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GET /storage

Use this method to return properties for all storage devices and tape libraries.


Authentication with username and password is required.

Request URL

GET https://{management_server_IP}/storage

Query parameters

ParametersRequired / OptionalDescription
excludeAttributes={attributes}OptionalReturns a response that excludes the specified attributes for each resource. You can specify one or more attributes that are listed in the response body, separated by a comma.
  • When the includeAttributes query parameter is specified, the excludeAttributes query parameter is ignored.
  • The response is filtered based on attribute name, not the attribute value.
  • Base attributes cannot be excluded.
formatType={type}OptionalReturns information in the specified format. This can be one of the following values.
  • json (default)
  • csv

If the format type is not specified, JSON format is returned.

To retrieve properties for a large number of devices, use POST /storage.
includeAttributes=<attributes}OptionalReturns a response that includes the base attributes and the specified attributes for each resource. You can specify one or more attributes that are listed in the response body, separated by a comma.
  • The response is filtered based on attribute name, not the attribute value.
  • If this attribute is not specified, all attributes are returned by default.
The following example returns a CSV file that contains information about all storage devices.
GET /storage?formatType=csv

Request body


Response codes

200OKThe request completed successfully.
400Bad RequestA query parameter or request attribute is missing or not valid, or the operation is not supported. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
401UnauthorizedThe user cannot be authenticated. Authentication has not been provided or has failed. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
403ForbiddenThe orchestrator server was prevented from fulfilling the request. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body. Ensure that you have privileges to perform the request.
409ConflictThere is a conflict with the current state of the resource. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
500Internal Server ErrorAn internal error occurred. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.

Response body

storageListArrayList of all storage devices and tape libraries.
 See GET /storage/{uuid_list}ObjectDetailed information about the individual storage device and and tape library.

