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Using the XClarity Orchestrator provider for Terraform

Using the Terraform

To use the XClarity Orchestrator provider for Terraform, you must declare the provider in the Terraform configuration using the inputs

terraform {
required_providers {
lxco = {
source = ""
version = ""

provider "lxco" {
host = ""
username = ""
password = ""

For example:

terraform {
required_providers {
lxco = {
source = ""
version = "0.1"

provider "lxco" {
host = ""
username = "lxco_admin"
password = "********"

For more information about using Terraform and the Terraform configuration language, see the HashiCorp Terraform website.

Specifying credential

Credentials can be specified in the following ways.

  • Use credentials from the XClarity Orchestrator’s security vault.
  • Create TF_VAR_username and TF_VAR_password environment variables to specify your credentials. Terraform searches the environment of its own process for environment variables named “TF_VAR_” followed by the name of a declared variable and then matches the variable name exactly as given in configuration.
    1. In the file, comment out the declared variables for the credentials.
      provider "lxco" {
      host = ""
      # username = ""
      # password = ""
    2. From the Terraform console, create the environment variables.
      $ terraform init
      $ export TF_VAR_username=LXCA_USER
      $ export TF_VAR_password=*password*

      $ terraform plan
      Enter a value: *password*
      Enter a value: LXCA_USER

      $ terraform apply
      Enter a value: *password*
      Enter a value: LXCA_USER