. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body. |
409 | Conflict | There is a conflict with the current state of the resource. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body. |
500 | Internal Server Error | An internal error occurred. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body. |
Response header
If formatType=csv is specified, the response header includes the URI of the downloaded file. If data for a single chassis is requested, the file name includes the chassis UUID. If multiple chassis are requested, the file name is allChassis_{unique_ID}.csv. For example:
Status Code: 201 Created
Location: /chassis/EF6D424FAACA4E539771B812AAEE0F73.csv
Response body
If the formatType=csv request attribute is specified, no response body is returned.
If the formatType=json request attribute is specified, the following JSON object is returned. The attributes that are returned vary based on whether the chassis are managed or unmanaged.
Attributes | Type | Description | ||||
chassisList | Array | List of managed chassis | ||||
See GET /chassis/{uuid_list} | Object | Detailed information about the individual chassis |
The following example is returned if the request is successful and the formatType=json request attribute is specified.
"chassisList": [{
"accessState": "Online",
"activationKeys": [],
"backedBy": "real",
"bladeSlots": 14,
"cmmDisplayName": "Chassis126",
"cmmHealthState": "Critical",
"cmms": [{
"accessState": "Online",
"backedBy": "real",
"description": "CMM",
"cmmDisplayName": "SN#Y034BG16F03V",
"cmmHealthState": "Non-Critical",
"dataHandle": 1508187250973,
"errorFields": [],
"domainName": "",
"dnsHostnames": ["", "fd55:faaf:e1ab:20fc:5ef3:fcff:fe25:dc6d"],
"excludedHealthState": "Warning",
"hostConfig": [{
"DDNSenabled": false,
"DNSenabled": false,
"IPversionPriority": "IPv6ThenIPv4",
"priIPv4userDNSserver": "",
"priIPv6userDNSserver": "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0",
"secIPv4userDNSserver": "",
"secIPv6userDNSserver": "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0",
"terIPv4userDNSserver": "",
"terIPv6userDNSserver": "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0"
"hostname": "MM5CF3FC25DC6D",
"ipInterfaces": [{
"IPv4assignments": [{
"address": "",
"gateway": "",
"id": 2,
"subnet": "",
"type": "INUSE"
"IPv4enabled": true,
"IPv6assignments": [{
"address": "fe80:0:0:0:5ef3:fcff:fe25:dc6d",
"gateway": "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0",
"id": 1,
"prefix": 64,
"scope": "LinkLocal",
"source": "Other",
"type": "INUSE"
"IPv6DHCPenabled": true,
"IPv6enabled": true,
"IPv6statelessEnabled": true,
"IPv6staticEnabled": true,
"label": "External",
"name": "eth0"
"ipv4Addresses": [""],
"ipv6Addresses": ["fe80:0:0:0:5ef3:fcff:fe25:dc6d", ..., fd55:faaf:e1ab:20fc:5ef3:fcff:fe25:dc6d"],
"firmware": [{
"build": "2PET39C",
"date": "2017-09-13T04:00:00Z",
"status": "",
"name": "CMM firmware",
"role": "",
"type": "CMM firmware",
"version": "2.5.10"
"FRU": "68Y7032",
"fruSerialNumber": "Y034BG16F03V"
"leds": [{
"color": "Amber",
"location": "FrontPanel",
"name": "FAULT",
"state": "Off"
"macAddresses": ["5C:F3:FC:25:DC:6D"],
"machineType": "",
"manufacturer": "IBM",
"manufacturerId": "20301",
"mgmtProcIPaddress": "",
"model": "",
"name": "SN#Y034BG16F03V",
"overallHealthState": "Warning",
"parent": {
"uri": "chassis/E053C9508C244F549011B2518DB71236",
"uuid": "E053C9508C244F549011B2518DB71236"
"partNumber": "68Y7029",
"powerAllocation": {
"maximumAllocatedPower": 20,
"minimumAllocatedPower": 20
"productId": "65",
"role": "primary",
"serialNumber": "",
"slots": [1],
"type": "CMM",
"uri": "cmm/4BAF370D9DE211E0B25CF29BFB9E7E8B",
