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generate command

Use the generate command to generate the FoD key on Lenovo Web site.

generate command syntax

OneCli.exe [misc] fod generate <--uid <uid>> <--auth <auth_code>> <--kmsid <kms_id>> <--mt <mt>> <--installin <mt_sn>>
[--proxy <proxy_info>] [<options>]
Table 1. generate command specific parameters
--authRequiredSpecify Lenovo authorization code.

System machine type and serial number of the target system.

Install the FoD key.

--kmsidRequiredSpecify Lenovo ID credential for Lenovo Web site interactive.

Specify system machine type for system/option feature.

Specify device code for IOM switch.


Use proxy to connect to Lenovo Web site.

The format is user: password@host[:port].

For IPv6 address, the format is socks5://user:password@[IPv6]:port.

--uidRequiredSpecify unique identifier information.
  • --check-trust, -C

  • --never-check-trust, -N

  • --nolog

  • --output, -o


Refer to Table 2.

Example of the generate command

OneCli.exe fod generate --uid xxx --auth xxx --kmsid userid:password
--mt 7X02 --output purley --installin xxxxx--log 5