XCC events organized by severity
The following table lists all XCC events, organized by severity (Information, Error, and Warning).
Event ID | Message String | Severity |
FQXSPBR4000I | Management Controller [arg1]: Configuration restored from a file by user [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPBR4002I | Management Controller [arg1] Reset was caused by restoring default values. | Informational |
FQXSPBR4004I | Server timeouts set by user [arg1]: EnableOSWatchdog=[arg2], OSWatchdogTimout=[arg3], EnableLoaderWatchdog=[arg4], LoaderTimeout=[arg5]. | Informational |
FQXSPBR4005I | Management Controller [arg1]: Configuration saved to a file by user [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPBR4006I | Management Controller [arg1]: Configuration restoration from a file by user [arg2] completed. | Informational |
FQXSPBT0007I | No bootable media available for system [ComputerSystemElementName]. | Informational |
FQXSPCA2002I | Numeric sensor [NumericSensorElementName] going low (lower critical) has deasserted. | Informational |
FQXSPCA2007I | Numeric sensor [NumericSensorElementName] going high (upper non-critical) has deasserted. | Informational |
FQXSPCA2009I | Numeric sensor [NumericSensorElementName] going high (upper critical) has deasserted. | Informational |
FQXSPCA2011I | Numeric sensor [NumericSensorElementName] going high (upper non-recoverable) has deasserted. | Informational |
FQXSPCA2015I | Sensor [SensorElementName] has deasserted the transition from normal to non-critical state. | Informational |
FQXSPCA2017I | Sensor [SensorElementName] has transitioned to a less severe state from critical. | Informational |
FQXSPCA2019I | Sensor [SensorElementName] has deasserted the transition to non-recoverable from a less severe state. | Informational |
FQXSPCN4000I | Serial Redirection set by user [arg1]: Mode=[arg2], BaudRate=[arg3], StopBits=[arg4], Parity=[arg5], SessionTerminateSequence=[arg6]. | Informational |
FQXSPCN4001I | Remote Control session started by user [arg1] in [arg2] mode. | Informational |
FQXSPCN4002I | User [arg1] has terminated an active console session. | Informational |
FQXSPCN4003I | Remote Control session started by user [arg1] in [arg2] mode has been closed. | Informational |
FQXSPCR2001I | Sensor [SensorElementName] has deasserted the transition to non-recoverable from a less severe state. | Informational |
FQXSPDA2000I | The System [ComputerSystemElementName] has detected a POST Error deassertion. | Informational |
FQXSPDM4000I | Inventory data changed for device [arg1], new device data hash=[arg2], new master data hash=[arg3] . | Informational |
FQXSPDM4001I | Storage [arg1] has changed. | Informational |
FQXSPDM4003I | TKLM servers set by user [arg1]: TKLMServer1=[arg2] Port=[arg3], TKLMServer2=[arg4] Port=[arg5], TKLMServer3=[arg6] Port=[arg7], TKLMServer4=[arg8] Port=[arg9]. | Informational |
FQXSPDM4004I | TKLM servers device group set by user [arg1]: TKLMServerDeviceGroup=[arg2] . | Informational |
FQXSPDM4005I | User [arg1] has generated a new encryption key pair and installed a self-signed certificate for the TKLM client. | Informational |
FQXSPDM4006I | User [arg1] has generated a new encryption key and certificate signing request for the TKLM client. | Informational |
FQXSPDM4007I | User [arg1] has imported a signed certificate for the TKLM client from [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPDM4008I | User [arg1] has imported a server certificate for the TKLM server. | Informational |
FQXSPDM4009I | User [arg1] has [arg2] file [arg3] from [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPDM4010I | Inventory data collecting and processing complete for [arg1], sequence number is [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPEA2001I | Sensor [SensorElementName] has deasserted the transition from normal to non-critical state. | Informational |
FQXSPEA2002I | Sensor [SensorElementName] has transitioned to a less severe state from critical. | Informational |
FQXSPEM0003I | The Log [RecordLogElementName] has been cleared. | Informational |
FQXSPEM0004I | The Log [RecordLogElementName] is full. | Informational |
FQXSPEM0005I | The Log [RecordLogElementName] is almost full. | Informational |
FQXSPEM0009I | The System [ComputerSystemElementName] has generated an auxiliary Log Entry in Log [RecordLogElement]. | Informational |
FQXSPEM4000I | The [arg1] on system [arg2] cleared by user [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPEM4001I | The [arg1] on system [arg2] is 75% full. | Informational |
FQXSPEM4002I | The [arg1] on system [arg2] is 100% full. | Informational |
FQXSPEM4003I | LED [arg1] state changed to [arg2] by [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPEM4004I | SNMP [arg1] enabled by user [arg2] . | Informational |
FQXSPEM4005I | SNMP [arg1] disabled by user [arg2] . | Informational |
FQXSPEM4006I | Alert Configuration Global Event Notification set by user [arg1]: RetryLimit=[arg2], RetryInterval=[arg3], EntryInterval=[arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPEM4007I | Alert Recipient Number [arg1] updated: Name=[arg2], DeliveryMethod=[arg3], Address=[arg4], IncludeLog=[arg5], Enabled=[arg6], EnabledAlerts=[arg7], AllowedFilters=[arg8]. | Informational |
FQXSPEM4008I | SNMP Traps enabled by user [arg1]: EnabledAlerts=[arg2], AllowedFilters=[arg3] . | Informational |
FQXSPEM4009I | The UEFI Definitions have been changed. | Informational |
FQXSPEM4010I | UEFI Reported: [arg1]. | Informational |
FQXSPEM4011I | XCC failed to log previous event [arg1]. | Informational |
FQXSPEM4012I | User [arg1] made system [arg2] Encapsulation lite Mode. | Informational |
FQXSPEM4014I | The RAID controller has problem with the battery. Please contact technical support to resolve this issue.([arg1],[arg2],[arg3],[arg4],[arg5]) | Informational |
FQXSPEM4015I | The RAID controller detected unrecoverable error. The controller needs replacement.([arg1],[arg2],[arg3],[arg4],[arg5]) | Informational |
