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Status messages

The status message attributes identify the success or failure of a REST API operation.

POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE requests include status-message attributes in the response body to describe the success or failure of the request, using the following JSON structure.

GET requests that are successful (2xx response code) do not include a status-message attributes. GET requests that fail (response codes other than 2xx) include status-message attributes in the response body to describe the failure of the request, using the following JSON structure.

If the server returns multiple messages for a single request, the top-level attributes are used to describe the overall status of the request, and each message is returned in the messages array.RL
statusStringOverall status of the request. This can be one of the following values.
  • Informational. The request completed successfully.
  • Warning. The request completed with warnings.
  • Critical. The request failed.

In case there are messages in the messages array, then this is the most severe from all the messages.

codeStringMessage code (see Event and alert messages)
textStringMessage text that is associated with the message ID
descriptionStringAdditional information to clarify the reason for the message
userActionStringUser actions that can be taken to recover from the error
recoveryURLStringLink to more information or recovery actions, if available
messagesArray of objectsInformation about multiple messages
 statusStringStatus of the request. This can be one of the following values.
  • Informational. The request completed successfully.
  • Warning. The request completed with warnings.
  • Critical. The request failed.

In case there are messages in the messages array, then this will be the most severe from all the messages.

 codeStringMessage ID (see Event and alert messages)
 textStringMessage text that is associated with the message ID
 descriptionStringAdditional information to clarify the reason for the message
 userActionStringUser actions that can be taken to recover from the error
 recoveryURLStringLink to more information or recovery actions, if available
The following example is returned for a single-message response.
"status": "Informational",
"code": "FQXXOSE0001I",
"text": "The request completed successfully.",
"description": "",
"userAction": "Information only; no action is required.",
"recoveryURL": ""
The following example is returned for a multi-message response.
"status": "Critical",
"code": "",
"text": " There was an error parsing the input.",
"description": "",
"userAction": "",
"recoveryURL": "",
"messages": [{
"status": "Critical",
"code": "FQXDM0558G",
"text": " A specified attribute is not compatible with the value of another attribute.",
"description": "The field {1} is not allowed when field {2} has value {3}.",
"userAction": "Correct the values, and attempt the request again.",
"recoveryURL": ""
"status": "Critical",
"code": "FQXDM0557G",
"text": "Incompatible fields were specified.",
"description": "The field {1} is not allowed when field {2} is specified.",
"userAction": " Correct the values, and attempt the request again.",
"recoveryURL": ""