"userDefinedName": "CMM1"
"userDescription": "",
"uuid": "4BAF370D9DE211E0B25CF29BFB9E7E8B"
"complex": [],
"contact": "",
"dataHandle": 1508188241539,
"description": "IBM Flex System Chassis",
"displayName": "Chassis126",
"domainName": "",
"encapsulation": {
"encapsulationMode": "notSupported"
"energyPolicies": {
"acousticAttenuationMode": "Off",
"hotAirRecirculation": {
"chassisBay": [{
"isExceeded": "N",
"sensorName": "Chassis Ambient",
"sensorValue": 24.0,
"slot": 0,
"subSlot": -1
"isExceeded": "N",
"sensorName": "Inlet Temp",
"sensorValue": 22.5,
"slot": 8,
"subSlot": -1
"maxVariation": 5.0,
"isEnabled": true,
"powerCappingPolicy": {
"cappingPolicy": "OFF",
"currentPowerCap": 0,
"maxPowerCap": 15030,
"minPowerCap": 3780
"powerRedundancyMode": 3
"errorFields": [],
"excludedHealthState": "Critical",
"fanMuxes": [{
"cmmDisplayName": "Fan Logic 01",
"cmmHealthState": "Normal",
"dataHandle": 0,
"description": "fan logic card",
"FRU": "94Y5805",
"fruSerialNumber": "Y011BG35M01T",
"hardwareRevision": "6.1",
"leds": [{
"color": "Amber",
"location": "FrontPanel",
"name": "FAULT",
"state": "Off"
"machineType": "",
"manufactureDate": "2113",
"manufacturer": "IBM",
"manufacturerId": "20301",
"model": "",
"name": "Fan Logic 01",
"parent": {
"uri": "chassis/E053C9508C244F549011B2518DB71236",
"uuid": "E053C9508C244F549011B2518DB71236"
"partNumber": "49Y3276",
"productId": "338",
"productName": "IBM Flex System Enterprise Chassis Fan Logic Card",
"serialNumber": "",
"status": "Normal",
"slots": [1],
"type": "FanMux",
"uri": "fanMux/E5160099C27611E2A256AAA4CEBCC5D7",
"uuid": "E5160099C27611E2A256AAA4CEBCC5D7"
"fanMuxSlots": 2,
"fans": [{
"cmmDisplayName": "Fan 01",
"dataHandle": 0,
"cmmHealthState": "Normal",
"description": "IBM Fan Pack",
"errorFields": [],
"firmware": [{
"build": "",
"date": "",
"name": "Fan Controller",
"role": "",
"status": "",
"type": "Fan Controller",
"version": "226"
"FRU": "88Y6685",
"fruSerialNumber": "YK10JPB69L24",
"hardwareRevision": "4.0",
"leds": [{
"color": "Amber",
"location": "FrontPanel",
"name": "FAULT",
"state": "Off"
"machineType": "",
"manufactureDate": "2611",
"manufacturer": "IBM",
"manufacturerId": "20301",
"model": "",
"name": "Fan 01",
"parent": {
"uuid": "E053C9508C244F549011B2518DB71236",
"uri": "chassis/E053C9508C244F549011B2518DB71236"
"partNumber": "88Y6691",
"productId": "342",
"productName": "80mm Fan Pack for ITE Cooling",
"posID": "11",
"powerAllocation": {
"maximumAllocatedPower": 75,
"minimumAllocatedPower": 75
"powerState": "Unknown",
"serialNumber": "",
"slots": [1],
"type": "Fan",
"uri": "fan/C74F88A19DB311E0AB5AF1DE32F87750",
"userDescription": "",
"uuid": "C74F88A19DB311E0AB5AF1DE32F87750",
"vpdID": "373"
"fanSlots": 10,
"FQDN": null,
"height": 10,
"hostname": "MM5CF3FC25DC6D",
"isConnectionTrusted": "true",
"ledCardSlots": 1,
"leds": [{
"color": "Blue",
"location": "FrontPanel",
"name": "Location",
"state": "Off"
"color": "Amber",
"location": "FrontPanel",
"name": "Information",
"state": "On"
"location": {
"lowestRackUnit": 1,
"location": "R1",
"rack": "C12",
"room": "8-1W-4"
"machineType": "7893",
"managerName": "UNKNOWN",
"managerUuid": "UNKNOWN",
"manufacturer": "IBM",
"manufacturerId": "20301",
"mgmtProcIPaddress": "",
"mmSlots": 2,
"model": "92X",
"name": "Chassis126",
"nist": {
"currentValue": "Compatibility",
"possibleValues": ["Compatibility", ... "unsupported"]
"nodes": [{
"accessState": "Online",
"activationKeys": [],
"addinCards": [],
"addinCardSlots": 0,
"arch": "x86",
"backedBy": "real",
"bladeState": 1,
"bladeState_health": "WARNING",
"bladeState_string": "ite-bt-890",
"bootMode": {
"currentValue": "UEFI Only",
