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GET /chassis/{uuid_list}

Use this method to return properties for one or more specific Flex System chassis and chassis components.

Only the lxc-sysmgr user account has authority to perform this action


Authentication with username and password is required.

Request URL

GET https://{management_server_IP}/chassis/{uuid_list}

where {uuid_list} is one or more UUIDs, separated by a comma, of the chassis to be retrieved. To obtain the chassis UUIDs, use the GET /chassis method.

Query parameters

ParametersRequired / OptionalDescription
excludeAttributes={attributes}OptionalReturns a response that excludes the specified attributes for each resource. You can specify one or more attributes that are listed in the response body, separated by a comma.
  • When the includeAttributes query parameter is specified, the excludeAttributes query parameter is ignored.
  • The response is filtered based on attribute name, not the attribute value.
  • Base attributes cannot be excluded.
formatType={type}OptionalReturns information in the specified format. This can be one of the following values.
  • json (default)
  • csv

If the format type is not specified, JSON format is returned.

includeAttributes=<attributes}OptionalReturns a response that includes the base attributes and the specified attributes for each resource. You can specify one or more attributes that are listed in the response body, separated by a comma.
  • The response is filtered based on attribute name, not the attribute value.
  • If this attribute is not specified, all attributes are returned by default.
The following example returns a CSV file that contains information about two specific chassis.

Request body


Response codes

200OKThe request completed successfully.
400Bad RequestA query parameter or request attribute is missing or not valid, or the operation is not supported. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
401UnauthorizedThe user cannot be authenticated. Authentication has not been provided or has failed. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
404Not foundA specified resource cannot be found. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
409ConflictThere is a conflict with the current state of the resource. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
413Request Entity Too LargeClients might impose limitations on the length of the request URI, and the request URI is too long to be handled. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
500Internal Server ErrorAn internal error occurred. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.

Response body

accessStateStringAccess state of the chassis. This can be one of the following values.
  • Online
  • Offline
  • Partial
  • Pending
  • Unknown
accessStateRecordsArray of objectsInformation about the access-state record for each network interface and protocol that is available for the chassis
This attribute is present only for chassis that are offline due to connectivity issues.
 healthStringConnection health state of the chassis. This can be one of the following values.


  • FAIL

 ipAddressStringIP address that was used to check the network connectivity
 isTrustedBooleanIndicates whether the connection to the server is trusted. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. The connection is trusted.

  • false. The connection is not trusted.

 messageBundleStringLocation where can be found if it is not located in the default task management bundle
 messageDisplayStringTranslated label that corresponds to the message ID or to the pre-translated backup string if no message ID is specified
 messageIDStringMessage ID for the translatable connection error states
 messageParametersArray of stringsAttributes for the message if the translated message requires input. A JSON object that points to translated messages
 protocolStringType of the protocol to check connectivity. This can be one of the following values.
  • CIM

  • DCS


  • CLI

 timestampLongTimestamp when connectivity was last checked and when this record was created
 usernameStringUser name that was used to check connectivity
accountLockoutPeriodIntegerAccount lockout duration, in minutes, after certain login failures occur on the device

The default value is 60 minutes.

activationKeysArrayList of Feature On Demand (FOD) keys that are installed on the CMM
backedByStringThis can be one of the following values.
  • real. The inventory describes real hardware.
  • demo. The inventory describes demo (mock) hardware.
  • proxy. A proxy is temporarily serving to provide the inventory.
bladeSlotsIntegerNumber of blade slots in the chassis
cmmDisplayNameStringChassis name
cmmHealthStateStringHealth summary that corresponds to the highest event severity of all the devices. This can be one of the following values.
  • Normal
  • Non-Critical
  • Warning
  • Minor-Failure
  • Major-Failure
  • Non-Recoverable
  • Critical
  • Unknown
cmmsArrayInformation about CMMs (see GET /cmms)
cmmSlotsIntegerNumber of CMM slots in the chassis
complexArrayInformation about scalable complexes (see GET /scalableComplex)
contactStringContact for the chassis
dataHandleLongTime stamp of the last status update
descriptionStringChassis description that was provided by the CMM
domainNameStringDomain name for the chassis
encapsulationObjectInformation about encapsulation
 encapsulationModeStringEncapsulation (firewall settings) mode. This can be one of the following values.
  • notSupported. Encapsulation is not supported for this node.
  • normal. Encapsulation is disabled for this node.

