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GET /storage/{uuid_list}

Use this method to return properties for one or more storage devices and tape libraries.


Authentication with username and password is required.

Request URL

GET https://{management_server_IP}/storage/{uuid_list}

where {uuid_list} is a list of one or more UUIDs, separated by a comma, of the storage devices and tape libraries to be retrieved. To obtain the storage UUIDs, use the GET /storage method.

Query parameters

ParametersRequired / OptionalDescription
excludeAttributes={attributes}OptionalReturns a response that excludes the specified attributes for each resource. You can specify one or more attributes that are listed in the response body, separated by a comma.
  • When the includeAttributes query parameter is specified, the excludeAttributes query parameter is ignored.
  • The response is filtered based on attribute name, not the attribute value.
  • Base attributes cannot be excluded.
formatType={type}OptionalReturns information in the specified format. This can be one of the following values.
  • json (default)
  • csv

If the format type is not specified, JSON format is returned.

includeAttributes=<attributes}OptionalReturns a response that includes the base attributes and the specified attributes for each resource. You can specify one or more attributes that are listed in the response body, separated by a comma.
  • The response is filtered based on attribute name, not the attribute value.
  • If this attribute is not specified, all attributes are returned by default.
The following example returns a CSV file that contains information about two storage devices.

Request body


Response codes

200OKThe request completed successfully.
400Bad RequestA query parameter or request attribute is missing or not valid, or the operation is not supported. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
401UnauthorizedThe user cannot be authenticated. Authentication has not been provided or has failed. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
403ForbiddenThe orchestrator server was prevented from fulfilling the request. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body. Ensure that you have privileges to perform the request.
404Not foundA specified resource cannot be found. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
409ConflictThere is a conflict with the current state of the resource. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
500Internal Server ErrorAn internal error occurred. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.

Response body

The returned attributes vary, depending on the type of device.

accessStateStringAccess state of the server. This can be one of the following values.
  • Online
  • Offline
  • Partial
  • Pending
  • Unknown
baseFWRevisionString(Tape library only) Base firmware revision
baseFWBuildDateString(Tape library only) Base firmware build date
canisterSlotsIntegerCanister slots
cmmHealthStateStringHealth summary that corresponds to the highest event severity of all storage devices. This can be one of the following values.
  • Normal
  • Non-Critical
  • Warning
  • Minor-Failure
  • Major-Failure
  • Non-Recoverable
  • Critical
  • Unknown
contactString(Storage devices only) Contact
descriptionString(Storage devices only) Description
diskGroupsInteger(Storage devices only)
driveBaysIntegerDrive bays
enclosureCountIntegerNumber of enclosures
enclosuresArray of objectsInformation about each enclosure
 batteriesArray of objects(Storage devices only)
 canistersArray of objects(Storage devices only) Information about storage controllers (canisters)
  cmmDisplayNameString(Flex System storage devices only) The display name provided by the CMM
  disksIntegerNumber of disks
  energyMetricsObjectEnergy metrics for the storage controller

Each energy metric contains one or more arrays that include when the sample was taken (timeStamp) and the value of the sample (metricValue).