"possibleValues": ["UEFI and Legacy", "UEFI Only", "Legacy Only"],
"bootOrder": {
"bootOrderList": [{
"bootType": "SingleUse",
"currentBootOrderDevices": ["None"],
"possibleBootOrderDevices": ["None", ... "Floppy Disk"]
"uri": "node/B9A8192D427011E18F04F5F1A3C864E0/bootOrder"
"cmmDisplayName": "Node 01",
"cmmHealthState": "Non-Critical",
"complexID": -1,
"contact": "Fred",
"dataHandle": 1508188861461,
"description": "IBM Flex System x240 with 10Gb",
"driveBays": 8,
"domainName": "",
"dnsHostnames": ["", "fd55:faaf:e1ab:20fc:5ef3:fcff:fe6e:12fd"]
"drives": [{
"bay": 1,
"capacity": -1
"bay": 2,
"capacity": -1
"embeddedHypervisorPresence": false,
"encapsulation": {
"encapsulationMode": "notSupported"
"errorFields": [{
"IOCompatibilityData": "FETCH_FAILED"
"excludedHealthState": "Minor-Failure",
"expansionCards": [{
"bay": 2,
"firmware": [{
"revision": "0",
"classifications": [13],
"status": "Active",
"name": "ISP 26xx Multiboot",
"role": "Primary",
"softwareID": "10770240",
"type": "Software Bundle",
"build": "0",
"date": "2017-01-27T00:00:00Z",
"version": "4.75.04"
"FRU": "69Y1945",
"fruSerialNumber": "Y251NY3A2GTG",
"isAgentless": true,
"manufacturer": "IBM",
"name": "IBM Flex System FC5172 2-port 16Gb FC Adapter",
"partNumber": "69Y1944",
"pciBusNumber": "22",
"pciDeviceNumber": "0",
"pciFunctionNumber": "0",
"pciRevision": "2",
"pciSubID": "240",
"pciSubVendorID": "1077",
"productName": "IBM Flex System FC5172 2-port 16Gb FC Adapter",
"posID": "2031",
"slotName": "SlotDesig2_Mezzanine 2 Card",
"slotNumber": "2",
"slotSupportsHotPlug": "false",
"vpdID": "1077",
"uuid": "C940FAA12B4A11E3AED4EFD2C9E10682"
"expansionCardSlots": 2,
"expansionProducts": [],
"expansionProductType": "",
"faceplateIDs": [{
"entityId": 0,
"deviceId": 0,
"posID": 0,
"productId": 0,
"name": "system board 1",
"vpdID": 0
"deviceId": 0,
"entityId": 0,
"posID": 0,
"productId": 0,
"name": "drive backplane 1",
"vpdID": 0
"firmware": [{
"date": "2017-03-27T00:00:00Z",
"build": "B2E155CUS",
"name": "UEFI Firmware/BIOS",
"role": "Primary",
"status": "Active",
"type": "UEFI",
"version": "2.00"
"build": "1AOO75I",
"date": "2016-11-02T00:00:00Z",
"name": "IMM2 Backup Firmware",
"role": "Backup",
"status": "Inactive",
"type": "IMM2-Backup",
"version": "6.00"
"flashStorage": [],
"FQDN": "",
"FRU": "81Y5128",
"fruSerialNumber": "Y032BG1C2007",
"hasOS": false,
"hostMacAddresses": "5C:F3:FC:6E:44:B8,5C:F3:FC:6E:44:BC",
"hostname": "IMM2-5cf3fc6e12fd",
"ipInterfaces": [{
"IPv4assignments": [{
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"gateway": "",
"id": 0,
"subnet": "",
"type": "INUSE"
"IPv4enabled": true,
"IPv6assignments": [{
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"gateway": "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0",
"id": 0,
"prefix": 64,
"scope": "Global",
"source": "Static",
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"IPv6DHCPenabled": true,
"IPv6enabled": true,
"IPv6statelessEnabled": true,
"IPv6staticEnabled": true,
"label": "unknown",
"name": "eth0"
"ipv4Addresses": ["", ""],
"ipv6Addresses": ["fd55:faaf:e1ab:20fc:5ef3:fcff:fe6e:12fd", "fe80:0:0:0:5ef3:fcff:fe6e:12fd"],
"isRemotePresenceEnabled": true,
"isScalable": false,
"isITME": false,
"isConnectionTrusted": "true",
"lanOverUsb": "enabled",
"lanOverUsbPortForwardingModes": [{
"externalIPAddress": "",
"state": "disabled",
"type": "DSA"
"leds": [{
"color": "Yellow",
"location": "FrontPanel",
"name": "Fault",
"state": "Off"
"color": "Yellow",
"location": "Planar",
"name": "DIMM 24",
"state": "Off"
"location": {
"location": "R1",
"lowestRackUnit": 1,
"rack": "C12",
"room": "8-1W-4"