    The global encapsulation setting is disabled by default. When disabled, the device encapsulation mode is set to normal and the firewall rules are not changed as part of the management process.

  • encapsulationLite. Encapsulation is enabled for this node.

    When the global encapsulation setting is enabled and the device supports encapsulation, XClarity Administrator communicates with the device during the management process to change the device encapsulation mode to encapsulationLite and to change the firewall rules on the device to limit incoming requests to those only from XClarity Administrator.

 nonBlockedIpAddressListArray of stringsList of non-blocked IP addresses. This attribute is available only when the encapsulation mode is encapsulationLite,.
energyPoliciesObjectInformation about energy policies
 accousticAttenuationModeStringAcoustic attenuation mode. This can be one of the following values.
  • Off
  • Least attenuation
  • Low level attenuation
  • Mid level attenuation
  • High level attenuation
  • Most attenuation
  • Unknown
 hotAirRecirculationObjectInformation about hot air recirculation
  chassisBayArrayChassis bay hot air recirculation details
   isExceededStringSensor value exceeded or not
   sensorNameStringSensor name
   sensorValueDoubleSensor value
   slotIntegerSlot occupied
   subSlotIntegerSub-slot occupied
  isEnabledBooleanIdentifies whether hot-air recirculation is enabled. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. Hot-air recirculation is enabled.
  • false. Hot-air recirculation is disabled.
  maxVariationDoubleHot-air recirculation maximum temperature variation.
 powerCappingPolicyObjectInformation about the power-capping policy
  cappingPolicyStringCapping policy. This can be one of the following values.
  • OFF
  currentPowerCapLongCurrent power-capping policy level
  maxPowerCapLongMaximum power-capping policy level
  minPowerCapLongMinimum power-capping policy level
 powerRedundancyModeLongPower-redundancy mode
errorFieldsArray of objects that contain {string, errorCode}Error Codes. This can be one of the following values.
excludedHealthStateStringHighest severity alert with exclusions. This can be one of the following values.
  • Normal
  • Non-Critical
  • Warning
  • Minor-Failure
  • Major-Failure
  • Non-Recoverable
  • Critical
  • Unknown
fanMuxesArrayInformation about fan logic modules (see GET /fanMuxes)
fanMuxSlotsIntegerNumber of fan mux slots in the chassis
fansArrayInformation about fans (see GET /fans)
fanSlotsIntegerNumber of fan slots in the chassis
heightIntegerChassis height
hostnameStringHostname for the chassis
isConnectionTrustedBooleanIdentifies whether the CMM has a trusted connection. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. The CMM has a trusted connection.
  • false. The CMM does not have a trusted connection.
inventoryStateStringInventory state. This can be one of the following values.
ledCardSlotsIntegerNumber of LED card slots in the chassis
ledsArrayInformation about LEDs
 colorStringLED color. This can be one of the following values.
  • Red
  • Amber
  • Yellow
  • Green
  • Blue
  • Unknown
 locationStringLED location. This can be one of the following values.
  • Front panel
  • Lightpath Card
  • Planar
  • FRU
  • Rear Panel
  • Unknown
 nameStringLED name
 stateStringLED state. This can be one of the following values.
  • Off
  • On
  • Blinking
  • Unknown
locationObjectInformation about the chassis location
 lowestRackUnitIntegerLowest rack unit
machineTypeStringChassis machine type
managedChassisBoolean(Flex System and dense chassis only) Indicates whether this chassis was explicitly managed by a user. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. (default) The chassis is managed.
  • false. The chassis is not managed.

This attribute is supported in XClarity Administrator v4.1 and later.

managerNameStringThis value is always set to UNKNOWN.
managerUuidStringThis value is always set to UNKNOWN.
manufacturerStringName of the manufacturer
manufacturerIDStringID of the manufacturer
mgmtProcIPaddressStringIP address used by the XClarity Administrator to manage this resource
modelStringChassis model
nameStringName that is displayed in the user interface for this device

The value of this attribute is determined by preferredDisplayName attribute in the GET /aicc method. For example, if the preferredDisplayName attribute is set to hostname, then the value for this name attribute is the same as the hostname attribute in the GET /aicc method.

