Server components
Use the information in this section to learn about each of the components associated with your server.
Identifying your server
When you contact Lenovo for help, the machine type, model, and serial number information help support technicians to identify your server and provide faster service.
Figure 1 shows the location of the label containing the machine type, model, and serial number.
Figure 1. Location of the machine type, model, and serial number

The model number and serial number are on the ID label on the front of the server, as shown in the following illustrations. You can also add other system information labels to the front of the server in the customer label spaces.
XClarity Controller network access label
In addition, the XClarity Controller network access labelis attached to the pull-out information tab located near the top of the center of the front view, with MAC address accessible with a pull.
Figure 2. XClarity Controller network access label on the pull-out information tab

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