   diskControllerTemperatureArray of objectsDisk-controller temperature samples
   inletAirTemperature Inlet air temperature samples
   memoryTemperature Memory temperature samples
  ethPortsArray of objects(DM storage only) Information about Ethernet ports
   enabledBooleanIndicates whether the port is enabled. This can be one of the following values.
  • true
  • false
   macAddressStringPort MAC address
   metricArray of objectsPort metrics
    throughputStringPort throughput. This can be one of the following values.
  • read
  • write
  • total
   mtuStringMaximum transmission unit
   nameStringPort name
   speedStringPort speed
   stateStringPort state
   typeStringPort type
   uuidStringPort UUID
  fcPortsArray of objects(DM storage only) Information about Fibre Channel ports
   descriptionStringPort description
   enabledBooleanIndicates whether the port is enabled. This can be one of the following values.
  • true
  • false
   metricArray of objectsPort metrics
    throughputStringPort throughput. This can be one of the following values.
  • read
  • write
  • total
   nameStringPort name
   speedStringPort speed
   stateStringPort state
   supportedProtocolsArray of strings 
   uuidStringPort UUID
   wwnnStringPort world-wide node name
   wwpnStringPort world-wide port name
  expansionPortsArray of objects 
    versionStringFirmware version in the format <major}.{minor}P{patch>, where P{patch} is optional in case there is no patch applied (for example, 9.7 or 9.7P3)
    versionTypeStringFirmware type. This can be one of the following values.
  • encrypted
  • nonencrypted
 drawersArray of objects(Tape library only) Information about drawer in the storage enclosure
 drivesArray of objectsInformation about drives in the storage enclosure
  firmwareVersionStringFirmware version
  sizeStringDrive capacity, in TiB
  generatedUUIDString(Storage devices only) Unique identifier for an individual storage enclosure. This attribute is present only when the wwn attribute is not available for the enclosure
  heightString(Storage devices only)
  locationString(Storage devices only)
  physicalNumberInteger(Tape library only) Number of physical enclosures
  statusInteger(Tape library only) Drive status. This can be one of the following values.
  • Optimal

 energyMetricsObjectEnergy metrics for the enclosure

Each energy metric contains one or more arrays that include when the sample was taken (timeStamp) and the value of the sample (metricValue).

  enclosurePowerArray of objectsEnclosure power samples
 fansArray of objects(Storage devices only)
 frusArray of objects 
  partNumberStringFRU part number
  serialNumberStringFRU serial number
 hostAdaptersArray of objects(Storage devices only)
  portsArray of objects 
  drawersArray of objects 
 ioModulesArray of objects(Storage devices only)
 powerSuppliesArray of objectsInformation about power supplies in the enclosure
  modelStringPower-supply model.
 slotsArray of stringsInformation about storage slots
 tapeDrivesArray of objects(Tape library only) Information about each tape drive that is not in a partition
 tapePartitionsArray of objects(Tape library only) Information about each tape slot that is in a partition
  partitionInventoryObject(Tape library only) Inventory information about each tape partition
   tapeDrivesArray of objects(Tape library only) Information about each tape drive that is in a partition
   tapeSlotsArray of objects(Tape library only) Information about each tape slot that is in a partition
 tapeSlotsArray of objects(Tape library only) Information about each tape slot that is in a partition
excludedHealthStateStringHighest severity alert with exclusions. This can be one of the following values.
  • Normal
  • Non-Critical
  • Warning
  • Minor-Failure
  • Major-Failure
  • Non-Recoverable
  • Critical
  • Unknown
expansionFWRevisionString(Tape library only) Expansion firmware revision
healthReasonString(Storage devices only)
ipv4AddressesArray of stringsIPv4 address
lastOfflineTimestampString(Tape library only) Timestamp when the tape library was last offline
libHealthString(Tape library only) Library overall health
libraryTypeString(Tape library only) Library type
locationobject(Storage devices only) Information about the location of the storage device
 lowestRackUnitStringLowest rack unit
macAddress_1String(Tape library only) MAC address 1
macAddress_2String(Tape library only) MAC address 2
machineTypeStringStorage-device machine type
mgmtProcIPaddressStringManagement IP address
modelStringStorage-device model
nameStringName that is displayed in the user interface for this device

The value of this attribute is determined by preferredDisplayName attribute in the GET /aicc method. For example, if the preferredDisplayName attribute is set to hostname, then the value for this name attribute is the same as the hostname attribute in the GET /aicc method.