nistObjectInformation about NIST
 currentValueStringCryptography mode that is set. This can be one of the following values.
  • Unknown
  • Compatibility
  • Nist_800_131A_Strict
  • Nist_800_131A_Custom
 possibleValuesArrayAll possible NIST values
nodesArrayInformation about servers (see GET /nodes)
overallHealthStateStringHighest severity of all alerts. This can be one of the following values.
  • Normal
  • Non-Critical
  • Warning
  • Minor-Failure
  • Major-Failure
  • Non-Recoverable
  • Critical
  • Unknown
partNumberStringChassis part number
passThroughModulesArrayInformation about pass-through modules (see GET /switches)
posIDStringPosition ID
powerAllocationObjectInformation about power allocation
 allocatedOutputPowerLongAllocated output power
 midPlaneCardMaximumAllocatedPowerLongMaximum power that is allocated to the midplane card
 midPlaneCardMinimumAllocatedPowerLongMinimum power that is allocated to the midplane card
 remainingOutputPowerLongRemaining output power
 totalInputPowerLongTotal input power
 totalOutputPowerLongTotal output power
powerSupplySlotsIntegerNumber of power supply slots in the chassis
powerSuppliesArrayInformation about power supplies (see GET /powerSupplies)
productIDStringProduct ID
securityDescriptorObjectInformation about the authentication enablement and support the associated stored credentials for a managed device
 managedAuthEnabledBooleanIndicates whether the device uses managed authentication. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. The device uses managed authentication.

  • false. The device uses local authentication.

 managedAuthSupportedBooleanIndicates whether the device supports the ability to choose whether managed authentication is to be used. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. This device supports the ability to choose managed authentication.

  • false. This device does not support the ability to choose managed authentication.

 publicAccessBooleanIndicates whether the resource can be accessed by all role groups. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. The resource is can be access by all role group.

  • false. The resource is restricted to specific role groups.