FQXSPEM4016I | The RAID controller detected one or more problems. Please contact technical support for additional assistance.([arg1],[arg2],[arg3],[arg4],[arg5]) | Informational |
FQXSPEM4017I | The RAID controller detected one or more possible configuration changes within the subsystem. Please check the drive LED status. If necessary, contact technical support for additional assistance.([arg1],[arg2],[arg3],[arg4],[arg5]) | Informational |
FQXSPEM4018I | Enclosure/Chassis issue detected with one or more units. Please check the enclosure/chassis units to repair the problem.([arg1],[arg2],[arg3],[arg4],[arg5]) | Informational |
FQXSPEM4019I | Connectivity issue detected with the enclosure/chassis. Please check your cable configurations to repair the problem.([arg1],[arg2],[arg3],[arg4],[arg5]) | Informational |
FQXSPEM4020I | Fan problem detected with the enclosure/chassis. Please check the enclosure/chassis unit fan for correct operation.([arg1],[arg2],[arg3],[arg4],[arg5]) | Informational |
FQXSPEM4022I | Enclosure/Chassis power supply has problem. Please check the enclosure/chassis unit power supply for correct operation.([arg1],[arg2],[arg3],[arg4],[arg5]) | Informational |
FQXSPEM4023I | One or more virtual drive are in abnormal status that may cause unavailable virtual drive. Please check the event logs and if events are targeted to the same disk then replace the drive. If necessary, contact technical support for additional assistance.([arg1],[arg2],[arg3],[arg4],[arg5]) | Informational |
FQXSPEM4024I | The RAID controller detected one or more possible configuration problem within the subsystem. Please check the event logs and if events are targeted to the same disk then replace the drive. If necessary, contact technical support for additional assistance.([arg1],[arg2],[arg3],[arg4],[arg5]) | Informational |
FQXSPEM4025I | One or more virtual drive have problem. Please contact technical support to resolve this issue.([arg1],[arg2],[arg3],[arg4],[arg5]) | Informational |
FQXSPEM4026I | Drive error was detected by RAID controller. Please contact technical support to resolve this issue.([arg1],[arg2],[arg3],[arg4],[arg5]) | Informational |
FQXSPEM4027I | Drive error was detected by RAID controller. Please check the event logs and if events are targeted to the same disk then replace the drive. If necessary, contact technical support for additional assistance.([arg1],[arg2],[arg3],[arg4],[arg5]) | Informational |
FQXSPEM4028I | The port [arg1] of PCIe device [arg2] at [arg3] has link [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPEM4029I | All PCIe slots on [arg1] may not be functional based upon your current CPU population. | Informational |
FQXSPEM4030I | A scheduled operation on the RAID controller has encountered an issue. Refer to RAID Logs under Server Management, Local Storage, for details.([arg1],[arg2],[arg3],[arg4],[arg5]) | Informational |
FQXSPFC4000I | The bare metal connection process has been started. | Informational |
FQXSPFC4001I | The bare metal update application reports a status of [arg1]. | Informational |
FQXSPFC4002I | System running in setup. | Informational |
FQXSPFC4003I | UEFI deployment boot mode is enabled for NextBoot. | Informational |
FQXSPFC4004I | UEFI deployment boot mode is enabled for NextAc. | Informational |
FQXSPFC4005I | UEFI deployment boot mode has been disabled. | Informational |
FQXSPFW0003I | The System [ComputerSystemElementName] encountered firmware progress. | Informational |
FQXSPFW2001I | The System [ComputerSystemElementName] has detected a POST Error deassertion. | Informational |
FQXSPIO0000I | The connector [PhysicalConnectorElementName] has been connected. | Informational |
FQXSPIO0010I | A Correctable Bus Error has occurred on bus [SensorElementName]. | Informational |
FQXSPIO2001I | The connector [PhysicalConnectorElementName] configuration error has been repaired. | Informational |
FQXSPIO2002I | The System [ComputerSystemElementName] has detected a POST Error deassertion. | Informational |
FQXSPIO2003I | System [ComputerSystemElementName] has recovered from a diagnostic interrupt. | Informational |
FQXSPIO2004I | Bus [SensorElementName] has recovered from a bus timeout. | Informational |
FQXSPIO2006I | System [ComputerSystemElementName] has recovered from an NMI. | Informational |
FQXSPIO2007I | A PCI PERR recovery has occurred on system [ComputerSystemElementName]. | Informational |
FQXSPIO2008I | A PCI SERR on system [ComputerSystemElementName] has deasserted. | Informational |
FQXSPIO2010I | Bus [SensorElementName] has recovered from a Correctable Bus Error. | Informational |
FQXSPMA0022I | Post Package Repair Success for [PhysicalMemoryElementName] on Subsystem [MemoryElementName]. | Informational |
FQXSPMA0023I | Post Package Repair Failure for [PhysicalMemoryElementName] on Subsystem [MemoryElementName]. | Informational |
FQXSPMA2005I | The System [ComputerSystemElementName] has detected a POST Error deassertion. | Informational |
FQXSPMA2007I | Scrub Failure for [PhysicalMemoryElementName] on Subsystem [MemoryElementName] has recovered. | Informational |
FQXSPMA2010I | [PhysicalMemoryElementName] on Subsystem [MemoryElementName] is no longer Throttled. | Informational |
FQXSPMA2012I | An Over-Temperature Condition has been removed on the [PhysicalMemoryElementName] on Subsystem [MemoryElementName]. | Informational |
FQXSPMA2013I | The System [ComputerSystemElementName] has detected a POST Error deassertion. | Informational |
