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Enabling VMware vCenter Proactive HA with Lenovo Proactive HA Provider for a cluster

Before you begin

If the cluster is not an empty cluster, ensure to request BMC access for each host in the cluster; otherwise, Lenovo Proactive HA provider might not display correctly.

If the same host with BMC access has been deleted but added back, users should request BMC access again even if the user interface indicates that the host can access the BMC; otherwise, Lenovo Proactive HA provider might not display correctly.


  1. In the vSphere Client, click the cluster to be configured.
  2. Select Configure > vSphere Availability, and then click Edit on the right hand side of the page. A configuration dialog displays.
  3. Under vSphere DRS, select Turn ON vSphere DRS.
  4. Under vSphere Availability, select Turn ON Proactive HA.
  5. Under Proactive HA Failures and Responses, set the Automation Level to Automated and set Remediation to Mixed Mode or Maintenance Mode.
  6. Under the Proactive HA provider list, select the com.lenovo.HealthUpdateProvider_ver100 provider.
  7. Optional: Choose to ignore certain failure conditions for specific hosts or the entire cluster by clicking Edit on the right side of the dialog. Another dialog displays in which users can select the events and hosts for ignoring failure conditions. For more information, see the VMware vSphere user guide.
    According to VMware, users can use other automation level and remediation settings, but there are some limitations. For example, if users use manual and quarantine mode, the host must have at least 1 VM; otherwise, incoming health event are not received.