 roleGroupsArray of stringsList of role groups that are permitted to view and manage this device
 storedCredentialsArray of objectsInformation about the stored credential that is associated with this device, if applicable
  descriptionStringDescription of the stored credential
  idStringID of the stored credential
  userNameStringName of the stored credential
 uriStringURI of the device
SecurityPolicyObjectSecurity level to adjust the system towards
 cmmPolicyLevelStringPolicy level that is set on the CMM. This can be one of the following values.
 cmmPolicyStateStringPolicy state of the CMM. This can be one of the following values.
serialNumberStringChassis serial number
switchesArrayInformation about switches (see GET /switches)
switchSlotsIntegerNumber of switch slots in the chassis
tlsVersionObjectInformation about the SSL or TLS protocol
 currentValueStringSSL or TLS protocol and version that is set. This can be one of the following values.
  • unsupported
  • TLS_12. TLS v1.2
  • TLS_13. TLS v1.3
 possibleValuesArrayAll possible SSL or TLS protocol values
typeStringResource type. This value is always Chassis.
uriStringURI for the chassis
userDefinedNameStringUser-defined name for the device
userDescriptionStringChassis description that was defined by the user
uuidStringChassis UUID
vpdIDStringVital product data (VPD) ID
The following example is returned if the request is successful and the formatType=json query parameter is specified.
"accessState": "Online",
"accountLockoutPeriod": 60,
"activationKeys": [],
"backedBy": "real",
"complex": [{
"complexID": "1E495E5E",
"nodeCount": 1,
"orphanNodes": [{
"activationKeys": [],
"addinCards": [],
"addinCardSlots": 0,
"accessState": "Online",
"arch": "x86",
"backedBy": "real",
"bladeState": 1,
"bladeState_health": "GOOD",
"bladeState_string": "Newport213-14",
"bmuParamObject": null,
"bootMode": {
"currentValue": "UEFI Mode",
"possibleValues": ["UEFI Mode", "Legacy Mode"]
"bootOrder": {
"bootOrderList": [{
"bootType": "SingleUse",
"currentBootOrderDevices": ["None"],
"possibleBootOrderDevices": ["None", "PXE Network", "Hard Disk 0", "Diagnostics",
"CD/DVD Rom", "Boot To F1", "Hypervisor", "Floppy Disk"]
}, {
"bootType": "Permanent",
"currentBootOrderDevices": ["CD/DVD Rom", "Hard Disk 0", "PXE Network"],
"possibleBootOrderDevices": ["CD/DVD Rom", "Hard Disk 0", "PXE Network", "Floppy Disk",
"Hard Disk 1", "Hard Disk 2", "Hard Disk 3", "Hard Disk 4",
"USB Storage", "Diagnostics", "iSCSI", "iSCSI Critical",
"Embedded Hypervisor", "Legacy Only", "IMM1", "IMM2", "DSA",
"USB0", "USB1", "USB2", "USB3", "USB4", "SAS", "NIC1", "NIC2",
"NIC3", "NIC4", "VNIC1", "VNIC2", "VNIC3", "VNIC4", "VNIC5",
"VNIC6", "VNIC7", "VNIC8", "VNIC9", "VNIC10", "VNIC11", "VNIC12",
"Mezzanine1Device1", "Mezzanine1Device2", "Mezzanine1Device3",
"Mezzanine1Device4", "Mezzanine1Device5", "Mezzanine1Device6",
"Mezzanine2Device1", "Mezzanine2Device2", "Mezzanine2Device3",
"Mezzanine2Device4", "Mezzanine2Device5", "Mezzanine2Device6",
"Mezzanine3Device1", "Mezzanine3Device2", "Mezzanine4Device1",
}, {
"bootType": "WakeOnLAN",
"currentBootOrderDevices": ["PXE Network", "CD/DVD Rom", "Hard Disk 0"],
"possibleBootOrderDevices": ["PXE Network", "CD/DVD Rom", "Hard Disk 0", "Floppy Disk",
"Hard Disk 1", "Hard Disk 2", "Hard Disk 3", "Hard Disk 4",
"USB Storage", "Diagnostics", "iSCSI", "iSCSI Critical",
"Embedded Hypervisor", "Legacy Only", "IMM1", "IMM2", "DSA",
"USB0", "USB1", "USB2", "USB3", "USB4", "SAS", "NIC1", "NIC2",
"NIC3", "NIC4", "VNIC1", "VNIC2", "VNIC3", "VNIC4", "VNIC5",
"VNIC6", "VNIC7", "VNIC8", "VNIC9", "VNIC10", "VNIC11", "VNIC12",
"Mezzanine1Device1", "Mezzanine1Device2", "Mezzanine1Device3",
"Mezzanine1Device4", "Mezzanine1Device5", "Mezzanine1Device6",
"Mezzanine2Device1", "Mezzanine2Device2", "Mezzanine2Device3",
"Mezzanine2Device4", "Mezzanine2Device5", "Mezzanine2Device6",
"Mezzanine3Device1", "Mezzanine3Device2", "Mezzanine4Device1",