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"macAddress": "5C:F3:FC:6E:12:FD,5C:F3:FC:6E:12:FE",
"machineType": "8737",
"manufacturer": "IBM",
"manufacturerId": "20301",
"memoryModules": [{
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"displayName": "DIMM 1",
"manufacturer": "Samsung",
"model": "DDR3",
"partNumber": "M393B1K70CH0-YH9",
"serialNumber": "8269E8EC",
"speed": 1333,
"speedMBs": 0,
"slot": 1,
"type": "DDR3"
"memorySlots": 24,
"mgmtProcIPaddress": "",
"mgmtProcType": "IMM2",
"model": "AC1",
"name": "ite-bt-890",
"nist": {
"currentValue": "Unknown",
"possibleValues": ["Compatibility", "Nist_800_131A_Strict", "unsupported"]
"onboardPciDevices": [{
"class": "Display controller",
"isAgentless": false,
"isAddOnCard": false,
"fodUniqueID": "",
"name": "",
"pciBusNumber": "4",
"pciDeviceNumber": "0",
"pciFunctionNumber": "0",
"pciRevision": "0",
"pciSubID": "405",
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"portInfo": {},
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"overallHealthState": "Minor-Failure",
"parent": {
"uuid": "E053C9508C244F549011B2518DB71236",
"uri": "chassis/E053C9508C244F549011B2518DB71236"
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"partitionID": -1,
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"pciDevices": [{
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"isAgentless": false,
"name": "",
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"pciDeviceNumber": "0",
"pciFunctionNumber": "0",
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"pciSubVendorID": "1014",
"pciSubID": "405",
"portInfo": {},
"posID": "534",
"vpdID": "102b"
"ports": [{
"ioModuleBay": 0,
"portNumber": 1
"ioModuleBay": 0,
"portNumber": 10
"posID": "20",
"powerAllocation": {
"maximumAllocatedPower": 118,
"minimumAllocatedPower": 75
"powerStatus": 5,
"powerSupplies": [],
"productName": "IBM Flex System x240 Compute Node with embedded 10Gb Virtual Fabric",
"processors": [{
"cores": 6,
"displayName": "Genuine Intel(R) CPU @ 2.00GHz",
"family": "INTEL_R_XEON_TM",
"manufacturer": "Intel(R) Corporation",
"productVersion": "Genuine Intel(R) CPU @ 2.00GHz",
"slot": 1,
"speed": 2.0
"processorSlots": 2,
"productId": "321",
"raidSettings": [],
"secureBootMode": {
"currentValue": "",
"possibleValues": []
"serialNumber": "DSY0123",
"type": "ITE",
"slots": [1],
"status": {
"message": "managed",
"name": "MANAGED"
"subSlots": [],
"subType": "Blacktip",
"tlsVersion": {
"currentValue": "Unknown",
"possibleValues": ["TLS_10", "TLS_11", "TLS_12", "unsupported"]
"uri": "node/B9A8192D427011E18F04F5F1A3C864E0",
"userDescription": "",
"userDefinedName": "Server1",
"uuid": "B9A8192D427011E18F04F5F1A3C864E0",
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"vpdID": "256",
"passThroughModules": [],
"overallHealthState": "Critical",
"parent": {
"uri": "cabinet/C58EA698-C223-42DA-93C8-38ED810F58A9",
"uuid": "C58EA698-C223-42DA-93C8-38ED810F58A9"
"partNumber": "88Y6660",
"productId": "336",
"posID": "14",
"powerAllocation": {
"allocatedOutputPower": 3780,
"midPlaneCardMaximumAllocatedPower": 38,
"midPlaneCardMinimumAllocatedPower": 38,
"remainingOutputPower": 11250,
"totalInputPower": 16336,
"totalOutputPower": 15030
"powerSupplies": [{
"cmmDisplayName": "Power Supply 01",
"cmmHealthState": "Normal",
"dataHandle": 0,
"description": "Power Supply",
"firmware": [{
"build": "",
"date": "",
"name": "Power Supply Firmware",
"role": "",
"status": "",
"type": "Power Supply Firmware",
"version": "0"
"FRU": "69Y5817",
"fruSerialNumber": "ZK125116E07T",
"hardwareRevision": "5.0",
"inputVoltageIsAC": true,
"inputVoltageMax": 208,
"inputVoltageMin": 200,
"leds": [{
"color": "Green",
"location": "Planar",