Response example

The following example is returned if the request is successful.
"storageList": [{
"accessState": Online",
"canisterSlots": 2,
"cmmHealthState": "Normal",
"contact": "F",
"description": "F",
"diskGroups": 2,
"driveBays": 12,
"enclosureCount": 1,
"enclosures": [{
"canisters": [{
"cmmDisplayName": "controller_a",
"controllerId": "A",
"controllerRedundancyMode": "Active-ActiveULP",
"controllerRedundancyStatus": "Redundant",
"disks": 9,
"diskBusType": "SAS",
"diskChannels": 2,
"energyMetrics": {
"diskControllerTemperature": [],
"inletAirTemperature": [],
"memoryTemperature": []
"expansionPorts": [{
"health": "N/A",
"healthReason": "No drive enclosure is connected to this expansion port. This is normal if this
is the last (or only) enclosure in the cabling sequence of the system.",
"healthRecommendation": "-Noactionisrequired.",
"name": "OutPort",
"status": "Disconnected"
"failOverReason": "Notapplicable",
"failedOverToThisController": "No",
"firmware": {
"backplaneType": "7",
"bundleVersion": "GL221R020-14",
"buildDate": "ThuJun2909: 26: 26MDT2017",
"capiVersion": "3.19",
"cpldCodeVersion": "56",
"diskInterfaceHardwareVersion": "3",
"expanderControllerCodeVersion": "3206",
"hardwareVersion": "5.2",
"hostInterfaceHardwareVersion": "2",
"hostInterfaceModuleModel": "6",
"hostInterfaceModuleVersion": "11",
"managementControllerCodeVersion": "GLM221R037-02",
"managementControllerLoaderCodeVersion": "6.27.25440",
"scBootMemoryReferenceCodeVersion": "",
"storageControllerCodeBaselevel": "GLS221R13-01",
"storageControllerCodeVersion": "GLS221R13-01",
"storageControllerCpuType": "Gladden1300MHz",
"storageControllerLoaderCodeVersion": "27.016",
"version": "5.6",
"versionType": "nonencrypted"
"hardwareVersion": "5.2",
"health": "Normal",
"healthReason": "",
"healthRecommendation": "",
"hostPorts": 4,
"networkPorts": {
"addressingMode": "Manual",
"gateway": "",
"health": "OK",
"healthReason": "",
"healthRecommendation": "",
"ipAddress": "",
"ipVersion": 4,
"macAddress": "00: c0: ff: 28: 03: c7",
"name": "mgmtport_a",
"networkMask": ""
"phyIsolation": "Enabled",
"ports": [{
"action": "- If this host port is intentionally unused, no actionis required.\n
- Otherwise, use an appropriate interface cable to connect this host
port to a switch o rhost.\n
- If a cable is connected, check the cable and the switch or host for
"actualSpeed": "",
"configSpeed": "Auto",
"health": "N/A",
"media": "FC(-)",
"port": "A2",
"reason": "There is no active connection to this host port.",
"status": "Disconnected",
"targetId": "227000c0ff280e8b",
"topology": "PTP"
"action": "- If this host port is intentionally unused, no actionis required.\n
- Otherwise, use an appropriate interface cable to connect this host
port to a switch o rhost.\n
- If a cable is connected, check the cable and the switch or host for
"actualSpeed": "",
"configSpeed": "Auto",
"health": "N/A",
"media": "FC(-)",
"port": "A3",
"reason": "There is no active connection to this host port.",
"status": "Disconnected",
"targetId": "237000c0ff280e8b",
"topology": "PTP"
"position": "Top",
"powerState": "On",
"revision": "0",
"serialNumber": "11S00WC050Y010DH677180",
"status": "Operational",
"systemCacheMemory": 6144,
"drives": [{
"firmwareVersion": null",
"health": "OK",
"healthReason": "",
"healthRecommendation": "",
"location": "0.9",
"model": "ST2000NM0034X",
"serialNumber": "Z4H02R730000R538RM68",
"size": "2000.3TiB",
"status": "Up",
"type": "SASMDL",
"vendorName": "LENOVO-X"
"firmwareVersion": null,
"health": "OK",
"healthReason": "",
"healthRecommendation": "",
"location": "0.4",
"model": "ST2000NM0034X",
"serialNumber": "Z4H07S8L0000R628K52C",
"size": "2000.3TiB",
"status": "Up",
"type": "SASMDL",
"vendorName": "LENOVO-X"
"enclosureInfo": {
"diskCount": 9,
"driveBays": 12,
"enclosureId": 0,
"health": "OK",
"model": "S3200",
"midplaneSerialNumber": "11S00WC065Y010DH67C0RF",
"status": "Up",
"vendorName": "Lenovo",
"wwn": "500C0FF0280E8B3C"
"energyMetrics": {
"enclosurePower": []
"frus": [{
"description": "SPSMemoryCard",
"fruStatus": "OK",
"partNumber": "40-00000053",
"serialNumber": "",
"shortName": "MemoryCard"
"description": "48X44xCNCRIOM-LX6GBLENOVO",
"fruLocation": "LOWERIOMSLOT",
"fruStatus": "OK",
"partNumber": "00WC050",
"serialNumber": "11S00WC050Y010DH677182",
"shortName": "RAIDIOM"
"location": {
"lowestRackUnit": 0,
"location": "",
"rack": "",
"room": ""
"powerSupplies": [{
"health": "OK",
"healthReason": "",
"healthRecommendation": "",
"model": "00WC067",
"position": "Right",
"status": "Up",
"vendorName": ""
"health": "OK",
"healthReason": "",
"healthRecommendation": "",
"model": "00WC067",
"position": "Left",
"status": "Up",
"vendorName": ""
"slots": ["0", "1", "2", "4", "5", "6", "8", "9", "10"]
"excludedHealthState": "Normal",
"healthReason": "",
"ipv4Addresses": ["", ""],
"isConnectionTrusted": "true",
"location": {
"location": "",
"lowestRackUnit": 0,
"rack": "",
"room": ""
"machineType": "6411",
"mgmtProcIPaddress": "",
"model": "S3200",
"name": "S3200",
"otherMcStatus": "Operational",
"overallHealthState": "Normal",
"parent": {
"uri": "",
"uuid": ""
"pfu": "Idle",
"productBrand": "Storage",
"productName": "S3200",
"scsiProductId": "S3200",
"scsiVendorId": "Lenovo",
"securityDescriptor": {
"managedAuthEnabled": true
"managedAuthSupported": true,
"publicAccess": true,
"roleGroups": ["lxc-admin","lxc-security-admin"],
"storedCredentials": null,
"uri": "storage/0069030ADC5F453E9EE49CA4B44DB8DC"
"serialNumber": "280E8B",
"storageNodeCapacityList": [{
"blockStorage": {
"available": "6.66 TiB",
"fullThresholdPercent": "96",
"size": "6.83 TiB",
"used": "168 GiB"
"nodeName": "PerfDM7100F-02"
}, {
"blockStorage": {
"available": "6.66 TiB",
"fullThresholdPercent": "96",
"size": "6.83 TiB",
"used": "168 GiB"
"nodeName": "PerfDM7100F-01"
"supportedLocales": "English(English), Arabic(العربية), Portuguese(português), Spanish(español),
French(français), German(Deutsch), Italian(italiano), Japanese(日本語),
Korean(한국어), Dutch(Nederlands), Russian(русский),
Chinese-Simplified(简体中文), Chinese-Traditional(繁體中文)",
"systemLocation": "LXCA_empty_field, LXCA_empty_field, LXCA_empty_field",
"type": "LenovoStorage",
"userDefinedName": "Storage1",
"userDescription": "F",
"uri": "storage/208000C0FF280E8B",
"uuid": "208000C0FF280E8B",
"vendorName": "Lenovo",
"virtualPools": 2,
"wwnn": "208000C0FF280E8B",