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PUT /updateRepositories/firmware/uxsps

Use this method to modify information about UpdateXpress System Packs (UXSPs) in the updates repository.


Authentication with username and password is required.

Request URL

PUT https://{management_server_IP}/updateRepositories/firmware/uxsps

Query parameters

Table 1. Export UXSP files
ParametersRequired / OptionalDescription
action=exportRequiredCompresses the specified UXSPs (firmware updates and device driver files) from the repository into a ZIP file, and downloads the ZIP file to your local system.

A job is created to complete this request. Use the GET /tasks/{job_list} method to retrieve the job status and file name. If a job was not successfully started, refer to the response code and response body for details.

When the job is complete, use GET /updateRepositories/firmware?action=export to download the zip file to the local system.

filetype={type}RequiredTypes of files to export. This can be one of the following values.
  • all. Exports all files (payload, change history, readme, and metadata files) for the selected UXSPs

  • payloads. Exports only payload (image) files for the selected UXSPs

The following example downloads a zip file of UXSP payload files to the local system.
Table 2. Manage UXSPs in the repository
ParametersRequired / OptionalDescription
action={action}RequiredAction to take. This can be one of the following values.
  • read. Reloads the information in the user interface. The clears the information in cache and reads the UXSP information again from the repository.

  • refresh. Retrieves information about UXSPs from the Lenovo XClarity Support website, and stores the information to the updates repository. You must specify the mt, os, andtype request parameters.

  • refreshThenAcquire. Retrieves information about latest available UXSPs from the Lenovo XClarity Support website, stores the information to the updates repository, and downloads the UXSPs that are not already downloaded.
    You must specify the mt and os request attributes.
  • acquire. Downloads the specified UXSPs files (firmware updates and device driver ) from Lenovo XClarity Support website, and stores the files in the repository. You must specify the fixids, mt, andtype request parameters.


Scope of the action. This can be one of the following values.

  • all. (default)
    • When action=refresh is specified, this parameter returns information about all versions of all UXSPs that are available for all supported devices. Use the fixids, mt, andtype request parameters to narrow the scope.

    • When action= refreshThenAcquire query parameter is specified, this query parameter retrieves information about all versions of all UXSPs for the specified machine types, then downloads the UXSPs that are not already downloaded

  • latest.
    • When action=refresh is specified, this parameter returns information about the most current version of all UXSPs for all supported devices. Use the fixids, mt, and type request parameters to narrow the scope.

    • When action= refreshThenAcquire query parameter is specified, this query parameter retrieves information about the most current version of all UXSPs for the specified machine types, then downloads the firmware UXSPs that are not already downloaded.

  • payloads.
    • When action=acquire is specified, this parameter returns information about the specified UXSPs (using the fixids request parameter).

The following example retrieves information about the latest available UXSPs and downloads the UXSPs that are not already downloaded.
The following example reloads the web interface with information about the current repository.
The following example refreshes the catalog with information about all of the most current UXSPs on the Lenovo XClarity Support website.
The following example downloads all files for the specified UXSPs from the Lenovo XClarity Support website.
The following example downloads only payload files for the specified UXSPs on the Lenovo XClarity Support website.

Request body

AttributesRequired / OptionalTypeDescription
fixidsRequired if action is acquireArray of stringsList of IDs, separated by a comma, for UXSPs and firmware-updates to be acquired.
mtRequired if action is refresh, refreshThenAcquire, or acquireArray of stringsList of machine types for which updates are to be refreshed or acquired.
osRequired if action is refresh or refreshThenAcquireStringOperating system to be refreshed
For UXSPs, this value must be empty (for example, "os":"").
typeRequired if action is refresh or acquireStringIf action=refresh, this value must be catalog.

If action=acquire, this value must be latest.

The following example retrieves information about and downloads the latest available firmware updates that are applicable to ThinkSystem SR530 servers when ?action=refreshThenAcquire&with=latest is specified.
"mt": ["7X07,7X08"],
"os": "",
The following examples retrieves information about the latest available OS device drivers for Lenovo ThinkSystem SR530 servers when ?action=refresh&with=latest is specified.
"mt": ["7X07,7X08"]
"os": "",
"type": "catalog"
The following examples downloads the latest firmware-update and OS device-driver payload files for Lenovo ThinkSystem SR530 servers in the specified UXSPs when ?action=acquire&with=payloads is specified.
"fixids": [
"mt": "7X07,7X08",
"type": "latest"
The following examples downloads the latest firmware updates for specific fixes when ?action=acquire&with=payloads is specified.
"fixids": [
"mt": ["7X07,7X08"],
"type": "latest"
The following examples export the latest firmware updates for specific device types when ?action=export&with=latest is specified.
"mt": ["7167", "7X05"]

Response codes

200OKThe request completed successfully.
400Bad RequestA query parameter or request attribute is missing or not valid, or the operation is not supported. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
404Not foundA specified resource cannot be found. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
409ConflictThere is a conflict with the current state of the resource. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.
500Internal Server ErrorAn internal error occurred. A descriptive error message is returned in the response body.

Response body
