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Rediscovering a renamed server

When a Windows server is renamed, the Windows server instance entry monitored by the Operations Manager becomes grayed out. This is an indication that the Windows server is no longer being monitored by the Operations Manager.

To rediscover and monitor a renamed server, first delete the original server name from the Operations Manager Agent Managed server list, and then rediscover the renamed server by using the following procedure.


  1. Log in to the Operations Manager console.
  2. Click Administration > Device Management > Agent Managed.
    Figure 1. Deleting a renamed server
    Deleting a renamed server
  3. Select the original name listed in the Agent Managed view of the results pane. This entry has the original name before it was renamed.
  4. Click Delete in the Actions pane located on the right side of the Operations Manager console.
    This action removes the renamed server from the view.
  5. Add the new server name.