Read Requests (GET)
The GET method is used to retrieve a representation of a resource. That representation can either be a single resource or a collection.
Service Root Request
The root URL for Redfish version 1 services shall be "/redfish/v1/". The root URL for the service returns a ServiceRoot resource as defined by this specification.
Metadata Document Request
Redfish services shall expose a metadata document describing the service at the "/redfish/v1/$metadata" resource. The Services shall not require authentication to retrieve the metadata document.
OData Service Document Request
Redfish services shall expose an OData Service Document, at the /redfish/v1/odata resource. This service document provides a standard format for enumerating the resources. Services shall not require authentication to retrieve the service document.
Resource Retrieval Requests
Clients request resources by issuing GET requests to the URI for individual resource or resource collection. The URI for a resource or resource collection may be obtained from a resource identifier property returned in a previous request.
The HEAD method differs from the GET method in that it MUST NOT return message body information. However, all of the same meta-information and status codes in the HTTP headers will be returned as though a GET method were processed, including authorization checks. Services may support the HEAD method in order to return meta-information in the form of HTTP response headers. Services may support the HEAD method in order to verify link validity. Services may support the HEAD method in order to verify resource accessibility Services shall not support any other use of the HEAD method. The HEAD method shall be idempotent in the absence of outside changes to the resource.