FQXSPMA2024I | Sensor [SensorElementName] has deasserted. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4000I | Management Controller [arg1] Network Initialization Complete. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4001I | Ethernet Data Rate modified from [arg1] to [arg2] by user [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4002I | Ethernet Duplex setting modified from [arg1] to [arg2] by user [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4003I | Ethernet MTU setting modified from [arg1] to [arg2] by user [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4004I | Ethernet locally administered MAC address modified from [arg1] to [arg2] by user [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4005I | Ethernet interface [arg1] by user [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4006I | Hostname set to [arg1] by user [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4007I | IP address of network interface modified from [arg1] to [arg2] by user [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4008I | IP subnet mask of network interface modified from [arg1] to [arg2] by user [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4009I | IP address of default gateway modified from [arg1] to [arg2] by user [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4011I | ENET[[arg1]] DHCP-HSTN=[arg2], DN=[arg3], IP@=[arg4], SN=[arg5], GW@=[arg6], DNS1@=[arg7] . | Informational |
FQXSPNM4012I | ENET[[arg1]] IP-Cfg:HstName=[arg2], IP@=[arg3] ,NetMsk=[arg4], GW@=[arg5] . | Informational |
FQXSPNM4013I | LAN: Ethernet[[arg1]] interface is no longer active. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4014I | LAN: Ethernet[[arg1]] interface is now active. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4015I | DHCP setting changed to [arg1] by user [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4016I | Domain name set to [arg1] by user [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4017I | Domain Source changed to [arg1] by user [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4018I | DDNS setting changed to [arg1] by user [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4019I | DDNS registration successful. The domain name is [arg1]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4020I | IPv6 enabled by user [arg1] . | Informational |
FQXSPNM4021I | IPv6 disabled by user [arg1] . | Informational |
FQXSPNM4022I | IPv6 static IP configuration enabled by user [arg1]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4023I | IPv6 DHCP enabled by user [arg1]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4024I | IPv6 stateless auto-configuration enabled by user [arg1]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4025I | IPv6 static IP configuration disabled by user [arg1]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4026I | IPv6 DHCP disabled by user [arg1]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4027I | IPv6 stateless auto-configuration disabled by user [arg1]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4028I | ENET[[arg1]] IPv6-LinkLocal:HstName=[arg2], IP@=[arg3] ,Pref=[arg4] . | Informational |
FQXSPNM4029I | ENET[[arg1]] IPv6-Static:HstName=[arg2], IP@=[arg3] ,Pref=[arg4], GW@=[arg5] . | Informational |
FQXSPNM4030I | ENET[[arg1]] DHCPv6-HSTN=[arg2], DN=[arg3], IP@=[arg4], Pref=[arg5], DNS1@=[arg5]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4031I | IPv6 static address of network interface modified from [arg1] to [arg2] by user [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4033I | Telnet port number changed from [arg1] to [arg2] by user [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4034I | SSH port number changed from [arg1] to [arg2] by user [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4035I | Web-HTTP port number changed from [arg1] to [arg2] by user [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4036I | Web-HTTPS port number changed from [arg1] to [arg2] by user [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4037I | CIM/XML HTTP port number changed from [arg1] to [arg2] by user [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4038I | CIM/XML HTTPS port number changed from [arg1] to [arg2] by user [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4039I | SNMP Agent port number changed from [arg1] to [arg2] by user [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4040I | SNMP Traps port number changed from [arg1] to [arg2] by user [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4041I | Syslog port number changed from [arg1] to [arg2] by user [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4042I | Remote Presence port number changed from [arg1] to [arg2] by user [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4043I | SMTP Server set by user [arg1] to [arg2]:[arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4044I | Telnet [arg1] by user [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4045I | DNS servers set by user [arg1]: UseAdditionalServers=[arg2], PreferredDNStype=[arg3], IPv4Server1=[arg4], IPv4Server2=[arg5], IPv4Server3=[arg6], IPv6Server1=[arg7], IPv6Server2=[arg8], IPv6Server3=[arg9]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4046I | LAN over USB [arg1] by user [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4047I | LAN over USB Port Forwarding set by user [arg1]: ExternalPort=[arg2], USB-LAN port=[arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4048I | PXE boot requested by user [arg1]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4049I | User [arg1] has initiated a TKLM Server Connection Test to check connectivity to server [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4050I | User [arg1] has initiated an SMTP Server Connection Test. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4051I | User [arg1] has set the SMTP Server reverse-path to [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4052I | DHCP specified hostname is set to [arg1] by user [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4053I | DNS discovery of Lenovo XClarity Administrator has been [arg1] by user [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4054I | The hostname from DHCP is [arg1] by user [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4055I | The hostname from DHCP is invalid. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4056I | The NTP server address [arg1] is invalid. | Informational |
FQXSPNM4057I | Security: IP address: [arg1] had [arg2] login failures, it will be blocked to access for [arg3] minutes. | Informational |
