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Viewing general host information

The Hardware Topology page supports to view the general information about the host.

General information

On the upper pane of the Hardware Topology page, users can view the general information about the host:

  • Machine Name

  • Machine Type

  • Front Panel LED

    • : Power state

    • : Location LED state

    • : Fault LED state.

  • Hardware Health

    • Normal

    • Warning

    • Critical

To view more information, users can click the expand icon in the Hardware Health column.


On the right of this pane, users can also click VIEW ACTIONS and HOST ACTIONS:

    • View Detail Inventory: Click it to access the Inventory page.

    • View Reference Photo: Click it to access the product reference page. This page displays the actual front and rear views of this machine and directs users to access the product guide on Lenovo Press.

    • Refresh Hardware Topology: Click it to update the hardware topology information.


    • Host LED: Click Host LED: ON, Host LED: OFF, or Host LED: BLINK to change the status of the LED.

    • Launch BMC Interface: Click it to access the Lenovo XClarity Controller Web site.

    • Launch Remote Console: Click it to access the remote console page of the Lenovo XClarity Controller Web site.