"uri": "nodes/F087DAB569F211E39C766CAE8B702C60/bootOrder"
"cmmDisplayName": "Node 13",
"cmmHealthState": "Normal",
"complexID": 508124766,
"contact": "test",
"dataHandle": 1701112556513,
"description": "Device data missing",
"dnsHostnames": [""],
"domainName": "",
"driveBays": 8,
"drives": [],
"embeddedHypervisorPresence": false,
"encapsulation": {
"encapsulationMode": "notSupported"
"excludedHealthState": "Normal",
"errorFields": [{
"ReleaseInfoData": "NO_CONNECTOR"
}, {
"SingleSignOn": "NO_CONNECTOR"
}, {
"MPFAHealthStatus": "NO_CONNECTOR"
"expansionCards": [],
"expansionCardSlots": 4,
"expansionProducts": [],
"expansionProductType": "",
"faceplateIDs": [{
"deviceId": 0,
"entityId": 0,
"name": "front panel board 1",
"posID": 0,
"productId": 0,
"vpdID": 0
}, {
"deviceId": 0,
"entityId": 0,
"name": "system board 1",
"posID": 0,
"productId": 0,
"vpdID": 0
"firmware": [{
"build": "1AOO87B",
"classifications": [],
"date": "2018-12-14T00:00:00Z",
"name": "IMM2 Backup Firmware",
"revision": "7.20",
"role": "Backup",
"status": "Inactive",
"type": "IMM2-Backup",
"version": "7.20"
"classifications": [],
"build": "1AOO87B",
"date": "2018-12-14T00:00:00Z",
"name": "IMM2 Firmware",
"revision": "7.20",
"role": "Primary",
"status": "Active",
"type": "IMM2",
"version": "7.20"
"flashStorage": [],
"FRU": "47C2239",
"fruSerialNumber": "YC31BG3B503C"
"FQDN": "",
"hasOS": false,
"hostMacAddresses": "6C:AE:8B:70:2C:60,6C:AE:8B:70:2C:64,6C:AE:8B:70:2C:68,6C:AE:8B:70:2C:6C",
"hostname": "IMM2-6cae8b6f0b11",
"inventoryState": "INVENTORY_READY",
"ipv4Addresses": ["", ""],
"ipInterfaces": [{
"IPv4assignments": [{
"id": 0,
"address": "",
"gateway": "",
"subnet": "",
"type": "INUSE"
"IPv4DHCPmode": "DHCP_ONLY",
"IPv4enabled": true,
"IPv6assignments": [{
"id": 0,
"address": "fe80:0:0:0:6eae:8bff:fe6f:b14",
"gateway": "fe80:0:0:0:5:73ff:fea0:2c",
"prefix": 64,
"scope": "Unknown",
"source": "Unknown",
"type": "UNKNOWN"
}, {
"id": 0,
"address": "fd55:faaf:e1ab:2021:6eae:8bff:fe6f:b14",
"gateway": "fe80:0:0:0:5:73ff:fea0:2c",
"prefix": 64,
"scope": "Global",
"source": "Stateless",
"type": "INUSE"
"IPv6DHCPenabled": true,
"IPv6enabled": true,
"IPv6statelessEnabled": true,
"IPv6staticEnabled": false,
"label": "unknown",
"name": "eth0"
}, {
"IPv4assignments": [],
"IPv4enabled": true,
"IPv6assignments": [{
"id": 0,
"address": "fe80:0:0:0:6eae:8bff:fe6f:b14",
"gateway": "fe80:0:0:0:5:73ff:fea0:2c",
"prefix": 64,
"scope": "Unknown",
"source": "Unknown",
"type": "UNKNOWN"
}, {
"id": 0,
"address": "fd55:faaf:e1ab:2021:6eae:8bff:fe6f:b14",
"gateway": "fe80:0:0:0:5:73ff:fea0:2c",
"prefix": 64,
"scope": "Global",
"source": "Stateless",
"type": "CONFIGURED"
"IPv6DHCPenabled": true,
"IPv6enabled": true,
"IPv6statelessEnabled": false,
"IPv6staticEnabled": false,
"label": "unknown",
"name": "ethernet-over-usb"
"ipv6Addresses": ["fd55:faaf:e1ab:2021:6eae:8bff:fe6f:b14", "fe80:0:0:0:6eae:8bff:fe6f:b14"],
"isConnectionTrusted": "true",
"isITME": false,
"isRemotePresenceEnabled": true,
"lanOverUsb": "enabled",
"leds": [{
"color": "Yellow",
"location": "Planar",
"name": "DIMM 48",
"state": "Off"
"color": "Yellow",
"name": "DIMM 10",
"location": "Planar",
"state": "Off"
"isScalable": true,
"lanOverUsbPortForwardingModes": [{
"externalIPAddress": "",
"state": "disabled",
"type": "DSA"
"location": {
"rack": "",
"location": "test",
"lowestRackUnit": 0,
"room": ""
"machineType": "7903",
"logicalID": 0,
"m2Presence": false,
"macAddress": "6C:AE:8B:6F:0B:14,6C:AE:8B:6F:0B:16",
"manufacturer": "CITRIX_BLADE",
"manufacturerId": "20301",
"memoryModules": [{
"capacity": 4,
"displayName": "DIMM 1",
"fruPartNumber": "",
"healthState": "NA",
"manufacturer": "Samsung",
"model": "DDR3",
"operatingMemoryMode": null,
"partNumber": "M393B5270QB0-YK0",
"present": false,
"serialNumber": "01976141",
"slot": 1,
"speed": 1600,
"speedMBs": 0,
"type": "DDR3"
"memorySlots": 48,
"mgmtProcIPaddress": "",
"mgmtProcType": "IMM2",
"model": "AC1",
"name": "Newport213-14",
"nist": {