FQXSPOS4000I | OS Watchdog response [arg1] by [arg2] . | Informational |
FQXSPOS4001I | Watchdog [arg1] Screen Capture Occurred . | Informational |
FQXSPOS4004I | Operating System status has changed to [arg1]. | Informational |
FQXSPOS4005I | Host Power-On password changed. | Informational |
FQXSPOS4006I | Host Power-On password cleared. | Informational |
FQXSPOS4007I | Host Admin password changed. | Informational |
FQXSPOS4008I | Host Admin password cleared. | Informational |
FQXSPOS4009I | OS Crash Video Captured. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4000I | Attempting to [arg1] server [arg2] by user [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4001I | Server Power Off Delay set to [arg1] by user [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4002I | Server [arg1] scheduled for [arg2] at [arg3] by user [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4003I | Server [arg1] scheduled for every [arg2] at [arg3] by user [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4004I | Server [arg1] [arg2] cleared by user [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4005I | The power cap value changed from [arg1] watts to [arg2] watts by user [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4006I | The minimum power cap value changed from [arg1] watts to [arg2] watts. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4007I | The maximum power cap value changed from [arg1] watts to [arg2] watts. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4008I | The soft minimum power cap value changed from [arg1] watts to [arg2] watts. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4011I | Power capping was activated by user [arg1]. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4012I | Power capping was deactivated by user [arg1]. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4013I | Static Power Savings mode has been turned on by user [arg1]. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4014I | Static Power Savings mode has been turned off by user [arg1]. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4015I | Dynamic Power Savings mode has been turned on by user [arg1]. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4016I | Dynamic Power Savings mode has been turned off by user [arg1]. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4017I | Power cap and external throttling occurred. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4018I | External throttling occurred . | Informational |
FQXSPPP4019I | Power cap throttling occurred. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4020I | The measured power value has returned below the power cap value. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4021I | The new minimum power cap value has returned below the power cap value. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4022I | The server was restarted for an unknown reason. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4023I | The server is restarted by chassis control command. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4024I | The server was reset via push button. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4025I | The server was powered-up via power push button. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4026I | The server was restarted when the watchdog expired.. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4027I | The server was restarted for OEM reason. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4028I | The server was automatically powered on because the power restore policy is set to always restore.. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4029I | The server was automatically powered on because the power restore policy is set to restore previous power state.. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4030I | The server was reset via Platform Event Filter. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4031I | The server was power-cycled via Platform Event Filter. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4032I | The server was soft reset. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4033I | The server was powered up via Real Time Clock (scheduled power on). | Informational |
FQXSPPP4034I | The server was powered off for an unknown reason. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4035I | The server was powered off by chassis control command. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4036I | The server was powered off via push button. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4037I | The server was powered off when the watchdog expired. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4038I | The server stayed powered off because the power restore policy is set to always restore.. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4039I | The server stayed powered off because the power restore policy is set to restore previous power state.. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4040I | The server was powered off via Platform Event Filter. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4041I | The server was powered off via Real Time Clock (scheduled power off). | Informational |
FQXSPPP4042I | Management Controller [arg1] reset was initiated due to Power-On-Reset. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4043I | Management Controller [arg1] reset was initiated by PRESET. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4044I | Management Controller [arg1] reset was initiated by CMM. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4045I | Management Controller [arg1] reset was initiated by XCC firmware. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4046I | Remote power permission is [arg1]. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4047I | Management Controller [arg1] reset was initiated by user [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4048I | Attempting to AC power cycle server [arg1] by user [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4049I | Management Controller [arg1] reset was initiated by Front Panel. | Informational |
