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GET /updateRepositories/firmware/uxsps

Use this method to return information about all UpdateXpress System Packs (UXSPs) in the repository (for firmware updates and OS device drivers.


Authentication with username and password is required.

Request URL

GET https://{management_server_IP}/updateRepositories/firmware/uxsps

Query parameters

Table 1. Export UXSP files
ParametersRequired / OptionalDescription
key=exportRequiredDownloads a ZIP file that contains the UXSP files to the local system.

You must specify filetypes query parameter.

Use PUT /updateRepositories/firmware/uxsp?action=export&filetype=<type} to export (collect) the files as a. zip file that you can download using this method.

exportRepoFilename={name}RequiredName of the .zip file

To obtain the file name, use the GET /updateRepositories/firmware/status?tasktype=EXPORTREPOSITORY&taskid={job_id} method. The name of the ZIP file is returned by the current parameter in the response body.

The following example downloads a zip file of UXSPs to the local system.
Table 2. Return specific information about UXSPs in the repository
ParametersRequired / OptionalDescription
key={key}RequiredAction to take. This can be one of the following values.
  • uxsps. Returns the UXSPs for specified device types if the UXSP is available in firmware repository.

  • uxspsByMt. Returns information about UXSP for the specified device types.

mt={type_list}OptionalReturns information for one or more specific device types, separated by a comma. If not specified, information about all device types is returned.
with={scope}OptionalUXSP versions. This can be one of the following values.
  • all. (default) Returns information about all versions of UXSPs.
  • latest. Returns information about the most current version of UXSP.
The following example returns information about the most current UXSPs by device type.
The following example returns information about UXSPs for specific devices.

Request body


Response codes

200OKThe request completed successfully.
400Bad RequestA query parameter or request attribute is missing or not valid, or the operation is not supported. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
403ForbiddenThe orchestrator server was prevented from fulfilling the request. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body. Ensure that you have privileges to perform the request.
404Not foundA specified resource cannot be found. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
409ConflictThere is a conflict with the current state of the resource. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
500Internal Server ErrorAn internal error occurred. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.

Response body

A subset of the following Attributes are displayed, depending on the specified query parameters.

uxspsObjectInformation about the UXSPs
uxspsByMtObjectInformation about UXSPs by device type
 currentStringNot used
 downloadednumIntegerNot used
 downloadedsizeIntegerNot used
 progressDoubleThis can be one of the following values.
  • 0. Created
  • 50. Incomplete
  • 100. Done
 stateStringThis can be one of the following values.
  • complete
 totalsizeIntegerNot used
 uxspsArray of objectsInformation about the UXSPs
  mtStringMachine type.
  updatesArray of objectsInformation about each update in the UXSP
  • true

  • false

   buildNumberStringUpdate build number, if applicable and available
   buildTypeStringSpecifies that this update is a GA-level update
  • true

  • false

   compStringUpdate component name
   childArray of stringsUpdates fix IDs that belongs to this UXSP
   errorMsgStringNot used
   fixidStringUpdate UUID
   originStringOrigin file name
  • true

  • false

   nameStringNot used
   payloadBooleanThis can be one of the following values.
  • true

  • false

   payloadFilenameStringName of the update payload
   percentageIntegerPercentage of the update that is downloaded. If the download is complete, the value is set to 100.
   readableNameStringName of the README file
   readmeBooleanThis can be one of the following values.
  • true

  • false

   rebootRequiredBooleanThis can be one of the following values.
  • true

  • false

   releasedateStringUpdate release date
   releasedintervalIntegerNumber of months since the firmware update was released
   severityIntegerUpdate severity. This can be one of the following values.
  • 0. Initial release of the update.

  • 1. Critical update release.

  • 2. Suggested update release.

  • 3. Noncritical update release.

   supportDownloadStringIndicate whether download from Lenovo XClarity Support website is supported.
  • true

  • false

   stateStringNot used
   totalsizeIntegerTotal size of the update
   versionStringVersion of the update
   downloadedsizeIntegerSize of the downloaded update. After the download is complete, this will be the same as totalsize.
The following examples returns firmware-update information for the supported machine types (for example, ?key=uxspsByMt&with=all&payload=&mt=7X21,7X15).
"uxspsByMt": {
"current": "",
"downloadednum": 0
"downloadedsize": 1,
"progress": 100,
"state": "complete",
"total": 0,
"totalsize": 1,
"uxsps": [{
"mt": "7X25",
"updates": [{
"applyable": "false",
"buildNumber": "0709",
"buildType": "production",
"change": "true",
"comp": "",
"child": ["lnvgy_fw_hdd_sas-1.26.05_linux_x86-64",
"downloadedsize": 37374651,
"errorMsg": "",
"fixid": "lnvgy_utl_uxsp_tesp05p-2.50_platform_32-64",
"latest": "true",
"name": "",
"origin": null,
"payload": "true",
"payloadFilename": "",
"percentage": 100,
"readableName": "Lenovo UpdateXpress System Pack",
"readme": "true",
"rebootRequired": "true",
"releasedate": "2018-11-18",
"releasedinterval": 9,
"severity": 2,
"state": "",
"supportDownload": "true",
"totalsize": 37374651,
"version": "2.50"
"mt": "7917"
"updates": [{
"applyable": "true",
"buildType": "production",
"buildNumber": "",
"change": "true",
"comp": "",
"child": ["lnvgy_fw_hdd_sas-1.26.05_linux_x86-64",
"downloadedsize": 21828067,
"errorMsg": "",
"fixid": "lnvgy_utl_uxsp_w8sp04p-2.50_platform_32-64",
"latest": "true"
"name": "",
"origin": null,
"payload": "true",
"payloadFilename": "",
"percentage": 100,
"readableName": "Lenovo UpdateXpress System Pack",
"readme": "true",
"rebootRequired": "true",
"releasedate": "2018-08-29",
"releasedinterval": 9,
"severity": 2,
"state": "",
"supportDownload": "true",
"totalsize": 21828067,
"version": "2.50",