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GET /events/activeAlerts

Use this method to return information about active alerts or the number of active alerts per resource group. If no query parameters are specified, information about all active alerts is returned.


Authentication with username and password is required.

Request URL

GET https://{management_server_IP}/events/activeAlerts

Query parameters

ParametersRequired / OptionalDescription
escapeHTML={Boolean}OptionalIndicates whether to replace escape characters in the message with special characters (for example, "). This can be one of the following values.
  • true. Replaces escape characters with special characters in the returned message.

  • false. Does not replaces escape characters in the returned message.

Escape characters must be included in arguments when there is HTML in messages.
filterWith={filter}OptionalReturns only the active alerts that apply to the specified filters (see Filtering events).
groupUIDs={uuid}OptionalIf outputFormat=summary is specified, returns the number of active alerts for one or more resource groups, specified by UUID. Separate multiple UUIDs by a comma.
outputFormat={type}OptionalReturns information for the specified type. This can be one of the following values.
  • default. Information about all active alerts

  • summary. Number of active alerts (critical and warning) per resource group

type={type}OptionalReturns only active alerts of the specific type. This can be one of the following values.
  • excluded. Returns only exclude active alerts.

  • acknowledge. Returns only acknowledged active alerts.

uidList={uuid_list}OptionalIf outputFormat=default is specified, returns alert information only for one or more specific groups and devices.

To obtain the group or device UUIDs, use GET /resourceGroups, GET /chassis, GET /cmms, GET /nodes, GET /storage, and GET /switches.

The following example returns a list of all active alerts for two specific devices.
The following example returns a list of all excluded active alerts and replaces escape characters in the message with special characters.
The following example returns the number of acknowledge active alerts for two specific resource groups.

Request body


Response codes

200OKThe request completed successfully.
400Bad RequestA query parameter or request attribute is missing or not valid, or the operation is not supported. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
401UnauthorizedThe user cannot be authenticated. Authentication has not been provided or has failed. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
404Not foundA specified resource cannot be found. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
500Internal Server ErrorAn internal error occurred. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.

Response body

Table 1. Number of active alerts per resource group.
{group_UID>ObjectActive alerts for the specified resource group
 criticalIntegerNumber of critical alerts
 warningIntegerNumber of warning alerts
The following example is returned if the request is successful and outputFormat=summary is specified.
"11111": {
"critical": 0,
"warning": 1
"22222": {
"critical": 0,
"warning ": 0
"333333333333333333333333": {
"critical": 0,
"warning ": 0
"444444444444444444444444": {
"critical": 0,
"warning ": 0
Table 2. Default information about all active alerts
alertIDStringAlert identifier
argsArray of stringList of dynamic arguments in the event message string. If not available, an empty string is returned.

If not available, an empty string is returned.

commonEventIDStringCommon event ID
componentIDStringID of the component associated with the active alert
componentIdentifierTextStringComponent description. This can be one of the following values.
  • Canister/Appliance

  • Client Data Storage Device

  • Cooling

  • Device Driver

  • Display

  • Hypervisor

  • I/O connectivity

  • Interconnect (Fabric)

  • Interconnect (Interfaces)

  • Interconnect (Networking)

  • Interconnect (PCI Manager)

  • Interconnect (PIE)

  • Interconnect (Utilities / Infrastructure)

  • Memory

  • OS

  • OS/Hypervisor Interface

  • Power

  • Processing

  • Storage RAID

  • System board

  • Systems Management

  • Time Reference

  • Unknown

  • Vendor Events

  • VPD

eventClassStringSource of the event. This can be one of the following values.
  • 50. Unknown
  • 200. Audit
  • 300. Cooling
  • 400. Power
  • 500. Disks (storage)
  • 600. Memory
  • 700. Processor
  • 800. Rack or tower server
  • 900. Test
  • 1000. Adapter card
  • 1100. Expansion board
  • 1200. Flex System switch
  • 1300. Flex System server
  • 1400. Switch
  • 1500. Other
  • 1600. Backplane
  • 1700. Chassis
  • 1800. Drive
  • 1900 External drive
  • 2000. Fan
  • 2100. M2 adapter
  • 2200. M2 drive
  • 3200. OCP adapter
  • 2400. PCIE adapter
  • 2500. Power supply unit
  • 2600. Retimer
  • 2700. Riser
  • 2800. 7MM drive
  • 2900. Pump
eventDateStringTime and date that the event was created on source system. This is the time and date from the managed system and might be quite different from timeStamp, which is when the event was processed by the Lenovo XClarity Administrator.
The string is in ISO-8601 format:
eventIDStringEvent ID is a unique identifier for each event supported by a product
failFRUNamesArray of stringsFor hardware fault events, includes names of one or more FRUs that are associated with the fault

