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The layout tab demonstrates how the racks are distributed in the room. Each small check in the layout represents one corresponding rack in the room, red ones declaring the rack being hot. Detailed information about the rack, including Name, Capacity, and Total power capacity, Temperature, Power, Grid X and Y and so on, will appear once you move your cursor onto it. Through right clicking the rack in the layout and choosing Go to the rack, you’ll get detailed information about the rack.

To add rack into the layout, you can either click Add in Rack, Row, Room, Data center in Hierarchy and input information like Grid X and Y, or Right click the blank space in the Layout, and choose Move rack to the grid.

There are mainly two ways to change the rack location in the layout. You can choose the specific rack in Rack, Row, Room, Data center in Hierarchy and edit its Grid X and Y. And besides, you can also right click the rack in the layout and choose Move the rack, and then a location icon will appear, which indicates that you can drag or move the rack according to its current location in the room.

You may rotate the entire layout view of a room by editing the “Layout Original Position” of the room.

You may specify the “Rack Orientation” at the row level by editing a row in the hierarchy.

You may switch layer of data by clicking “Layer” icon. The temperature/ power/ capacity data is color coded for the entire layout view.

When you select a row in the hierarchy, you can switch angle of the layout view to Front (panel) view by clicking the “Eye” icon. In the “Front view” you may check all the devices front panel temperature distribution for the selected row. By switching the angle, you have the 2D orthogonal thermal map for your datacenter.

You may check the historical data in the layout view by clicking the “Clock” icon. A new web browser window/ tab would be popped up after you select an available timestamp. You may compare the data (temperature/ power/ capacity) to get the hint to optimize your datacenter energy efficiency.

What’s more, you can zoom in or out the layout by sliding the mouse up or down. Right clicking in the blank space and choosing Toggle full screen will help you get a full and clear layout picture. Whenever you go too far away around the layout, you can always get back to the original point by simply clicking Go to the origin.

Please rightly set up the layout according to your datacenter. Or else, some racks may not be shown well.