otherMcStatusString(Storage devices only)
overallHealthStateStringHighest severity of all alerts. This can be one of the following values.
  • Normal
  • Non-Critical
  • Warning
  • Minor-Failure
  • Major-Failure
  • Non-Recoverable
  • Critical
  • Unknown
parentObjectInformation about the parent of the storage device, if applicable
 uriStringParent UUID
 uuidStringParent URI
productNameStringProduct name
roboticFWRevisionString(Tape library only) Robotic hardware revision
roboticHWRevisionString(Tape library only) Robotic firmware revision
roboticSerialNumberString(Tape library only) Robotic serial number
scsiProductIdString(Storage devices only)
scsiVendorIdString(Storage devices only)
securityDescriptorObjectInformation about the authentication enablement and support the associated stored credentials for a managed device
 identityManagementSystemEnabledBooleanIndicates whether to use an identity-management system for authentication. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. An identity-management system is to authenticate this device.
  • false. An identity-management system is not used to authenticate this device. In this case, either manually entered credentials or stored credentials must be used.
Identity management systems can be used to authenticate only ThinkSystem and ThinkAgile servers.
 managedAuthEnabledBooleanIndicates whether the device uses managed authentication. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. The device uses managed authentication.
  • false. The device uses local authentication.
 managedAuthSupportedBooleanIndicates whether the device supports the ability to choose whether managed authentication is to be used. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. This device supports the ability to choose managed authentication
  • false. This device does not support the ability to choose managed authentication.
 publicAccessBooleanIndicates whether the resource can be accessed by all role groups. This can be one of the following values.
  • true. The resource is accessible by all role group.
  • false. The resource is restricted to specific role groups.
 roleGroupsArray of stringsList of role groups that are permitted to view and manage this device
 storedCredentialsArray of objectsInformation about the stored credential that is associated with this device, if applicable.
  idStringID of the stored credential
  descriptionStringDescription of the stored credential
  userNameStringName of the stored credential
 uriStringURI of the device
slotsArray of integers(Storage devices only)
storageNodeCapacityListArray of objectsInformation about storage capacity for each node
 blockStorageObjectInformation about storage capacity
  availableStringAmount of available (unused) capacity, in TiB
  fullThresholdPercentStringFull capacity threshold, as a percentage

This can be a value from 0100.