If not available, an empty string is returned.

failFRUPartNumbersArray of stringsFor hardware fault events, includes part numbers for one or more FRUs that are associated with the fault

If not available, an empty string is returned.

failFRUsArray of stringsFor hardware fault events, includes FRU numbers for one or more FRUs that are associated with the fault

If not available, an empty string is returned.

failFRUUUIDsArray of stringsFor hardware fault events, includes UUIDs for one or more FRUs that are associated with the fault

If not available, an empty string is returned.

failSNsArray of stringsFor hardware fault events, includes serial numbers for one or more FRUs that are associated with the fault

If not available, an empty string is returned.

groupNameArray of stringsList of resource-groups, by name, to which the source of the alert belongs. If the source does not belong to a resource group, the value is Not Available.
groupUUIDArray of stringsList of resource-groups, by UUID, to which the source of the alert belongs.
locationStringLocation information for event association in the format of Slot#01
msgStringEvent message string. This is provided in the language requested if translation is supported. If translation is not supported, the message as received in the event will be provided, in whatever language the product provided at time of event (typically this is English).
raisedDateStringDate/time active alert was raised by REST user in the ISO-8601 format.
relatedAlertsStringOther alerts related to this alert, if applicable.
serviceStringIndicates how service is performed. This can be one of the following value.
  • 100 . Not serviceable.
  • 200. Serviceable by Lenovo (called home).
  • 300. Serviceable by the customer.
severityIntegerSeverity. This can be one of the following values.
  • 100. Unknown. The severity is unknown.
  • 200. Informational. Informational
  • 300. Warning. User can decide if action is needed.
  • 400. Minor. Action is needed, but the situation is not serious at this time.
  • 500. Major. Action is needed now.
  • 600. Critical. Action is needed now and the scope is broad (perhaps an imminent outage to a critical resource will result).
  • 700. Fatal. A non-recoverable error has occurred.
severityTextStringSeverity text. This can be one of the following values.
  • Unknown. The severity is unknown.
  • Informational. Informational
  • Warning. User can decide if action is needed.
  • Minor. Action is needed, but the situation is not serious at this time.
  • Major. Action is needed now.
  • Critical. Action is needed now and the scope is broad (perhaps an imminent outage to a critical resource will result).
  • Fatal. A non-recoverable error has occurred.

If not available, an empty string is returned.

sourceIDStringSystem UUID for the system or device that is/was the event source (raiser/owner)
systemNameStringSystem identifier. It correlates to the display name used for the device on the CMM
typeTextStringEvent type. This can be one of the following values.
  • Unknown
  • Audit
  • Cooling
  • Power
  • Disks. Storage
  • Memory
  • Processor
  • System. Rack or tower server
  • Test
  • Adaptor. Adapter card
  • Expansion. Expansion board
  • IOModule. Flex System switch
  • Blade. Flex System server
  • Switch
  • Other
  • Backplane
  • Chassis
  • Drive
  • ExtDrive. External drive
  • Fan
  • M2Adapter
  • M2Drive
  • OCP
  • PCIE
  • PSU
  • Retimer
  • Riser
  • 7MMDrive
  • Pump
The following example is returned if the request is successful and outputFormat=default is specified.
"alertID": "IAL:1:FFB657408BEB4161950704AB0ED3A84A",
"args": ["FFB657408BEB4161950704AB0ED3A84A",""],
"bayText": "Not Available",
"chassisText": "Not Available",
"commonEventID": "",
"componentID": "FFB657408BEB4161950704AB0ED3A84A",
"componentIdentifierText": "Unknown",
"eventClass": 800,
"eventDate": "2019-07-08T16:19:10Z",
"eventID": "FQXHMDM0163J",
"eventSourceText": "Hardware",
"failFRUNames": [],
"failFRUPartNumbers": [],
"failFRUs": [],
"failFRUUUIDs": [],
"failSNs": [],
"flags": "",
"fruSerialNumberText": "Not Available",
"groupName": ["Not Available"],
"groupUUID": [],
"isManagement": true,
"location": "",
"msg": "The connection between the management server and the management controller
FFB657408BEB4161950704AB0ED3A84A is offline.",
"msgID": "FQXHMDM0163J",
"raisedDate": "2019-07-08T16:19:10Z",
"relatedAlerts": "",
"service": 100,
"serviceabilityText": "Not Required",
"severity": 300,
"severityText": "Warning",
"sourceID": "FFB657408BEB4161950704AB0ED3A84A",
"systemFruNumberText": "Not Available",
"systemName": "",
"systemSerialNumberText": "Not Available",
"systemText": "Not Available",
"systemTypeModelText": "Not Available",
"systemTypeText": "Not Available",
"typeText": "System"