"name": "IN",
"state": "On"
"color": "Amber",
"location": "Planar",
"name": "FAULT",
"state": "Off"
"machineType": "",
"manufactureDate": "2411",
"manufacturer": "IBM",
"manufacturerId": "20301",
"name": "Power Supply 01",
"model": "",
"parent": {
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"uuid": "E053C9508C244F549011B2518DB71236"
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"powerAllocation": {
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"productId": "303",
"productName": "IBM 2500 W Power Supply",
"serialNumber": "",
"slots": [1],
"type": "PowerSupply",
"userDescription": "",
"uri": "powerSupply/D0A3B8399BFD11E000FD00FD00FD00FD",
"vpdID": "128",
"uuid": "D0A3B8399BFD11E000FD00FD00FD00FD"
"powerSupplySlots": 6,
"productName": "IBM Chassis Midplane",
"securityDescriptor": {
"managedAuthEnabled": true,
"managedAuthSupported": true,
"publicAccess": true,
"roleGroups": ["lxc-admin","lxc-security-admin"],
"uri": "chassis/E053C9508C244F549011B2518DB71236"
"SecurityPolicy": {
"cmmPolicyLevel": "LEGACY",
"cmmPolicyState": "ACTIVE"
"serialNumber": "100065A",
"status": {
"message": "MANAGED",
"name": "MANAGED"
"switches": [{
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"attachedNodes": [],
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"cmmDisplayName": "IO Module 01",
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"dataHandle": 1508187387271,
"description": "EN4093 10Gb Ethernet Switch",
"dnsHostnames": ["", "fd55:faaf:e1ab:20fc:a17:f4ff:fe77:1fef"],
"errorFields": [{
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"hostname": "",
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"gateway": "",
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"IPv6assignments": [{
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"name": "ioe0"
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"firmware": [{
"build": "",
"date": "2017-04-24T04:00:00Z",
"name": "Boot ROM",
"status": "Active",
"type": "Boot ROM",
"version": ""
"build": "",
"date": "2016-11-18T05:00:00Z",
"name": "Main Application 2",
"status": "Not-Active",
"type": "Main Application 2",
"version": ""
"FRU": "49Y4273",
"fruSerialNumber": "Y250VT161664",
"ipv6Addresses": ["fd55:faaf:e1ab:20fc:a17:f4ff:fe77:1fef", "fe80:0:0:0:a17:f4ff:fe77:1fef"],
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"location": "FrontPanel",
"name": "Enclosure Identify",
"state": "Off"
"color": "Green",
"location": "FrontPanel",
"name": "Power",
"state": "On"
"macAddresses": ["08:17:F4:77:1F:EF"],
"machineType": "",
"manufacturer": "IBM",
"manufacturerId": "20301",
"model": "",
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"name": "IO Module 01",
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"uuid": "E053C9508C244F549011B2518DB71236"
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"powerAllocation": {
"maximumAllocatedPower": 100,
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"productId": "322",
"productName": "IBM Flex System Fabric EN4093 10Gb Scalable Switch",
"protectedMode": "False",
"serialNumber": "",
"slots": [1],
"stackMode": "Standby",
"type": "Switch",
"userDefinedName": "Switch1",
"userDescription": "",
"uri": "switch/1B33D6CA440EAEE167660817F4771F00",
"uuid": "1B33D6CA440EAEE167660817F4771F00",
"vpdID": "304"
"switchSlots": 4,
"tlsVersion": {
"currentValue": "TLS_13",
"possibleValues": ["unsupported","TLS_13","TLS_12","TLS_11"]
"type": "Chassis",
"uri": "chassis/E053C9508C244F549011B2518DB71236",
"userDefinedName": "Chassis1",
"userDescription": "",
"uuid": "E053C9508C244F549011B2518DB71236",
"vpdID": "336",
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