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POST /storage

Use this method to return properties for a large number of specific storage devices.

If you choose formatType=csv, this request creates a file in CSV format and returns the filename in the request header. You can use to download the file using GET /storage/{file_name}.csv.


Authentication with username and password is required.

Request URL

POST https://{management_server_IP}/storage

Query parameters


Request body

AttributesRequired / OptionalTypeDescription
formatTypeOptionalStringReturns information in the specified format. This can be one of the following values.
  • json (default)
  • csv
uuidsRequiredStringList of device UUIDs, separated by a comma
The following example returns properties for two storage devices.
"formatType": "csv",

Response codes

200OKThe request completed successfully. This is returned when formatType is “json.”
201CreatedOne or more new resources were successfully created. This is returned when formatType is “csv.”
400Bad RequestA query parameter or request attribute is missing or not valid, or the operation is not supported. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
401UnauthorizedThe user cannot be authenticated. Authentication has not been provided or has failed. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
403ForbiddenThe orchestrator server was prevented from fulfilling the request. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body. Ensure that you have privileges to perform the request.
409ConflictThere is a conflict with the current state of the resource. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
500Internal Server ErrorAn internal error occurred. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.

Response header

If formatType=csv is specified, the response header includes the URI of the downloaded file. If data for a single storage device is requested, the file name includes the storage UUID. If multiple storage devices are requested, the file name is allStorage_{unique_ID}.csv. For example:
Status Code: 201 Created
Location: /chassis/EF6D424FAACA4E539771B812AAEE0F73.csv

Response body

If the formatType=csv request attribute is specified, no response body is returned.

If the formatType=json request attribute is specified, the following JSON object is returned.