"currentValue": "Unknown",
"possibleValues": ["Nist_800_131A_Strict", "unsupported", "Compatibility"]
"onboardPciDevices": [{
"class": "Display controller",
"firmware": [],
"fodUniqueID": "",
"isAddOnCard": false,
"isAgentless": false,
"isPLDMUpdateSupported": false,
"name": "",
"pciDeviceNumber": "0",
"pciFunctionNumber": "0",
"pciBusNumber": "9",
"pciRevision": "0",
"pciSubID": "0",
"pciSubVendorID": "0",
"portInfo": {},
"posID": "534",
"vpdID": "102b"
}, {
"class": "Network controller",
"firmware": [{
"build": "0",
"classifications": [13],
"date": "",
"name": "OneConnect 10G/40G Flash Image",
"revision": "0",
"role": "Primary",
"softwareID": "10DFE812",
"status": "Active",
"type": "Software Bundle",
"version": ""
"fodUniqueID": "N/A",
"isAddOnCard": false,
"isAgentless": true,
"isPLDMUpdateSupported": false,
"name": "N/A",
"pciBusNumber": "139",
"pciDeviceNumber": "0",
"pciFunctionNumber": "2",
"pciRevision": "10",
"pciSubID": "e812",
"pciSubVendorID": "10df",
"portInfo": {
"physicalPorts": [{
"logicalPorts": [{
"addresses": "6CAE8B702C68",
"logicalPortIndex": 1,
"portNumber": 1,
"portType": "ETHERNET",
"vnicMode": false
"physicalPortIndex": 3,
"peerBay": 0,
"portNumber": 3,
"portType": "ETHERNET",
"speed": 0.0,
"status": null
"posID": "720",
"vpdID": "10df"
"overallHealthState": "Normal",
"osInfo": {
"description": "",
"hostname": "",
"storedCredential": ""
"parent": {
"uri": "chassis/3D1D5931BDF84D30ADA976E21F08CB91",
"uuid": "3D1D5931BDF84D30ADA976E21F08CB91"
"parentComplexID": "1E495E5E",
"partitionID": -1,
"partNumber": "00AN678",
"pciCapabilities": ["Raid Link", "OOB PCIe"],
"pciDevices": [{
"class": "Display controller",
"firmware": [],
"fodUniqueID": "",
"isAddOnCard": false,
"isAgentless": false,
"isPLDMUpdateSupported": false,
"pciDeviceNumber": "0",
"name": "",
"pciBusNumber": "9",
"pciFunctionNumber": "0",
"pciRevision": "0",
"pciSubID": "0",
"pciSubVendorID": "0",
"portInfo": {},
"posID": "534",
"vpdID": "102b",
"class": "Network controller",
"firmware": [{
"build": "0",
"classifications": [13],
"date": "",
"name": "OneConnect 10G/40G Flash Image",
"revision": "0",
"role": "Primary",
"softwareID": "10DFE812",
"status": "Active",
"type": "Software Bundle",
"version": ""
"fodUniqueID": "N/A",
"isAddOnCard": false,
"isAgentless": true,
"isPLDMUpdateSupported": false,
"name": "N/A",
"pciBusNumber": "139",
"pciDeviceNumber": "0",
"pciFunctionNumber": "2",
"pciRevision": "10",
"pciSubID": "e812",
"pciSubVendorID": "10df",
"portInfo": {
"physicalPorts": [{
"logicalPorts": [{
"addresses": "6CAE8B702C68",
"logicalPortIndex": 1,
"portNumber": 1,
"portType": "ETHERNET",
"vnicMode": false
"peerBay": 0,
"physicalPortIndex": 3,
"portNumber": 3,
"portType": "ETHERNET",
"speed": 0.0,
"status": null
"posID": "720",
"vpdID": "10df",
"ports": [{
"ioModuleBay": 1,
"portNumber": 1
}, {
"ioModuleBay": 2,
"portNumber": 2
}, {
"ioModuleBay": 0,
"portNumber": 3
}, {
"ioModuleBay": 0,
"portNumber": 4
"posID": "30",
"powerAllocation": {
"maximumAllocatedPower": 299,
"minimumAllocatedPower": 211
"powerStatus": 5,
"powerSupplies": [],
"primary": false,
"processorIntelSpeedSelect": {
"currentValue": "",
"possibleValues": []
"processors": [{
"cores": 12,
"displayName": "Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7-8850 v2 @ 2.30GHz",
"family": "PENTIUM_R_4",
"healthState": "NA",
"manufacturer": "Intel(R) Corporation",
"maxSpeedMHZ": 2300,
"partNumber": "Unknown",
"present": false,
"productVersion": "Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7-8850 v2 @ 2.30GHz",
"serialNumber": "Unknown",
"slot": 1,
"speed": 2.3,
"socket": "",
"tdpWatts": -1,
"processorSlots": 2,
"productId": "448",
"productName": "",
"raidSettings": [],
"secureBootMode": {
"currentValue": "Disabled",
"possibleValues": ["Enabled", "Disabled"]
"securityDescriptor": {
"identityManagementSystemEnabled": false,
"managedAuthEnabled": true,
"managedAuthSupported": true,
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