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Managing password

Use the following information to manage password.

Changing or recovering UEFI administrator password

OneCLI supports users to change or recover the UEFI administrator password.

Only users with the supervisor user authority can perform the following steps.
  • To change the UEFI administrator password, run the following command:

    OneCLi config set IMM.UefiAdminPassword "xxx" --bmc userid:password@bmc_ip


    xxx means the new UEFI administrator password.

  • To recover the UEFI administrator password, run the following command:

    OneCLi config set IMM.UefiAdminPassword "" --bmc userid:password@bmc_ip

Changing password of BMC account in security mode

For the users who log in to BMC for the first time or the password has expired, the password of BMC account should be changed. From V2.9.0, OneCLI supports to change the password of BMC account in the security mode without specifying it in the command line. In the security mode, OneCLI encrypts the password of BMC account and saves it in the file specified in OneCLI config file.

  1. Run the encrypt command to encrypt the file with plain text setting values.

    • Sample command:
      OneCli encrypt --configfile config_plaintext.json --unattended
    • The template file is available in Sample/setting.json.

  2. Remove the plain text file.

  3. Run the bmcpassword command to change the password of BMC account in the plain text file based on the plain text password information.

    • Sample command:
      OneCli bmcpassword
    • It is not recommended to specify the --newpwd parameter to change the password of BMC account when running the bmcpassword command.

JSON configuration file sample

The following is the JSON configuration file sample for the bmcpassword command:

//list settings name and value.