  sizeStringTotal amount of capacity, in TiB
  usedStringAmount of used capacity, in TiB
 nodeNameStringNode name
statusArray of strings(Storage devices only)
subSlotsArray of strings(Storage devices only)
subTypeString(Storage devices only)
supportedLocalesString(Storage devices only)
systemLocationString(Storage devices only)
tlsVersionObject(Storage devices only) Information about the SSL or TLS protocol and version
 currentValueStringSSL or TLS protocol and version to be used. This can be one of the following values.
  • unsupported
  • TLS_12. TLS v1.2
  • TLS_13. TLS v1.3
 possibleValuesArray of stringsList of possible values
typeStringResource type. This can be one of the following values.
  • LenovoStorage
  • TapeLibrary
userDefinedNameStringUser-defined name for the device
userDescriptionString(Storage devices only) User description
virtualPoolsInteger(Storage devices only)
vnicModeString(Storage devices only)
vpidString(Storage devices only)
The following example is returned if the request is successful for a storage device.
"storageList": [{
"accessState": Online",
"canisterSlots": 2,
"cmmHealthState": "Normal",
"contact": "F",
"description": "F",
"diskGroups": 2,
"driveBays": 12,
"enclosureCount": 1,
"enclosures": [{
"canisters": [{
"cmmDisplayName": "controller_a",
"controllerId": "A",
"controllerRedundancyMode": "Active-ActiveULP",
"controllerRedundancyStatus": "Redundant",
"disks": 9,
"diskBusType": "SAS",
"diskChannels": 2,
"energyMetrics": {
"diskControllerTemperature": [],
"inletAirTemperature": [],
"memoryTemperature": []
"expansionPorts": [{
"health": "N/A",
"healthReason": "No drive enclosure is connected to this expansion port. This is normal if this
is the last (or only) enclosure in the cabling sequence of the system.",
"healthRecommendation": "-Noactionisrequired.",
"name": "OutPort",
"status": "Disconnected"
"failOverReason": "Notapplicable",
"failedOverToThisController": "No",
"firmware": {
"backplaneType": "7",
"bundleVersion": "GL221R020-14",
"buildDate": "ThuJun2909: 26: 26MDT2017",
"capiVersion": "3.19",
"cpldCodeVersion": "56",
"diskInterfaceHardwareVersion": "3",
"expanderControllerCodeVersion": "3206",
"hardwareVersion": "5.2",
"hostInterfaceHardwareVersion": "2",
"hostInterfaceModuleModel": "6",
"hostInterfaceModuleVersion": "11",
"managementControllerCodeVersion": "GLM221R037-02",
"managementControllerLoaderCodeVersion": "6.27.25440",
"scBootMemoryReferenceCodeVersion": "",
"storageControllerCodeBaselevel": "GLS221R13-01",
"storageControllerCodeVersion": "GLS221R13-01",
"storageControllerCpuType": "Gladden1300MHz",
"storageControllerLoaderCodeVersion": "27.016",
"version": "5.6",
"versionType": "nonencrypted"
"hardwareVersion": "5.2",
"health": "Normal",
"healthReason": "",
"healthRecommendation": "",
"hostPorts": 4,
"networkPorts": {
"addressingMode": "Manual",
"gateway": "",
"health": "OK",
"healthReason": "",
"healthRecommendation": "",
"ipAddress": "",
"ipVersion": 4,
"macAddress": "00: c0: ff: 28: 03: c7",
"name": "mgmtport_a",
"networkMask": ""
"phyIsolation": "Enabled",
"ports": [{
"action": "- If this host port is intentionally unused, no actionis required.\n
- Otherwise, use an appropriate interface cable to connect this host
port to a switch o rhost.\n
- If a cable is connected, check the cable and the switch or host for
"actualSpeed": "",
"configSpeed": "Auto",
"health": "N/A",
"media": "FC(-)",
"port": "A2",
"reason": "There is no active connection to this host port.",
"status": "Disconnected",
"targetId": "227000c0ff280e8b",
"topology": "PTP"
"action": "- If this host port is intentionally unused, no actionis required.\n
- Otherwise, use an appropriate interface cable to connect this host
port to a switch o rhost.\n
- If a cable is connected, check the cable and the switch or host for
"actualSpeed": "",
"configSpeed": "Auto",
"health": "N/A",
"media": "FC(-)",
"port": "A3",
