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generate command

Use the generate command to generate a private key and public key pair with a self-signed certificate or a certificate sign request, and generate SED AK on SE350 V2/SE360 V2 when using with the --redfish parameter.

generate command syntax

OneCli.exe config generate <setting> --file <exportfilename> [<options>] --passphrase
Table 1. generate command specific parameters
--settingRequiredSpecify the certificate management settings.
  • This is the file name of *generate file, using the format of template.xml.
  • For more information about the template.xml, see The template.xml file.
--kcsOptionalForce to use IPMI over KCS local interface.
--passphraseOptionalThe passphrase to generate SED AK, which is not required when used to generate a random SED AK.
  • --bmc, -b

  • --bmc-rest-port, -p

  • --bmc-password, -w

  • --bmc-username, -u

  • --check-trust, -C

  • --config

  • --node

  • --nolog

  • --never-check-trust, -N

  • --output, -o

  • --redfish


Refer to Table 2.

Example of the generate command

To generate the certificate:

onecli.exe config generate IMM.SSL_HTTPS_SERVER_CERT --file template.xml 

To generate SED AK with the random method:

OneCli.exe config generate Security.SED_AK --bmc USERID:PASSW0RD
@XX.XX.XX.XX --redfish

To generate SED AK with the passphrase method:

OneCli.exe config generate Security.SED_AK --passphrase xxxxxx 
--bmc USERID:PASSW0RD@XX.XX.XX.XX --redfish