FQXSPPP4050I | Management Controller [arg1] reset was initiated to activate PFR Firmware. | Informational |
FQXSPPU0000I | [ProcessorElementName] in slot [SlotElementName] has been added. | Informational |
FQXSPPU2000I | [ProcessorElementName] in slot [SlotElementName] has been removed. | Informational |
FQXSPPU2001I | An Over-Temperature Condition has been removed on [ProcessorElementName]. | Informational |
FQXSPPU2002I | The Processor [ProcessorElementName] is no longer operating in a Degraded State. | Informational |
FQXSPPU2007I | The System [ComputerSystemElementName] has detected a POST Error deassertion. | Informational |
FQXSPPW0001I | [PowerSupplyElementName] has been added to container [PhysicalPackageElementName]. | Informational |
FQXSPPW0005I | [PowerSupplyElementName] is operating in an Input State that is out of range. | Informational |
FQXSPPW0008I | [SensorElementName] has been turned off. | Informational |
FQXSPPW0009I | [PowerSupplyElementName] has been Power Cycled. | Informational |
FQXSPPW2001I | [PowerSupplyElementName] has been removed from container [PhysicalPackageElementName]. | Informational |
FQXSPPW2002I | [PowerSupplyElementName] has returned to OK status. | Informational |
FQXSPPW2003I | Failure no longer predicted on [PowerSupplyElementName]. | Informational |
FQXSPPW2006I | [PowerSupplyElementName] has returned to a Normal Input State. | Informational |
FQXSPPW2007I | [PowerSupplyElementName] Configuration is OK. | Informational |
FQXSPPW2008I | [PowerSupplyElementName] has been turned on. | Informational |
FQXSPPW2031I | Numeric sensor [NumericSensorElementName] going low (lower non-critical) has deasserted. | Informational |
FQXSPPW2035I | Numeric sensor [NumericSensorElementName] going low (lower critical) has deasserted. | Informational |
FQXSPPW2047I | Numeric sensor [NumericSensorElementName] going high (upper critical) has deasserted. | Informational |
FQXSPPW2057I | Sensor [SensorElementName] has deasserted the transition from normal to non-critical state. | Informational |
FQXSPPW2061I | Sensor [SensorElementName] has transitioned to a less severe state from critical. | Informational |
FQXSPPW2063I | Sensor [SensorElementName] has transitioned to a less severe state from critical. | Informational |
FQXSPPW2101I | Redundancy Degraded for [RedundancySetElementName] has deasserted. | Informational |
FQXSPPW2104I | Non-redundant:Sufficient Resources from Redundancy Degraded or Fully Redundant for [RedundancySetElementName] has deasserted. | Informational |
FQXSPPW2110I | Non-redundant:Insufficient Resources for [RedundancySetElementName] has deasserted. | Informational |
FQXSPPW4001I | PCIe Power Brake for [arg1] has been [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPSB2000I | The System [ComputerSystemElementName] has detected a POST Error deassertion. | Informational |
FQXSPSD0000I | The [StorageVolumeElementName] has been added. | Informational |
FQXSPSD0001I | The [StorageVolumeElementName] Drive [arg1] in the enclosure/chassis(MTM-SN: [arg2]) has been added. | Informational |
FQXSPSD0003I | Hot Spare enabled for [ComputerSystemElementName]. | Informational |
FQXSPSD0005I | Hot Spare enabled for drive [arg1] in the enclosure/chassis (MTM-SN: [arg2]). | Informational |
FQXSPSD0007I | Rebuild in progress for Array in system [ComputerSystemElementName]. | Informational |
FQXSPSD0008I | Array rebuild in progress on drive [arg1] in the enclosure/chassis (MTM-S/N: [arg2]). | Informational |
FQXSPSD2000I | The [StorageVolumeElementName] has been removed from unit [PhysicalPackageElementName]. | Informational |
FQXSPSD2001I | The [StorageVolumeElementName] has been enabled. | Informational |
FQXSPSD2002I | Failure no longer Predicted on [StorageVolumeElementName] for array [ComputerSystemElementName]. | Informational |
FQXSPSD2003I | Hot spare disabled for [ComputerSystemElementName]. | Informational |
FQXSPSD2005I | Critical Array [ComputerSystemElementName] has deasserted. | Informational |
FQXSPSD2006I | Array in system [ComputerSystemElementName] has been restored. | Informational |
FQXSPSD2007I | Rebuild completed for Array in system [ComputerSystemElementName]. | Informational |
FQXSPSD2008I | Drive [arg1] in the enclosure/chassis(MTM-SN: [arg2]) has been enabled. | Informational |
FQXSPSD2010I | Drive [arg1] in the enclosure/chassis(MTM-SN: [arg2]) has been removed. | Informational |
FQXSPSD2011I | Failure no longer Predicted on drive [arg1] in the enclosure/chassis (MTM-S/N: [arg2]). | Informational |
FQXSPSD2012I | Hot Spare disabled for drive [arg1] in the enclosure/chassis (MTM-SN: [arg2]). | Informational |
FQXSPSD2013I | Array critical deasserted on drive [arg1] in the enclosure/chassis (MTM-S/N: [arg2]). | Informational |
FQXSPSD2014I | Array restored on drive [arg1] in the enclosure/chassis (MTM-S/N: [arg2]). | Informational |
FQXSPSD2015I | Array rebuild completed on drive [arg1] in the enclosure/chassis (MTM-S/N: [arg2]). | Informational |
FQXSPSE2000I | The Chassis [PhysicalPackageElementName] was closed. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4001I | Remote Login Successful. Login ID: [arg1] using [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4002I | Security: Userid: [arg1] using [arg2] had [arg3] login failures from WEB client at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4003I | Security: Login ID: [arg1] had [arg2] login failures from CLI at [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4004I | Remote access attempt failed. Invalid userid or password received. Userid is [arg1] from WEB browser at IP address [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4005I | Remote access attempt failed. Invalid userid or password received. Userid is [arg1] from TELNET client at IP address [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4007I | Security: Userid: [arg1] using [arg2] had [arg3] login failures from an SSH client at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4008I | SNMPv1 [arg1] set by user [arg2]: Name=[arg3], AccessType=[arg4], Address=[arg5], . | Informational |