"reason": "There is no active connection to this host port.",
"status": "Disconnected",
"targetId": "237000c0ff280e8b",
"topology": "PTP"
"position": "Top",
"powerState": "On",
"revision": "0",
"serialNumber": "11S00WC050Y010DH677180",
"status": "Operational",
"systemCacheMemory": 6144,
"drives": [{
"firmwareVersion": null",
"health": "OK",
"healthReason": "",
"healthRecommendation": "",
"location": "0.9",
"model": "ST2000NM0034X",
"serialNumber": "Z4H02R730000R538RM68",
"size": "2000.3TiB",
"status": "Up",
"type": "SASMDL",
"vendorName": "LENOVO-X"
"firmwareVersion": null,
"health": "OK",
"healthReason": "",
"healthRecommendation": "",
"location": "0.4",
"model": "ST2000NM0034X",
"serialNumber": "Z4H07S8L0000R628K52C",
"size": "2000.3TiB",
"status": "Up",
"type": "SASMDL",
"vendorName": "LENOVO-X"
"enclosureInfo": {
"diskCount": 9,
"driveBays": 12,
"enclosureId": 0,
"health": "OK",
"model": "S3200",
"midplaneSerialNumber": "11S00WC065Y010DH67C0RF",
"status": "Up",
"vendorName": "Lenovo",
"wwn": "500C0FF0280E8B3C"
"energyMetrics": {
"enclosurePower": []
"frus": [{
"description": "SPSMemoryCard",
"fruStatus": "OK",
"partNumber": "40-00000053",
"serialNumber": "",
"shortName": "MemoryCard"
"description": "48X44xCNCRIOM-LX6GBLENOVO",
"fruLocation": "LOWERIOMSLOT",
"fruStatus": "OK",
"partNumber": "00WC050",
"serialNumber": "11S00WC050Y010DH677182",
"shortName": "RAIDIOM"
"location": {
"lowestRackUnit": 0,
"location": "",
"rack": "",
"room": ""
"powerSupplies": [{
"health": "OK",
"healthReason": "",
"healthRecommendation": "",
"model": "00WC067",
"position": "Right",
"status": "Up",
"vendorName": ""
"health": "OK",
"healthReason": "",
"healthRecommendation": "",
"model": "00WC067",
"position": "Left",
"status": "Up",
"vendorName": ""
"slots": ["0", "1", "2", "4", "5", "6", "8", "9", "10"]
"excludedHealthState": "Normal",
"healthReason": "",
"ipv4Addresses": ["", ""],
"isConnectionTrusted": "true",
"location": {
"location": "",
"lowestRackUnit": 0,
"rack": "",
"room": ""
"machineType": "6411",
"mgmtProcIPaddress": "",
"model": "S3200",
"name": "S3200",
"otherMcStatus": "Operational",
"overallHealthState": "Normal",
"parent": {
"uri": "",
"uuid": ""
"pfu": "Idle",
"productBrand": "Storage",
"productName": "S3200",
"scsiProductId": "S3200",
"scsiVendorId": "Lenovo",
"securityDescriptor": {
"managedAuthEnabled": true
"managedAuthSupported": true,
"publicAccess": true,
"roleGroups": ["lxc-admin","lxc-security-admin"],
"storedCredentials": null,
"uri": "storage/0069030ADC5F453E9EE49CA4B44DB8DC"
"serialNumber": "280E8B",
"storageNodeCapacityList": [{
"blockStorage": {
"available": "6.66 TiB",
"fullThresholdPercent": "96",
"size": "6.83 TiB",
"used": "168 GiB"
"nodeName": "PerfDM7100F-02"
}, {
"blockStorage": {
"available": "6.66 TiB",
"fullThresholdPercent": "96",
"size": "6.83 TiB",
"used": "168 GiB"
"nodeName": "PerfDM7100F-01"
"supportedLocales": "English(English), Arabic(العربية), Portuguese(português), Spanish(español),
French(français), German(Deutsch), Italian(italiano), Japanese(日本語),
Korean(한국어), Dutch(Nederlands), Russian(русский),
Chinese-Simplified(简体中文), Chinese-Traditional(繁體中文)",
"systemLocation": "LXCA_empty_field, LXCA_empty_field, LXCA_empty_field",
"type": "LenovoStorage",
"userDefinedName": "Storage1",
"userDescription": "F",
"uri": "storage/208000C0FF280E8B",
"uuid": "208000C0FF280E8B",
"vendorName": "Lenovo",
"virtualPools": 2,
"wwnn": "208000C0FF280E8B",
The following example is returned if the request is successful for a tape library.
"accessState": "OFFLINE",
"baseFWBuildDate": "08-23-2019",
"baseFWRevision": "",
"canisterSlots": 0,
"cmmHealthState": "Normal",
"driveBays": 0,
"enclosureCount": 1,
"enclosures": [{
"drawers": [],
"drives": [],
"enclosureInfo": {
"diskCount": null,
"driveBays": null,
"enclosureId": 1,
"generatedUUID": null,
"health": "OK",
"height": 3,
"midplaneSerialNumber": "6741L1U78003LH",
"model": "TS4300",
"physicalNumber": 4,
