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Troubleshooting general issues

Some general installation issues are presented along with information for addressing them.

When viewing logs with the Trace32 utility, the logs appear to be cut off

Trace32 does not always display the entire log file. The log might appear to have lost large periods of time, when in fact the entries are in the log. Try viewing the logs using WordPad, because Notepad does not show tab characters correctly.

Restarting a failed PXE-based task sequence

To troubleshoot a failed PXE-based task sequence, follow these steps.
  1. Right-click on the computer you are testing, and select Clear last PXE advertisement. Select the advertisement, and click OK.
  2. If you updated anything in the package used by the client, find the package under Software Distribution, right-click the package, then select Update Distribution Points.
  3. If you updated any DLL associated with task sequences, go back through the task sequences and edit each step that uses that DLL. Task steps do not change automatically, but require that you edit them to pick up the updated DLL. All that is required is a keystroke in the Description box so that you can click Apply.
  4. If you updated anything in the WinPE Boot Image, find the boot image by clicking Operating System Deployment > Boot Images, right-clicking the image, and selecting Update Distribution Points.