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acquire command

Use the acquire command to generate and acquire multiple FoD keys from Lenovo website and install these keys to the target key repository.

acquire command syntax

OneCli.exe multifod acquire <--auth <auth_code>> <--kmsid <kms_id>> <--configfile <connection_arg>> 
[--insecure] [--output <folder>]
Table 1. acquire command specific parameters
--authRequiredSpecify Lenovo authorization code.
--configfileRequiredSpecify the config file for multi task command. For the format, refer to Sample/multi_task_config.json
--insecureOptionalAllow insecure server connections when using SSL
--kmsidRequiredSpecify Lenovo ID credential for Lenovo Web site interactive.

Example of the acquire command

OneCli.exe multifod acquire --auth xxx --kmsid userid:password 
--insecure --configfile multi_task_config.json --log 5