"status": "Optimal",
"vendorName": "IBM",
"wwn": "5000E1116763A000"
"energyMetrics": {
"enclosurePower": []
"frus": [],
"location": null,
"powerSupplies": [],
"slots": [],
"tapeDrives": [{
"adtmode": "IADT",
"barcode": "440AACL8",
"cartridge": "TRUE",
"errorState": "FALSE",
"fwrevision": "KAH0",
"generation": "8",
"interface": "FC",
"logicalNumber": "1",
"mfgserialNumber": "10WT000635",
"module": "1",
"partition": "1",
"physicalNumber": "10",
"power": "TRUE",
"presence": "TRUE",
"product": "ULT3580-TD8",
"serialNumber": "116763A05B",
"vendor": "IBM",
"wwnodeName": "5000E1116763A05B"
"adtmode": "IADT",
"cartridge": "FALSE",
"errorState": "FALSE",
"fwrevision": "KAH1",
"generation": "8",
"interface": "SAS",
"logicalNumber": "2",
"mfgserialNumber": "10WT001111",
"module": "1",
"partition": "1",
"physicalNumber": "12",
"power": "TRUE",
"presence": "TRUE",
"product": "ULT3580-HH8",
"serialNumber": "116763A06F",
"vendor": "IBM",
"wwnodeName": "5000E1116763A06F"
"tapePartitions": [{
"autoClean": "TRUE",
"barcodeAlign": "left",
"barcodeLength": "8",
"encryptionMode": "ISV",
"lunMasterDrive": "1",
"lunMasterDriveArr": ["1","2"],
"lunMasterDrivePhys": "10",
"lunMasterDrivePhysArr": ["12","10"],
"micw": "FALSE",
"name": "LogicalLib",
"numDrives": "2",
"numIOSlots": "4",
"numSlots": "28",
"partitionInventory": {
"tapeDrives": [{
"fwrevision": "KAH1",
"logicalNumber": "2",
"module": "1",
"partition": "1",
"physicalNumber": "12",
"product": "ULT3580-HH8 ",
"serialNumber": "10WT001111",
"vendor": "IBM "
"barcode": "440AACL8",
"fwrevision": "KAH0",
"logicalNumber": "1",
"module": "1",
"partition": "1",
"physicalNumber": "10",
"product": "ULT3580-TD8 ",
"serialNumber": "10WT000635",
"vendor": "IBM "
"tapeSlots": [{
"access": "TRUE",
"blocked": "FALSE",
"cartridge": "FALSE",
"cartridgeEncrypted": "Unknown",
"cartridgeType": "N/A",
"logicalNumber": "1.23",
"mailslot": "FALSE",
"module": "1",
"partition": "1",
"physicalNumber": "143"
"access": "TRUE",
"blocked": "FALSE",
"cartridge": "FALSE",
"cartridgeEncrypted": "Unknown",
"cartridgeType": "N/A",
"logicalNumber": "1.37",
"mailslot": "TRUE",
"module": "1",
"partition": "1",
"physicalNumber": "157"
"partitionNumber": "1",
"serialNumber": "41L1U78003LH_LL01",
"wwnode": "5000E1116763A05E"
"tapeSlots": [{
"access": "TRUE",
"blocked": "TRUE",
"cartridge": "FALSE",
"cartridgeEncrypted": "Unknown",
"cartridgeType": "N/A",
"logicalNumber": "1.1",
"mailslot": "FALSE",
"module": "1",
"partition": "0",
"physicalNumber": "121"
"access": "TRUE",
"blocked": "FALSE",
"cartridge": "FALSE",
"cartridgeEncrypted": "Unknown",
"cartridgeType": "N/A",
"logicalNumber": "1.37",
"mailslot": "TRUE",
"module": "1",
"partition": "1",
"physicalNumber": "157"
"excludedHealthState": "Normal",
"expansionFWRevision": "0.30",
"ipv4Addresses": [""],
"isConnectionTrusted": "true",
"lastOfflineTimestamp": 1636545369437,
"libHealth": "OK",
"libraryType": "32",
"macAddress_1": "00:0e:11:16:76:3a",
"macAddress_2": "00:0e:11:16:76:3b",
"machineType": "6741",
"mgmtProcIPaddress": "",
"model": "TS4300",
"name": "5000E1116763A000",
"overallHealthState": "Normal",
"parent": {
"uri": "storage/5000E1116763A000",
"uuid": "5000E1116763A000"
"productBrand": "IBM TS4300 Tape Library for Lenovo",
"productName": "IBM TS4300 Tape Library for Lenovo",
"roboticFWRevision": "0.13",
"roboticHWRevision": "4",
"roboticSerialNumber": "564EA002594",
"securityDescriptor": {
"identityManagementSystemEnabled": false,
"managedAuthEnabled": false,
"managedAuthSupported": true,
"publicAccess": false,
"roleGroups": [],
"storedCredentials": {
"id": "12002",
"description": "Neptune Credentials for: 5000E1116763A000",
"userName": "administrator"
"uri": "storage/5000e1116763a000"
"serialNumber": "6741L1U78003LH",
"type": "TapeLibrary",
"uri": "storage/5000E1116763A000",
"userDefinedName": "5000E1116763A000",
"uuid": "5000E1116763A000",
"vendorName": "IBM",
"wwnn": "5000E1116763A000"