FQXSPSE4009I | LDAP Server configuration set by user [arg1]: SelectionMethod=[arg2], DomainName=[arg3], Server1=[arg4], Server2=[arg5], Server3=[arg6], Server4=[arg7]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4010I | LDAP set by user [arg1]: RootDN=[arg2], UIDSearchAttribute=[arg3], BindingMethod=[arg4], EnhancedRBS=[arg5], TargetName=[arg6], GroupFilter=[arg7], GroupAttribute=[arg8], LoginAttribute=[arg9]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4011I | Secure Web services (HTTPS) [arg1] by user [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4012I | Secure CIM/XML(HTTPS) [arg1] by user [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4013I | Secure LDAP [arg1] by user [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4014I | SSH [arg1] by user [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4015I | Global Login General Settings set by user [arg1]: AuthenticationMethod=[arg2], LockoutPeriod=[arg3], SessionTimeout=[arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4016I | Global Login Account Security set by user [arg1]: PasswordRequired=[arg2], PasswordExpirationPeriod=[arg3], MinimumPasswordReuseCycle=[arg4], MinimumPasswordLength=[arg5], MinimumPasswordChangeInterval=[arg6], MaxmumLoginFailures=[arg7], LockoutAfterMaxFailures=[arg8]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4017I | User [arg1] created. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4018I | User [arg1] removed. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4019I | User [arg1] password modified. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4020I | User [arg1] role set to [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4021I | User [arg1] custom privileges set: [arg2][arg3][arg4][arg5][arg6][arg7][arg8]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4022I | User [arg1] for SNMPv3 set: AuthenticationProtocol=[arg2], PrivacyProtocol=[arg3], AccessType=[arg4], HostforTraps=[arg5]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4023I | SSH Client key added for user [arg1]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4024I | SSH Client key imported for user [arg1] from [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4025I | SSH Client key removed from user [arg1]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4026I | Security: Userid: [arg1] had [arg2] login failures from a CIM client at IP address [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4027I | Remote access attempt failed. Invalid userid or password received. Userid is [arg1] from a CIM client at IP address [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4028I | Security: Userid: [arg1] had [arg2] login failures from IPMI client at IP address [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4029I | Security: Userid: [arg1] had [arg2] login failures from SNMP client at IP address [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4030I | Security: Userid: [arg1] had [arg2] login failures from IPMI serial client. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4031I | Remote Login Successful. Login ID: [arg1] from [arg2] serial interface. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4032I | Login ID: [arg1] from [arg2] at IP address [arg3] has logged off. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4033I | Login ID: [arg1] from [arg2] at IP address [arg3] has been logged off. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4034I | User [arg1] has removed a certificate. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4035I | A certificate has been revoked . | Informational |
FQXSPSE4036I | The [arg1] certificate is expired and has been removed. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4037I | Crypto mode modified from [arg1] to [arg2] by user [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4038I | Minimum TLS level modified from [arg1] to [arg2] by user [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4039I | Temporary user account [arg1] is created by inband tool. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4040I | Temporary user account [arg1] expires. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4041I | Security: Userid: [arg1] had [arg2] login failures from a SFTP client at IP address [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4042I | The third-party password function [arg1]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4043I | Retrieving the third-party password [arg1]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4044I | User [arg1] third-party hashed password has been [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4045I | The Salt of user [arg1] third-party password has been [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4046I | The third-party password of the user [arg1] has been retrieved. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4047I | Role [arg1] is [arg2] and assigned with custom privileges [arg3][arg4][arg5][arg6][arg7][arg8][arg9][arg10][arg11] by user [arg12] . | Informational |
FQXSPSE4048I | Role [arg1] is removed by user [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4049I | Role [arg1] is assigned to user [arg2] by user [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4050I | [arg1] sent IPMI command from [arg2], raw data: [arg3][arg4][arg5]. | Informational |
FQXSPSE4059I | User [arg1] password modified by user [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address [arg4]. | Informational |
FQXSPSR2001I | Sensor [SensorElementName] has deasserted the transition to non-recoverable from a less severe state. | Informational |
FQXSPSS4000I | Management Controller Test Alert Generated by [arg1]. | Informational |
