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Protocol Version

  1. The protocol version is separate from the version of the resources or the version of the Redfish Schema supported by them.

  2. The root URI for this version of the Redfish protocol shall be /redfish/v1/.

  3. While the major version of the protocol is represented in the URI, the major version, minor version and errata version of the protocol are represented in the Version property of the Service Root resource, as defined in the Redfish Schema for that resource. The protocol version is a string of the format:
    Major Version.Minor Version.Errata Version
    Major VersionIntegerMajorA backward-compatible class change.
    Minor VersionIntegerMinorA minor update. Redfish introduces new functionality but does not remove any functionality. The minor version preserves compatibility with earlier minor versions.
    Errata VersionIntegerErrataA fix in the earlier version.
  4. Any resource discovered through links found by accessing the root service or any service or resource referenced using references from the root service shall conform to the same version of the protocol supported by the root service.