storageListArrayList of all storage devices.
 See GET /storage/{uuid_list}ObjectDetailed information about each storage device.
The following example is returned if the request is successful.
"storageList": {
"storageList": [{
"accessState": Online",
"canisterSlots": 2,
"cmmHealthState": "Normal",
"contact": "F",
"description": "F",
"diskGroups": 2,
"driveBays": 12,
"enclosureCount": 1,
"enclosures": [{
"canisters": [{
"cmmDisplayName": "controller_a",
"controllerId": "A",
"controllerRedundancyMode": "Active-ActiveULP",
"controllerRedundancyStatus": "Redundant",
"disks": 9,
"diskBusType": "SAS",
"diskChannels": 2,
"energyMetrics": {
"diskControllerTemperature": [],
"inletAirTemperature": [],
"memoryTemperature": []
"expansionPorts": [{
"health": "N/A",
"healthReason": "No drive enclosure is connected to this expansion port. This is normal if this
is the last (or only) enclosure in the cabling sequence of the system.",
"healthRecommendation": "-Noactionisrequired.",
"name": "OutPort",
"status": "Disconnected"
"failOverReason": "Notapplicable",
"failedOverToThisController": "No",
"firmware": {
"backplaneType": "7",
"bundleVersion": "GL221R020-14",
"buildDate": "ThuJun2909: 26: 26MDT2017",
"capiVersion": "3.19",
"cpldCodeVersion": "56",
"diskInterfaceHardwareVersion": "3",
"expanderControllerCodeVersion": "3206",
"hardwareVersion": "5.2",
"hostInterfaceHardwareVersion": "2",
"hostInterfaceModuleModel": "6",
"hostInterfaceModuleVersion": "11",
"managementControllerCodeVersion": "GLM221R037-02",
"managementControllerLoaderCodeVersion": "6.27.25440",
"scBootMemoryReferenceCodeVersion": "",
"storageControllerCodeBaselevel": "GLS221R13-01",
"storageControllerCodeVersion": "GLS221R13-01",
"storageControllerCpuType": "Gladden1300MHz",
"storageControllerLoaderCodeVersion": "27.016",
"version": "5.6",
"versionType": "nonencrypted"
"hardwareVersion": "5.2",
"health": "Normal",
"healthReason": "",
"healthRecommendation": "",
"hostPorts": 4,
"networkPorts": {
"addressingMode": "Manual",
"gateway": "",
"health": "OK",
"healthReason": "",
"healthRecommendation": "",
"ipAddress": "",
"ipVersion": 4,
"macAddress": "00: c0: ff: 28: 03: c7",
"name": "mgmtport_a",
"networkMask": ""
"phyIsolation": "Enabled",
"ports": [{
"action": "- If this host port is intentionally unused, no actionis required.\n
- Otherwise, use an appropriate interface cable to connect this host
port to a switch o rhost.\n
- If a cable is connected, check the cable and the switch or host for
"actualSpeed": "",
"configSpeed": "Auto",
"health": "N/A",
"media": "FC(-)",
"port": "A2",
"reason": "There is no active connection to this host port.",
"status": "Disconnected",
"targetId": "227000c0ff280e8b",
"topology": "PTP"
"action": "- If this host port is intentionally unused, no actionis required.\n
- Otherwise, use an appropriate interface cable to connect this host
port to a switch o rhost.\n
- If a cable is connected, check the cable and the switch or host for
"actualSpeed": "",
"configSpeed": "Auto",
"health": "N/A",
"media": "FC(-)",
"port": "A3",
"reason": "There is no active connection to this host port.",
"status": "Disconnected",
"targetId": "237000c0ff280e8b",
"topology": "PTP"
"position": "Top",
"powerState": "On",
"revision": "0",
"serialNumber": "11S00WC050Y010DH677180",
"status": "Operational",
"systemCacheMemory": 6144,
"drives": [{
"firmwareVersion": null",
"health": "OK",
"healthReason": "",
"healthRecommendation": "",
"location": "0.9",
"model": "ST2000NM0034X",
"serialNumber": "Z4H02R730000R538RM68",
"size": "2000.3TiB",
"status": "Up",
"type": "SASMDL",
"vendorName": "LENOVO-X"
"firmwareVersion": null,
"health": "OK",
"healthReason": "",
"healthRecommendation": "",
"location": "0.4",
"model": "ST2000NM0034X",
"serialNumber": "Z4H07S8L0000R628K52C",
"size": "2000.3TiB",
"status": "Up",
"type": "SASMDL",
"vendorName": "LENOVO-X"
"enclosureInfo": {
"diskCount": 9,
"driveBays": 12,
"enclosureId": 0,
"health": "OK",
"model": "S3200",
"midplaneSerialNumber": "11S00WC065Y010DH67C0RF",
"status": "Up",
"vendorName": "Lenovo",
"wwn": "500C0FF0280E8B3C"
"energyMetrics": {
"enclosurePower": []
"frus": [{
"description": "SPSMemoryCard",
"fruStatus": "OK",
"partNumber": "40-00000053",
"serialNumber": "",
"shortName": "MemoryCard"
"description": "48X44xCNCRIOM-LX6GBLENOVO",
"fruLocation": "LOWERIOMSLOT",
"fruStatus": "OK",
"partNumber": "00WC050",
"serialNumber": "11S00WC050Y010DH677182",
"shortName": "RAIDIOM"
"location": {
"lowestRackUnit": 0,
"location": "",
"rack": "",
"room": ""
"powerSupplies": [{
"health": "OK",
"healthReason": "",
"healthRecommendation": "",
"model": "00WC067",
"position": "Right",
"status": "Up",
"vendorName": ""
"health": "OK",
"healthReason": "",
"healthRecommendation": "",
"model": "00WC067",
"position": "Left",
"status": "Up",
"vendorName": ""
"slots": ["0", "1", "2", "4", "5", "6", "8", "9", "10"]
"excludedHealthState": "Normal",
"healthReason": "",
"ipv4Addresses": ["", ""],
"isConnectionTrusted": "true",
"location": {
"location": "",
"lowestRackUnit": 0,
"rack": "",
"room": ""
"machineType": "6411",
"mgmtProcIPaddress": "",
"model": "S3200",
"name": "S3200",
"otherMcStatus": "Operational",
"overallHealthState": "Normal",
"parent": {
"uri": "",
"uuid": ""
"pfu": "Idle",
"productBrand": "Storage",
"productName": "S3200",
"scsiProductId": "S3200",
"scsiVendorId": "Lenovo",
"securityDescriptor": {
"managedAuthEnabled": true
"managedAuthSupported": true,
"publicAccess": true,
"roleGroups": ["lxc-admin","lxc-security-admin"],
"storedCredentials": null,
"uri": "storage/0069030ADC5F453E9EE49CA4B44DB8DC"
"serialNumber": "280E8B",
"storageNodeCapacityList": [{
"blockStorage": {
"available": "6.66 TiB",
"fullThresholdPercent": "96",
"size": "6.83 TiB",
"used": "168 GiB"
"nodeName": "PerfDM7100F-02"
}, {
"blockStorage": {
"available": "6.66 TiB",
"fullThresholdPercent": "96",
"size": "6.83 TiB",
"used": "168 GiB"
"nodeName": "PerfDM7100F-01"
"supportedLocales": "English(English), Arabic(العربية), Portuguese(português), Spanish(español),
French(français), German(Deutsch), Italian(italiano), Japanese(日本語),
Korean(한국어), Dutch(Nederlands), Russian(русский),
Chinese-Simplified(简体中文), Chinese-Traditional(繁體中文)",
"systemLocation": "LXCA_empty_field, LXCA_empty_field, LXCA_empty_field",
"type": "LenovoStorage",
"userDefinedName": "Storage1",
"userDescription": "F",
"uri": "storage/208000C0FF280E8B",
"uuid": "208000C0FF280E8B",
"vendorName": "Lenovo",
"virtualPools": 2,
"wwnn": "208000C0FF280E8B",