FQXSPSS4001I | Server General Settings set by user [arg1]: Name=[arg2], Contact=[arg3], Location=[arg4], Room=[arg5], RackID=[arg6], Rack U-position=[arg7], Address=[arg8]. | Informational |
FQXSPSS4002I | License key for [arg1] added by user [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPSS4003I | License key for [arg1] removed by user [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPSS4004I | Test Call Home Generated by user [arg1]. | Informational |
FQXSPSS4005I | Manual Call Home by user [arg1]: [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPSS4006I | Call Home to [arg1] failed to complete: [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPSS4007I | The BMC functionality tier is changed from [arg1] to [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPSS4008I | The [arg1] setting has been changed to [arg2] by user [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPSS4009I | System enters LXPM maintenance mode. | Informational |
FQXSPSS4010I | Test Audit Log generated by user [arg1]. | Informational |
FQXSPTR4000I | Management Controller [arg1] clock has been set from NTP server [arg2]. | Informational |
FQXSPTR4001I | Date and Time set by user [arg1]: Date=[arg2], Time-[arg3], DST Auto-adjust=[arg4], Timezone=[arg5]. | Informational |
FQXSPTR4002I | Synchronize time setting by user [arg1]: Mode=Sync with NTP Server, NTPServerHost1=[arg2]:[arg3],NTPServerHost2=[arg4]:[arg5],NTPServerHost3=[arg6]:[arg7],NTPServerHost4=[arg8]:[arg9],NTPUpdateFrequency=[arg10]. | Informational |
FQXSPTR4003I | Synchronize time setting by user [arg1]: Mode=Sync with server clock. | Informational |
FQXSPUN0009I | Sensor [SensorElementName] has asserted. | Informational |
FQXSPUN0026I | Device [LogicalDeviceElementName] has been added. | Informational |
FQXSPUN0048I | The RAID controller in PCI slot [arg1] in optimal status. | Informational |
FQXSPUN2009I | Sensor [SensorElementName] has deasserted. | Informational |
FQXSPUN2012I | Sensor [SensorElementName] has deasserted. | Informational |
FQXSPUN2018I | Sensor [SensorElementName] has deasserted the transition from normal to non-critical state. | Informational |
FQXSPUN2019I | Sensor [SensorElementName] has transitioned to a less severe state from critical. | Informational |
FQXSPUN2020I | Sensor [SensorElementName] has deasserted the transition to non-recoverable from a less severe state. | Informational |
FQXSPUN2023I | Sensor [SensorElementName] has deasserted the transition to non-recoverable. | Informational |
FQXSPUN2050I | The RAID controller in PCI slot [arg1] is no longer in critical status. | Informational |
FQXSPUP0002I | A firmware or software change occurred on system [ComputerSystemElementName]. | Informational |
FQXSPUP4001I | Flash of [arg1] from [arg2] succeeded for user [arg3] . | Informational |
FQXSPUP4002I | Flash of [arg1] from [arg2] failed for user [arg3]. | Informational |
FQXSPWD0000I | Watchdog Timer expired for [WatchdogElementName]. | Informational |
FQXSPWD0001I | Reboot of system [ComputerSystemElementName] initiated by watchdog [WatchdogElementName]. | Informational |
FQXSPWD0002I | Powering off system [ComputerSystemElementName] initiated by watchdog [WatchdogElementName]. | Informational |
FQXSPWD0003I | Power cycle of system [ComputerSystemElementName] initiated by watchdog [WatchdogElementName]. | Informational |
FQXSPWD0004I | Watchdog Timer interrupt occurred for [WatchdogElementName]. | Informational |
FQXSPBR4001I | Running the backup Management Controller [arg1] main application. | Warning |
FQXSPCA0007J | Numeric sensor [NumericSensorElementName] going high (upper non-critical) has asserted. | Warning |
FQXSPCA0015J | Sensor [SensorElementName] has transitioned from normal to non-critical state. | Warning |
FQXSPDM4002I | Device [arg1] VPD is not valid. | Warning |
FQXSPEA0001J | Sensor [SensorElementName] has transitioned from normal to non-critical state. | Warning |
FQXSPEA0003J | Link down is detected on port [arg1] of the PCIe device [arg2]. | Warning |
FQXSPIO0014J | Bus [SensorElementName] is operating in a degraded state. | Warning |
FQXSPMA0010J | [PhysicalMemoryElementName] on Subsystem [MemoryElementName] Throttled. | Warning |
FQXSPMA0011G | Memory Logging Limit Reached for [PhysicalMemoryElementName] on Subsystem [MemoryElementName]. | Warning |
FQXSPMA0024G | Sensor [SensorElementName] has asserted. | Warning |
FQXSPNM4010I | DHCP[[arg1]] failure, no IP address assigned. | Warning |
FQXSPNM4032I | DHCPv6 failure, no IP address assigned. | Warning |
FQXSPPP4009I | The measured power value exceeded the power cap value. | Warning |
FQXSPPP4010I | The new minimum power cap value exceeded the power cap value. | Warning |
FQXSPPU0002G | The Processor [ProcessorElementName] is operating in a Degraded State. | Warning |
FQXSPPU0010G | The Processor [ProcessorElementName] is operating in a Degraded State due to [ProcessorElementName]. | Warning |
FQXSPPW0003G | Failure predicted on [PowerSupplyElementName]. | Warning |
FQXSPPW0006I | [PowerSupplyElementName] has lost input. | Warning |
FQXSPPW0031J | Numeric sensor [NumericSensorElementName] going low (lower non-critical) has asserted. | Warning |
FQXSPPW0057J | Sensor [SensorElementName] has transitioned from normal to non-critical state. | Warning |
FQXSPPW0101J | Redundancy Degraded for [RedundancySetElementName] has asserted. | Warning |
FQXSPPW0104J | Non-redundant:Sufficient Resources from Redundancy Degraded or Fully Redundant for [RedundancySetElementName] has asserted. | Warning |
FQXSPSD0002G | Failure Predicted on [StorageVolumeElementName] for array [ComputerSystemElementName]. | Warning |
FQXSPSD0003G | Failure Predicted on drive [arg1] in the enclosure/chassis (MTM-SN: [arg2]). | Warning |
FQXSPSE0000F | The Chassis [PhysicalPackageElementName] was opened. | Warning |
FQXSPUN0009G | Sensor [SensorElementName] has asserted. | Warning |
FQXSPUN0018J | Sensor [SensorElementName] has transitioned from normal to non-critical state. | Warning |
FQXSPBR4003I | Platform Watchdog Timer expired for [arg1]. | Error |
