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Use rdmount to mount CD/DVD drives, ISO image files, or USB key on a remote BMC-based system. The application authenticates with the BMC and functions as a file server to access the virtual disk. It can also query and return a list of drives that are already mounted. Virtual disks are unmounted using the rdumount command.

After V2.4.0, the rdmount command and the rdumount command can be used in the ThinkSystem servers with the matching XCC level.

rdmount syntax

rdmount.exe <-s <ipaddress>> <-d <path>> <-l <user>> <-p <password>>


  • -h: Displays help information.

  • -q: Queries the existing mounts and returns a list of ‘tokens’ that can be used by rdumount to unmount a virtual disk.

  • -v: Requests verbose output.

Table 1. rdmount parameters
-sRequiredWhere <ipaddress> is the IP address or hostname of the remote BMC.
-dRequiredWhere <path> is the image or optical drive directory path.
-lOptionalWhere <user> is an authorized user ID for the BMC.
-pOptionalWhere <password> is the authorized user’s password for the BMC.