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Hierarchy management

In the ‘Hierarchy’ tab on the ‘Datacenter Management’ page, each entity can be edited or deleted (recursively with the sub-groups and devices) using the icon of editing or the icon of deletion.

To edit an entity:

  1. Select the entity.

  2. Click the edit icon in the list.

  3. Edit its information.

  4. Click OK.

To delete one or more entities:

  1. Select the entity/entities.

  2. Click the delete icon in the list.

You may also click the move icon to change the hierarchy:

  1. Select the entity/entities.

  2. Click the move icon in the list.

  3. In the popup dialog, select the entity in the hierarchy as the destination.

  4. Click OK.

After the above steps, the devices selected have been moved to the destination. You may move rooms/rows/racks similarly.

You can go to the ‘Hierarchy’ tab by clicking the hyperlinks on entities. In most cases, the entities in UI are labeled with the hyperlinks to the ‘Hierarchy’ tab.