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FQXSFMA0034M : DIMM [arg1] (UID: [arg2]) of Intel Optane DCPMM persistent memory interleave set should be moved to DIMM slot [arg3] in sequence.

DIMM [arg1] (UID: [arg2]) of Intel Optane DCPMM persistent memory interleave set should be moved to DIMM slot [arg3] in sequence.


[arg1]: Dimm Silk Label, 1-based [arg2]: Dimm UID [arg3]: Expected Dimm slot number



User Action

Complete the following steps:

  1. Collect XCC Service Data.
  2. Power off system.
  3. Details included in this error message will provide the correct location for that DCPMM.
  4. Move the DCPMM to the correct location.
  5. If the problem persists, collect Service Data logs and contact Lenovo Support.