FQXSPBR4007I | Management Controller [arg1]: Configuration restoration from a file by user [arg2] failed to complete. | Error |
FQXSPBR4008I | Management Controller [arg1]: Configuration restoration from a file by user [arg2] failed to start. | Error |
FQXSPCA0002M | Numeric sensor [NumericSensorElementName] going low (lower critical) has asserted. | Error |
FQXSPCA0009M | Numeric sensor [NumericSensorElementName] going high (upper critical) has asserted. | Error |
FQXSPCA0011N | Numeric sensor [NumericSensorElementName] going high (upper non-recoverable) has asserted. | Error |
FQXSPCA0017M | Sensor [SensorElementName] has transitioned to critical from a less severe state. | Error |
FQXSPCA0019N | Sensor [SensorElementName] has transitioned to non-recoverable from a less severe state. | Error |
FQXSPCR0001N | Sensor [SensorElementName] has transitioned to non-recoverable from a less severe state. | Error |
FQXSPEA0002M | Sensor [SensorElementName] has transitioned to critical from a less severe state. | Error |
FQXSPFW0000N | The System [ComputerSystemElementName] encountered a POST Error. | Error |
FQXSPFW0001N | Firmware BIOS (ROM) corruption was detected on system [ComputerSystemElementName] during POST. | Error |
FQXSPFW0002N | The System [ComputerSystemElementName] encountered a firmware hang. | Error |
FQXSPIO0001L | The connector [PhysicalConnectorElementName] has encountered a configuration error. | Error |
FQXSPIO0003N | A diagnostic interrupt has occurred on system [ComputerSystemElementName]. | Error |
FQXSPIO0004L | A bus timeout has occurred on bus [SensorElementName]. | Error |
FQXSPIO0006N | A software NMI has occurred on system [ComputerSystemElementName]. | Error |
FQXSPIO0007N | A PCI PERR has occurred on system [ComputerSystemElementName]. | Error |
FQXSPIO0008N | A PCI SERR has occurred on system [ComputerSystemElementName]. | Error |
FQXSPIO0011N | An Uncorrectable Error has occurred on [SensorElementName]. | Error |
FQXSPIO0013N | A Fatal Bus Error has occurred on bus [SensorElementName]. | Error |
FQXSPIO0015M | Fault in slot [PhysicalConnectorSystemElementName] on system [ComputerSystemElementName]. | Error |
FQXSPMA0002N | Configuration Error for [PhysicalMemoryElementName] on Subsystem [MemoryElementName]. | Error |
FQXSPMA0005N | Subsystem [MemoryElementName] has insufficient memory for operation. | Error |
FQXSPMA0007L | Scrub Failure for [PhysicalMemoryElementName] on Subsystem [MemoryElementName]. | Error |
FQXSPMA0008N | Uncorrectable error detected for [PhysicalMemoryElementName] on Subsystem [MemoryElementName]. | Error |
FQXSPMA0012M | An Over-Temperature Condition has been detected on the [PhysicalMemoryElementName] on Subsystem [MemoryElementName]. | Error |
FQXSPMA0013N | The System [ComputerSystemElementName] has detected no memory in the system. | Error |
FQXSPOS4002I | Watchdog [arg1] Failed to Capture Screen. | Error |
FQXSPOS4003I | Platform Watchdog Timer expired for [arg1]. | Error |
FQXSPOS4010I | OS Crash Video Capture Failed. | Error |
FQXSPPU0001N | An Over-Temperature Condition has been detected on [ProcessorElementName]. | Error |
FQXSPPU0003N | [ProcessorElementName] has Failed with IERR. | Error |
FQXSPPU0004M | [ProcessorElementName] has Failed with FRB1/BIST condition. | Error |
FQXSPPU0007N | CPU voltage mismatch detected on [ProcessorElementName]. | Error |
FQXSPPU0009N | [ProcessorElementName] has a Configuration Mismatch. | Error |
FQXSPPU0011N | An SM BIOS Uncorrectable CPU complex error for [ProcessorElementName] has asserted. | Error |
FQXSPPW0002L | [PowerSupplyElementName] has Failed. | Error |
FQXSPPW0007L | [PowerSupplyElementName] has a Configuration Mismatch. | Error |
FQXSPPW0035M | Numeric sensor [NumericSensorElementName] going low (lower critical) has asserted. | Error |
FQXSPPW0047M | Numeric sensor [NumericSensorElementName] going high (upper critical) has asserted. | Error |
FQXSPPW0061M | Sensor [SensorElementName] has transitioned to critical from a less severe state. | Error |
FQXSPPW0063M | Sensor [SensorElementName] has transitioned to critical from a less severe state. | Error |
FQXSPPW0110M | Non-redundant:Insufficient Resources for [RedundancySetElementName] has asserted. | Error |
FQXSPSD0001L | The [StorageVolumeElementName] has a fault. | Error |
FQXSPSD0002L | Drive [arg1] in the enclosure/chassis(MTM-SN: [arg2]) has been disabled due to a detected fault. | Error |
FQXSPSD0005L | Array [ComputerSystemElementName] is in critical condition. | Error |
FQXSPSD0006L | Array [ComputerSystemElementName] has failed. | Error |
FQXSPSD0007L | Array critical asserted on drive [arg1] in the enclosure/chassis (MTM-S/N: [arg2]). | Error |
FQXSPSD0008L | Array failed on drive [arg1] in the enclosure/chassis (MTM-S/N: [arg2]). | Error |
FQXSPSE4000I | Certificate Authority [arg1] has detected a [arg2] Certificate Error. | Error |
FQXSPSE4006I | SSL data in the Management Controller [arg1] configuration data is invalid. Clearing configuration data region and disabling SSL. | Error |
FQXSPUN0019M | Sensor [SensorElementName] has transitioned to critical from a less severe state. | Error |
FQXSPUN0023N | Sensor [SensorElementName] has transitioned to non-recoverable. | Error |
FQXSPUP0007L | Invalid or Unsupported firmware or software was detected on system [ComputerSystemElementName]. | Error |
FQXSPUP4000I | Please ensure that the Management Controller [arg1] is flashed with the correct firmware. The Management Controller is unable to match its firmware to the server. | Error |
FQXSPUP4003I | [arg1] firmware mismatch internal to system [arg2]. Please attempt to flash the [arg3] firmware. | Error |
FQXSPUP4004I | XCC firmware mismatch between nodes/servers [arg1] and [arg2]. Please attempt to flash the XCC firmware to the same level on all nodes/servers. | Error |
FQXSPUP4005I | FPGA firmware mismatch between nodes/servers [arg1] and [arg2]. Please attempt to flash the FPGA firmware to the same level on all nodes/servers. | Error |
Give documentation feedback